"Sister Xiyan! Is your life in the Anbu very boring?" Baicao Qingchuan, who was sorting out food, looked at Maoyue Xiyan and said.

"If it's work, it's indeed a bit boring, but if it's carrying out tasks with friends, or carrying out tasks with teammates, it's different. You can only know that kind of fun after experiencing it!" Maoyue Xiyan smiled and said to her after hearing Baicao Qingchuan's words.

"Really? Then what tasks do you, as members of the Anbu, carry out?" Hinata Reika asked curiously.

Mao Yue Xi Yan put down the work in her hands, then held her chin with her hand, looked up at the sky for a while, and then said to her: "This is mainly to protect the shadow and prevent foreign enemies from invading the ninja village. Sometimes it is also responsible for reconnaissance and assassination. The nature of the task is generally extremely bad, such as guarding important suspects."

"By the way, we will wear white masks when we are on duty! Why, do you also want to go to the Anbu?"

After hearing Mao Yue Xi Yan's words, Baicao Qingchuan smiled and said: "We haven't graduated from the Ninja School yet, but our Uchiha Itachi, classmate Itachi has graduated early, and he seems to be preparing to go to the Anbu!"

"Really? When Uchiha Itachi was in the Anbu, I also heard his name! He is a very remarkable genius of the Uchiha family! And Liuli is also an absolute genius. His strength is recognized by us as too strong!" At this point, Mao Yue Xi Yan's eyes showed a very affirmative look.

"Of course, Liuli-kun is very powerful! Why do I feel that this woman likes Liuli-kun now?" Looking at Mao Yue Xi Yan with a very determined look, Baicao Qingchuan thought in his heart with some displeasure.

"Liuli-kun has been with her in the Anbu for a long time, it seems that I have to hurry up to improve my strength! Go to the Anbu as soon as possible, only in this way can I stay with Liuli-kun every day so that Liuli will not be snatched away by her!" Thinking of this, Baicao Qingchuan's face showed a smile.

"We are back! Is your food ready? We all feel a little hungry!" At this time, Liuli, Akagi Maru and Uchiha Itachi came back with three bundles of firewood.

Looking at the three people who came back with three bundles of firewood, Baicao Qingchuan smiled and said to them: "Okay, okay, you put the firewood here quickly, and we will start eating after the fire is lit!"

After hearing Baicao Qingchuan's words, Liuli and the other three put the three bundles of firewood in one place.

"We are really exhausted. It is not easy to find firewood in this place!" Liuli rubbed her shoulders after putting the firewood on the ground, and then said to the three girls.

Looking at Liuli's tired body, Baicao Qingchuan smiled and thought proudly: "Even Liuli is tired, now is my turn to show! I have to hurry up and prove it to Mao Yue Xi Yan!"

Speaking of Baicao Qingchuan, he came behind Liuli, put his hands on his shoulders, and began to massage Liuli.

"It's really comfortable! I didn't expect Qingchuan to be able to do this!" After feeling comfortable, Liuli smiled and said to Baicao Qingchuan.

"When I was at home, my mother always had back pain, so I massaged her all day long. After a long time, I naturally became proficient!" Baicao Qingchuan smiled proudly and said to Liuli.

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