Liuli took the big fish off the hook with a smile on her face, and then put it aside, and then looked at the big fish stupidly.

"I didn't expect that the feeling of catching a fish would be like this, it's really great! This can be regarded as giving me some motivation, otherwise I really want to leave the fishing rod there and go under the big tree to accompany Linghua!" Liuli looked at the fish she caught on the ground and thought to herself.

Liuli came to her senses and took out another earthworm and hung it on the hook, and then threw the hook into the water. She watched the movement of the float happily.

No matter what you do, if there is no reward for a long time, you might as well wait for a while, or work harder, in that case, you will definitely get something.

As long as there is a little bit of gain, it will be your motivation, and the same is true for life.

"Ah! Help!"

But at this moment, a sharp cry came from the forest.

"Oh no, the sound came from that direction, Qingchuan and the others must be in danger!" Liuli, who heard the cry for help, put down the fishing rod in her hand and quickly ran towards Baicao Qingchuan and the others.

After hearing the cry for help, Akamemaru and Uchiha Itachi also put down the fishing rod in their hands, followed Liuli, and quickly ran towards Qingchuan and the others. Hyuga Reika, who was sitting under the big tree, also stood up and moved quickly towards Baicao Qingchuan and the others.

"Qingchuan, you must be fine! I'll be there soon, wait for me!" Liuli, who was moving quickly towards Baicao Qingchuan and the others, frowned and thought in her heart.

In less than ten seconds, Liuli and the others came to Baicao Qingchuan and the others from the side of the stream.

"Qingchuan, what's wrong?" After arriving at Baicao Qingchuan and the others, Liuli saw Qingchuan and Maoyue Xiyan sitting on the ground and dared not move. Liuli did not observe the surroundings.

"Liu...Liuli-kun, there are enemies!" Baicao Qingchuan raised his trembling finger and pointed forward.

Liuli became alert instantly and looked in the direction pointed by Baicao Qingchuan. Sure enough, standing not far from them, there were five ninjas wearing masks and holding short swords in their hands, looking at them.

"Who are you?" Uchiha Itachi, who rushed to Baicao Qingchuan and the others, looked at the five ninjas in front of him and said loudly.

"Little ghost, you are all dying. You don't need to know who we are. Get ready to die!" The leading ninja said coldly to Liuli and the others.

"You are really arrogant! We don't know who will die and who will live later! I'm not curious about who you are, but you bullied Qingchuan, so you have only one way to die!" Liuli stood up from Baicao Qingchuan, walked to the five ninjas and said to them.

After hearing Liuli's words, Baicao Qingchuan's trembling body stopped trembling, and he felt a warmth in his heart for some reason, and then looked at Liuli's figure with a smile on his face.

"Little brat, you are no less arrogant than us! Then let's start with you!" One of the five ninjas standing in front of Liuli said with a sneer, then waved his hands, signaling the ninjas next to him to attack Liuli.

"Little brat, prepare to die! Our swords are very fast, and you won't feel any pain." The four ninjas rushing towards Liuli said to Liuli with a sneer.

"Don't overestimate your own abilities!" Liuli thought to himself as he watched the four ninjas rushing towards him, then he gathered chakra with both hands, and two Rasengan appeared in his hands in an instant.

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