Liuli came out of the baby products store holding a bunch of things that little Ningci needed.

"Liuli. How are your grades in school now? Are you falling behind?" Hinata Meiling asked Liuli while holding little Ningci.

Liuli looked up at Hinata Meiling's face and said, "There is no problem with studying. I always rank at the top in the class!"

"That's good! By the way, are there any little girls in the class? Have you played with them?" Hinata Meiling said with a smile while looking at Liuli.

"Aunt Meiling, you are so silly!" Liuli said with a look of contempt.

"Haha, Auntie is just asking casually, don't take it seriously!" Hinata Meiling said, covering her face.

"There are two girls in the class who play well with me!" Hinata Liuli said in a low voice with a pout.

"Really? Tell Auntie who they are and whether they are pretty or not! "Hinata Meiling looked at Liuli with great interest and said.

"One is from our Hyuga family, named Hyuga Linghua, and the other is Baicao Qingchuan. They are both very beautiful and cute!" Liuli replied.

"Haha, our Liuli is really charming. She can play with two beautiful little girls at once! Okay Liuli, come with me to buy you some clothes!" Hinata Meiling said with a smile.

"Aunt Meiling, I don't need to buy clothes. I still have clothes to wear. I don't need to buy them!"

"Let's go. You only know how to wear the same clothes every day! I haven't seen you change them. Hurry up, or the store will be closed soon!" Hinata Meiling pulled Liuli forward.

Seeing that Hinata Meiling was so determined to take her to buy clothes, Liuli followed her to the store helplessly.

"Come on, Liuli, try this set of clothes and see if it fits! "Hinata Ruri handed a sports suit to Ruri.

Ruri nodded after taking it, and then walked to the locker room.

Two minutes later, Ruri changed her clothes and walked out of the locker room.

"Aunt Meiling, the clothes are quite suitable. Take a look at whether this clothes are suitable for me!" Ruri wore the new clothes and turned around in front of Hinata Meiling.

"Well, let me see!"

Hinata Meiling looked at Ruri from head to toe, and then said: "Ruri, this clothes is very suitable for you. You look very good in it and you look handsome!"

"Then buy this clothes!"

Ruri was about to refuse, but found that Hinata Meiling was already paying the store manager, so she had to let Hinata Meiling buy the clothes.

"Let's go, Ruri, let's go to the supermarket to buy some food. The food in the refrigerator at home is almost gone! "After paying, Hyuga Meiling said to Liuli.

Liuli nodded, followed Hyuga Meiling out of the clothes shop, and then walked towards the supermarket.

They walked around for about an hour or two. Liuli carried two large bags of things in her hands, and Hyuga Meiling also carried a lot of things and returned home.

"Aunt Meiling, you and Ningci sit on the sofa and rest, I'll go sort out the things!" After walking into the room, Liuli took the things from Hyuga Meiling and said.

Hyuga Meiling nodded, then hugged Ningci and sat on the sofa. Liuli took three large bags of things and went to the refrigerator, and put the food in order.

After sorting out the things, Liuli walked to Hyuga Meiling and sat down and said, "Aunt Meiling! It's getting late, let's go to bed! Look, little Ningci has already started yawning! "

Hinata Meiling nodded and said, "Okay, Liuli, Ningci and I will go to bed first. I will get up early tomorrow to prepare dinner for you. You should go to bed soon too!"

Liuli nodded and watched Hinata Meiling and the others walk into the house and lie down on the sofa. In less than a few minutes, Liuli fell asleep.

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