Five minutes later, all the students of Class 5 of Ninja School had come to the playground and assembled. They all stood there quietly waiting for Asuma Sarutobi to speak.

"Today we will have a practical test! Next, I will announce the battle list!"

After Sarutobi said that, Asuma picked up the form in his hand and read it: "Yamazanaka Feng vs. Senri Yusho...Hinata Reika vs. Akagi Maru...Baica Harukawa vs....Hinata Ruri vs. Uchiha Itachi!"

Uchiha Itachi, who listened carefully to Asuma Sarutobi reading the list, said happily: "Ruri, it seems that this is God's will. We are assigned to the same group!"

Looking at the very happy Uchiha Itachi, Ruri thought to himself: "If I am not wrong, this time it should be assigned according to strength!"

Soon, the practical test has begun. The first to start the practical test are Yamanaka Feng and Senri Yusho.

At the beginning of the game, the two of them fought fiercely. The two figures fighting on the field dazzled the students present. In less than a few minutes, Yamanaka Feng's skilled physical skills on the field were almost suppressing Senri Nakasaka.

The students watching below were very satisfied. Liuli watched the two people fighting on the field and thought to herself: "This Yamanaka Feng looks very impressive! Although he can't use the secret techniques of the Yamanaka clan yet, he has practiced this physical technique and substitution technique very well, and he performed very well on the field! It seems that he is the best in the class except for a few of us!"

"No wonder in Naruto, he was accepted into the Root Organization by the old fox Danzo at a young age..."

"Yanaka Feng wins this game!" Soon the result of the battle came out, and Asuma Sarutobi said as he watched the victorious Yamanaka Feng on the field.


Sarutobi Asuma looked at the table in his hand and said, "The next match is, Hyuga Ruri vs. Uchiha Itachi!"

After the battle between Yamanaka Feng and Senri Mori, there were several battles, Hyuga Reika vs. Akagi Maru, Baicao Harukawa vs.... But the battles between them were very boring.

The whole class was waiting for this very fierce battle, that is, Hyuga Ruri vs. Uchiha Itachi.

"Is it going to start? Hyuga Ruri and Uchiha Itachi, I'm really looking forward to it!" The classmates next to him began to discuss below.

"The first and second place in our class are going to fight together again, I'm really looking forward to their duel!"

"Every time they fight, it's very exciting! That's the battle between real ninjas!"

Uchiha Itachi, and Hyuga Ruri are two geniuses from famous families. The duel between them is undoubtedly more eye-catching than the duel between others.

"Liuli-kun! Come on!" Baicao Qingchuan said beside Liuli when she was about to leave for the competition.

Liuli smiled and nodded, then walked to the middle of the training ground.

After the two walked to the middle of the competition ground, they saluted each other.

After raising her body, Liuli saw Uchiha Itachi's expression of determination that he would win and said lightly: "Come on! Itachi, let me see what makes you so confident today, don't let me down today"

"Humph! Liuli, don't be too arrogant! I'll show you my strength in a while!" While speaking, Uchiha Itachi opened his eyes, and his eyes instantly turned scarlet, and there was a magatama on each of his eyes.

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