It has been a while since Hizashi and Ruri finished their soft fist sparring.

Hizashi looked at Ruri's face and said peacefully, "It's getting late, let's stop practicing today! Neji and your aunt Meiling are still waiting for me at home, come home with me for dinner, you haven't seen Neji since he was born!"

"Let's do it tomorrow, I have to go to the street to buy some things later!" Although Ruri wanted to see the newly born Neji, he did have important things to do today, and he still didn't figure out why he could use the Eight Diagrams Sixty-Four Palms just now.

"Okay, then you must come tomorrow, your aunt Meiling has been nagging you for a long time, don't always lock yourself up at home to practice, you have to come out for some fresh air or something!"

Speaking of Hizashi's wife, Hyuga Meiling, she usually cares about Ruri, the little boy, and often calls Ruri to her home for dinner, and takes good care of her in daily life.

"Okay, okay, got it! I'll go tomorrow. To be honest, I also want to see Neji!"

When Liuli thought about her soul in her twenties being placed in the body of a little boy, and being pinched by Meiling, the young woman, all day long, she felt helpless.

After a hasty farewell, Hizashi left Liuli's small courtyard.

As soon as Hizashi left Liuli's courtyard, Liuli looked at the ring in her hand. This ring was in Liuli's hand when she came to Hokage, and she didn't know what it was for.

"What on earth is this ring? I've been holding it since I crossed over, and I don't know what it's for! Alas! There's a piece protruding here, and it seems that I can press it down!" Liuli pressed it curiously.

At the moment of pressing it, the color of the ring instantly turned purple-black, and then Liuli's head started to hurt.

After a while, the pain gradually disappeared, and Liuli slowly opened her eyes and found that she was no longer in her small courtyard, but in a strange place.

"Damn, what's going on? Where is this?" Liuli said as she looked around.

Liuli is now in a place that looks like a paradise, surrounded by peach trees and a small pavilion in the middle, which looks particularly comfortable.

"Hey, where is this place? It's so strange! I remember just pressing down the protruding part of the ring, could this be..." Liuli slowly walked towards the pavilion.

Just as Liuli was about to walk in front of the pavilion, several lines of virtual text appeared in front of Liuli.

"Welcome to you. This is the ring body. You can practice here. You can go out after reaching a certain level or completing a goal! And there are rewards!"

"Damn, is it so powerful? It turns out that my golden finger has been in my hand all along! Why did I just find it now? I really found it by mistake!"

Liuli saw a fruit and a book on the stone table in the pavilion, and then asked: "What is that fruit? Can it be eaten? And what is that book?"

"Yes, that is the reward for your entry and exit this time. It is a devil fruit, the Flame-Flame Fruit. Next to it is a book of ninjutsu."

"Damn, is it so slippery? It seems that it is only a matter of time for me to reach the top! Can I eat it now?" Liuli smiled happily.

"Of course."

With a ding, the barrier of the pavilion dissipated!

Liuli walked in, looked at the Flame-Flame Fruit on the stone table and said, "Is this the Devil Fruit? I've only seen it on TV before, but now I see it with my own eyes, and I still can't believe it!"

After saying that, Liuli reached out to pick up the Flame-Flame Fruit. Looking at the pattern on it, Liuli smiled and said, "I remember that the Devil Fruit seemed to be very unpalatable. Now it's finally my turn to eat it! I wonder if it's really unpalatable!"

Liuli ate the palm-sized Flame-Flame Fruit in three or four bites. After eating it, Liuli felt a burst of heat in her abdomen, and then began to hurt. Liuli's expression also began to stiffen.

"Damn, it's unpalatable, and my stomach started to hurt after eating it. It's really not easy to become a fruit ability user!"

After about ten minutes, Liuli's abdominal pain gradually disappeared. At this time, Liuli was sweating profusely. Liuli sat down on the bench and looked at the ring in her hand.

"Fortunately, I can bear this pain. I don't know what the ability of this Flame-Flame Fruit is. Can I take the Ninjutsu Encyclopedia?" Liuli asked.

A few lines of virtual words appeared in front of Liuli, saying: Sorry, I can't take it, but you can improve your strength. At that time, a set of Ninjutsu will be randomly selected from the Ninja Encyclopedia as a reward for you. The stronger the strength, the more Ninjutsu you will be rewarded with.The more powerful you are.

This is your first time to come inside the ring. There are two ways to enter the ring. One is the rest mode. You can rest and restore your physical strength when you enter.

The other is the training mode. You must reach a certain level before you can receive rewards and leave.

There is no reward in the rest mode. It just allows you to rest and restore your physical strength in the ring.

"Okay, I understand. By the way, why was I able to use the Eight Diagrams Sixty-four Palms just now?"

"The specific reason is not because of the ring, but because you have superhuman learning ability. It takes only a moment to develop a ninjutsu. It is not difficult to improve your strength. You will slowly experience this ability in the future!"

After saying that, Liuli returned to the real world from the ring.

Although Liuli now has a ring and a ninjutsu encyclopedia, he still has to go to the ninja school next year, otherwise he will not be able to receive tasks. Every ninja must go to the ninja school to study. If he doesn't go, it will be difficult to explain.

After returning to the real world, Liuli thought: In the original work, the physical skills that Hyuga Neji could display in the Chunin Exam at the age of 13 had already shocked many people. I am only five years old now, and I have mastered this advanced physical skill. It’s beautiful to think about it.

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