After realizing that the one she kicked away was a soil clone, Liuli immediately observed the surroundings with her eyes.

"Reika, this Genin seems to be stronger than the two just now!" Baicao Qingchuan said beside her.

Hyuga Reika nodded and said, "Well, indeed, this Genin is indeed stronger than the two just now. I don't know if Liuli can handle it."

"Haha! Go to hell! A kid is a kid after all!"

Just when Liuli was paying attention to observing the surroundings, a Genin rushed out from the soil in front of Liuli. After coming out of the soil, the Genin raised his knife and chopped at Liuli.

"Die, kid!" the Genin shouted.

"Don't overestimate your own abilities. There are not many people who dare to confront me head-on! Save the day!" Liuli said with a disdainful smile.

After that, Liuli quickly spun on the spot and released the chakra in her body.

When the Genin touched the chakra around Liuli's body, he was suddenly ejected far away, and his internal organs were twisted upside down by Liuli's chakra.

After being ejected, the Genin fell to the ground, holding his stomach, and suddenly spit out a mouthful of blood.

Liuli walked to the sword that the Genin had thrown away, bent down to pick it up, and then walked to the owner of the sword and said, "You are ninjas who have experienced hundreds of battles, but you were defeated by a student who is still in school. I really don't know how you survived on the battlefield!"

After saying that, Liuli thrust the sword fiercely into the Genin's body, only one centimeter away from his body.

"I admit defeat! I admit... I admit defeat!" The Genin was frightened by Liuli and surrendered directly, with a little liquid flowing out from under his pants.

"Go, it's so embarrassing!" After seeing that the Genin wet his pants, Liuli did not scare him anymore.

The whole battle was over in less than ten seconds. The students, teachers, and villagers who were watching the game on the field were instantly shocked!

"Look! The whole game was less than 10 seconds. Is he really a student who did not graduate from the ninja school?"

"Really? This kid from the Hyuga family is really incredible!"

On a tree outside the crowd, a ninja wearing a cat mask said: "This kid is really talented! I have to report to Master Danzo..."

After that, the ninja wearing a cat mask disappeared instantly.

After the game, Liuli and Asuma Sarutobi returned to the other classmates.

"Congratulations, Liuli, you finally became a real ninja. The teacher is proud of you!" Asuma Sarutobi said, holding a ninja forehead protector and gave it to Liuli. "You are the best student I have ever taught!"

After Liuli took the forehead protector, she said, "Thank you, teacher!"

After that, Liuli put the forehead protector on her forehead, just covering the "bird in a cage" curse mark.

"Liuli-kun, I am very happy for you! You are now a qualified ninja!" Baicao Qingchuan said with a smile.

Liuli nodded and said, "Well, you have to work hard, Qingchuan, remember our agreement!"

At this time, Uchiha Itachi, who was Liuli's competitor and a good friend, came to Liuli and said, "Liuli, I am happy for you too! But don't worry, I will catch up with you soon!"

Liuli smiled and said, "I believe in your talent very much. I am waiting for you to graduate from school as soon as possible, Itachi!"

"Liuli-kun, you have graduated, and I have to go to school by myself in the future!" Baicao Qingchuan said aggrievedly.

Liuli smiled and touched Baicao Qingchuan's head and said, "Silly, don't you still have Linghua to accompany you? Besides, it's not like we won't see each other in the future!"

"That's right, we'll go to school together in the future! Xiao Qingchuan!" Hyuga Linghua said while hugging Baicao Qingchuan.

After a simple farewell to classmates and teachers, a ninja with a cat face mask suddenly appeared behind Liuli.

"Hinata Liuli, the Third Hokage wants to see you! Please come with me!"

Liuli knew that the Third Hokage summoned her for her going to the Anbu.

But in the eyes of others, being summoned by the Third Hokage himself would definitely mean a promising future.

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