The next morning, Liuli woke up and sat on the bed, looking at the ninja forehead protector on the bedside. Liuli thought to herself: "I remember when I was a child watching Naruto, I always fantasized about becoming a real ninja! I really didn't expect that I could become a real ninja in my lifetime! This day has finally come!"

Liuli reached out and took the forehead protector. Looking at the familiar logo on the forehead protector, Liuli smiled and then put it on her forehead.

"Dong, Dong, Dong!"

At this time, the gate of Liuli's house was knocked. Liuli raised her head and said through the window to the gate that was being knocked: "Who could it be so early in the morning?"

"Please wait a moment, I'll be there soon!"

After Ai Liuli answered, the person outside the gate stopped knocking.

Liuli got up, put on her clothes, and ran out.


After Liuli pulled out the bolt in the courtyard door, she gently pushed open the courtyard door, and what came into Liuli's eyes was a beautiful young woman.

"Aunt Meiling, why are you here?" Seeing that the beautiful young woman was her aunt, Liuli smiled and said to her.

"Yesterday I heard that you successfully graduated from the Ninja School, so today I came to see what your plans are for the future? By the way, I brought you some things!" Hinata Meiling saw Liuli's gentle smile and said.

After Liuli took the things in Hinata Meiling's hand, she walked in with her.

"After returning home yesterday, I heard from your uncle Hizashi that you graduated from school. I was very surprised at the time! I really didn't expect that you have such a talent at such a young age!" Hinata Meiling, who sat on the sofa, looked at Liuli and said.

"Aunt Meilin, stop praising me! You know my abilities. Besides, there's really nothing I can learn in the Ninja School. I might as well graduate and go out! That way, I can learn more things that are beneficial to me!" Liuli put a cup of tea on the coffee table in front of Hinata Meiling, and said.

"Our Liuli has really grown up a lot! So what are your plans now?" Hinata Meiling stretched out her hand, pulled Liuli to her side, and then asked Liuli to sit down and said.

"When I just graduated yesterday, the Third Hokage had already met me! He gave me two choices, one was to follow the teacher to perform the mission, and the other was to join the Anbu!"

"Really? I really met the Third Hokage! What did you choose?" Hinata Meiling said in surprise.

Liuli scratched her head, then smiled and said, "I chose to join the Anbu. I think I can learn more in the Anbu, and I believe my strength will improve very quickly in the Anbu!"

"Really? Since you have decided where to go, I won't say anything more! But you have to remember, no matter where you are, don't forget to take care of yourself, your body is the most important!" Hinata Meiling said, touching Liuli's head.

"I know, Aunt Meiling, don't worry, I will take good care of myself!" Liuli felt very awkward when being touched on the head by Hinata Meiling.

"Oh, by the way, I almost forgot, this is what your uncle Hizashi and I prepared for you. Life in the Anbu must be very hard! So we prepared some food and some daily necessities for you!" Hinata Meiling said, and took the bag next to her in front of Liuli.

After Hinata Meiling opened the bag, she took out the things inside one after another, "There is your favorite beef jerky in it, and some food that is ready to eat right out of the bag..."

"Aunt Meiling, I will always remember the kindness you and Uncle Hizashi have shown me. I have been without parents since I was a child, and I have grown up with you! You are the last relatives I have left! Okay, you should also take good care of yourselves, and I will come back to see you regularly!" Liuli looked at Hinata Meiling who was taking things out and said very seriously.

At this time, Hinata Meiling's eyes were already filled with tears, and then she hugged Liuli in her arms and said softly: "Liuli, Auntie knows, don't worry! We will definitely take good care of ourselves, and you should also take good care of yourself!"

As she spoke, Hinata Meiling's tears flowed out, and her body hugged Liuli even harder.

Liuli was held in Hinata Meiling's arms, and this time he did not resist, he knew that Hinata Meiling really loved him and never regarded him as an outsider.

I don't know since when, Hinata Meiling has already regarded Liuli as her own child, this is the so-called motherly love.

"Liuli, when are you going to report to the Anbu!" Stop cryingHinata Meiling said, letting go of Liuli who was in her arms.

"The Third Hokage said yesterday that I should report directly to the Anbu in three days!" Liuli took a piece of tissue and handed it to Hinata Meiling.

"Well! There is still some time! Go to Auntie's house the day before reporting to the Anbu, and have a reunion dinner! Little Ningci hasn't seen you for several days, and he was still yelling to see Brother Liuli yesterday!" Hinata Meiling wiped her tears and said to Liuli.

Liuli nodded and said, "Okay! I miss little Ningci a little too!"

"Then let's make it like this. If there is nothing else, I will leave first! I have to go to the butcher shop to buy meat in advance, otherwise I won't be able to buy it by then!" Hinata Meiling stood up and said to Liuli.

"Okay, I don't have anything else to do here, so you go first, Aunt Meiling!" After saying that, Liuli sent Hinata Meiling away.

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