Naruto Jiraiya

Chapter 004

The next day, I got up very early, and after a simple wash, I walked to the Forest of Death, and today I had to skip class and hunt something to eat, otherwise I would starve again.

Looking at the big trees everywhere with the thickness of the two hugging, Zi Lai also wondered: “This Hokage world is really strange, how many years does such a thick tree grow.” ”

Such a big tree on Earth is very rare, only in the deepest part of the primeval forest, but the world of fire shadows is indeed everywhere, and now I have not entered the forest to see such a thick tree, then the deep tree in the forest is even thicker.

Zi Lai also did not hesitate to raise his legs and enter the Death Forest, and after entering the forest, Zi Lai also summoned three puppets, and these three puppets were given their own names by Zi Lai, directly distinguished by weapons.

Big knife puppet, spear puppet, painted halberd puppet.

Naming is too difficult for Jiraiya.

Three puppets, two in front and one in the back, also walking in the middle, constantly walking towards the depths of the forest of death.

I didn’t encounter any prey along the way, and for such a hunting method as Jiraiya, I will laugh off my big teeth when I see it.

Along the way, small animals have long been scared away in invisible places, and large beasts of prey are not everywhere.

I also know that I can’t go too deep, otherwise I will lose my way, and the deepest beast is not something that can be dealt with with by the strength of patience.

Jiraiya began to walk back.

At this moment, a huge black figure flashed in front, that with the speed of this patience, Zi Lai also took out the bitter unguarded, the big knife puppet quickly stepped forward, and slashed into the bush layer where the black shadow disappeared.

As the bush was split, he also saw that there was nothing inside.

While Jiraiya was looking intently in the direction of the bush layer, a black shadow rushed straight at Jiraiya from the tree next to him.

With the strong wind, Zi Lai also found the black shadow rushing towards him, and he couldn’t dodge, the spear puppet and the painted halberd puppet quickly killed the puppet from both sides, and Zi Lai also in order to avoid the attack, the trend was a lazy donkey rolling.

Narrowly dodged, and looked up to see that it was actually a pure black leopard without a trace of impurities.

The panther still wants to attack Jiraiya, it is no longer possible, and the two puppets have already launched attacks on the leopard on both sides.

At this time, Zi Lai also shot the kunai of his finger towards the leopard.

The spear puppet stabbed the leopard’s front leg with one shot, and at the same time the halberd puppet changed the chop to a beat, and stunned the leopard to the ground with a loud bang.

Jiraiya stepped forward and pierced into the leopard’s body with bitterness.

The leopard struggled a few times and finally broke off.

Zi Lai also quickly packed up and left here, after all, blood will attract more powerful beasts.

Jiraiya is also moving quickly beyond the forest.

Soon appeared outside the forest, Zilai also put away the puppet, carried the leopard to the butcher shop, in the previous life did not use leopard meat dishes, leopard meat can be eaten is still unknown.

In the butcher shop, I knew that leopard meat could be eaten, so I sold it directly to the butcher shop.

I started walking in the direction of the school, now that the school has started, I am naturally late.

Penalty stand at the door.

Zi Lai also leaned against the wall and thought: “Today’s hunt is very unsuccessful, if the reaction is not okay, you have to explain where, and it is too difficult to find prey in the forest, you must find a way to solve it.” ”

“If you want to find hidden prey in the forest, you have only hunting dogs, but ordinary hunting dogs are obviously useless.”

“It would be nice to get a ninja dog raised by the Inuzuka family, but a civilian Inuzuka family will not send me, and I will cultivate it myself, this method is feasible, but I will not raise it myself.”

Zi Lai also patted his head for a while.

In the end, Jiraiya decided that he still wanted to try it, and there were classmates from the Inuzuka family in his class, and if he asked him, he would not lose a piece of meat if he was rejected.

After waiting until the end of class, Jiraiya immediately ran to his classmate Inuzuka Ota and said, “Inuzuka Ota san, do you have a dog that you can give away, I want to adopt one.” ”

As Jiraiya’s words came out, the whole class looked at him strangely.

Zi Lai also scratched his head, a little speechless, and thought: “What are you doing looking at me like this, can’t I have flowers on me?” ”

Inuzuka Ota said leisurely, “Jiraiya, when I sent you in the first place, you don’t want it now.” ”

Jiraiya was also a little confused, thinking about it, there really was such a thing, when I first went to school, Inuzuka Ota was going to send Jiraiya a puppy.

Because Jiraiya often skips class with Inuzuka Ota together, the relationship between the two is very good, Inuzuka Ota saw that Jiraiya’s grades were too poor, so he thought of sending Jiraiya a puppy that could develop into a reconnaissance ninja, so that he would not even be a ninja in the end.

Of course, just sending a dog to Jiraiya, the secret art of the Inuzuka family cannot be passed on.

Zi Lai also touched his head awkwardly and said, “Didn’t you figure it out.” ”

Inuzuka Ota said, “Okay, you come with me to my house after school, and I’ll pick one for you.” ”

Zi Lai also smiled and said, “Thank you.” ”

After school, Jiraiya followed Inuzuka Ota to Inuzuka’s house.

And, he was taken directly to the kennel by Inuzuka Ota .

Inuzuka Ota quickly selected a puppy that had always been white for Jiraiya, but Jiraiya was really stunned when he looked at the large, two or three dogs in the kennel next to him.

Inuzuka Ota looked in the direction Jiraiya was looking and said, “This is what my father caught from outside, and after testing, it has no potential to become a ninja.” ”

Zi Lai Ye said, “Ah, can you give these three dogs to me?” ”

Inuzuka Ota said, “It’s not impossible, but these three dogs are a bit fierce, and the reason why my father brought them all back at that time was to see that he was fierce, and finally tested that he didn’t have the potential to be a ninja.” ”

I also know that the secret technique of the Inuzuka family is to cooperate with dogs, and these three dogs are Tibetan mastiffs in previous lives, this kind of dog is impossible to cooperate with people, how can there be Tibetan mastiffs in this world at that time, and I am also a little confused.

This is, a middle-aged man’s voice behind him said: “Does the little guy want these three dogs, it’s not impossible, but I suggest you want the two small ones, this big one is too fierce, there is no possibility of taming.” ”

Inuzuka Ota turned around and said, “Father, you’re back.” ”

Zi Lai also heard the voice and turned around: “Uncle is good.” ”

The middle-aged man stepped forward and said slowly, “You are Xiao Zilaiye, but I often hear Xiao Tian mention you.” ”

Zi Lai also touched his head and said, “Uncle, where did these three dogs come from?” ”

The middle-aged man mused, “This is what I caught on the border of the Thunder Country last time I went on a mission. ”

Zi Lai Ye said, “That uncle, if you can’t use it, then give it to me.” ”

The middle-aged man shook his head and said, “It’s not that I won’t give it to you, it’s just that this adult dog has been set, and it’s hard for you to get close to it.” ”

Zi Lai Ye said: “It’s okay uncle, I’ll just tie it up, and I don’t want to separate them as a family.” ”

Middle-aged humane: “Okay, but be careful not to be hurt by it.” ”

Zilai also hurriedly made a guarantee.

In the end, he also took away three dogs as he wished.

As soon as he got home, he squatted next to the three dogs and said to the big dog: “You are a Tibetan mastiff, aren’t you?” ”

The big dog obviously didn’t understand what Ji Lai was talking about.

Zi Lai also looked at the big dog, and he had to find a way to improve the dog’s IQ.

Now, the first thing is to tame it.

Zi Lai also released the puppet, opened the cage, the Tibetan mastiff quickly rushed out, just rushed out and was slapped on the ground by the big knife puppet, if you want to tame this adult Tibetan mastiff, you must subdue it.

Puppies just need to be domesticated slowly.

For one night, the adult Tibetan mastiff is tamed again.

Ji Lai also did not sleep all night, but when he saw the Tibetan mastiff he tamed, he did not feel sleepy at all.

I also went hunting in the Forest of Death, and this time I caught 10 rabbits, pheasants and other small animals without making a shot.

After eating dinner with the Tibetan mastiff, he left the mastiff at home to go to school on his own.

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