Naruto Jiraiya

Chapter 052

After making a big fuss about the roots, Zilai also lived a comfortable life, there was nothing to teach the four small cultivations, and then he took materials everywhere, although now Zilai does not have the urge to write a novel, but anyone who can watch beautiful women and raise their eyes will not refuse.

However, the good times did not last long, because Tuan Zang was discharged from the hospital, and he also had to guard against Tuan Zang’s retaliation.

After this incident, Tuan Zang will definitely not clash with himself head-on, but the dark arrow in the shadows is the most dangerous.

Although Jiraiya is not afraid, but he also has to prevent Tuanzo from attacking the people around him, Tsunade and Orochimaru are not worried, that is, his four disciples are more worried.

In the future, it is necessary to take more precautions against Tuanzo, and the reason why it is later, not now, is because the current four children have not yet become real ninjas, and every day in the village, Tuanzo is also difficult to start.

After the four little ones became subordinates, there were many ways for Tuan Zang to start.

The simplest is that in the process of carrying out the mission, selling intelligence and assassination can be done.

It is said that only those who were thieves the day before yesterday, and there are no thousand-day thieves.

Or think of a once and for all way to get rid of the hidden danger of Tuan Zang, the reason why a gentleman does not stand under the wall of danger is still very familiar.

In fact, the only solution is to improve the strength of the four small ones so that they can protect themselves, so that no matter what tricks the group hides, they can easily deal with it.

Next, Zilai also plans to conduct special training for the four small ones to improve the strength of the four small ones as much as possible.

Among the four people, only Yahiko’s talent is the worst, and there is no blood succession limit, and he can only rely on time to improve his strength.

Although Watergate also has no blood succession limit, Watergate has a hidden talent space affinity, as long as you learn the three-dimensional space of self-help, you can completely protect yourself.

Even if you can’t learn the three-dimensional space in a short time, it is still possible to learn the art of flying thunder god, and with the art of flying thunder god, Watergate can also protect itself.

Nagato needless to say, as long as he can practice two of the six paths, it is more than enough to protect himself.

Finally, Xiao Nan, Xiao Nan’s paper blood stains, is still very powerful, as long as the successful awakening, then, the strength will grow by leaps and bounds, plus the paper can fly into the air, so that you can better protect yourself.

After all, there are not many ninjas who can fly in the entire ninja world.

The biggest headache for Jiraiya is Yahiko, how to quickly improve Yahiko’s strength.

Since it is not the big snake pill in the original work, what kind of spell mark can quickly improve the strength, but the current big snake pill has not touched Shigego, so he has not studied the spell seal.

I also thought about it and didn’t have a clue at all.

After a while, Zi Lai also figured out that the spell mark of the big snake pill was completely developed from the immortal mode that did not enter the stream, as long as the four small schools learned the immortal mode, then the strength would naturally rise and improve rapidly.

Zi Lai also smiled bitterly and thought: “It’s really empty guarding the treasure mountain without knowing it.” ”

After thinking clearly, he was not entangled, just do it, and began to teach the four little immortal patterns, after all, any technique must be continuously learned, and cannot be achieved overnight.

The pie in the sky can only be achieved in dreams.

The four small talents are very good, and they are also very quick to learn, as long as they can sense the existence of aura, they can easily generate immortal chakra with the four small talents.

Because of the simple Chakra running route, the immortal mode will become permanent, instead of the half-hanged immortal mode transmitted from the three holy places.

Moreover, it can constantly strengthen the physical body, so that the physical skills can also be inadvertently improved.

Just like the current Jiraiya, there is no word for physical fitness, if it is Tsunade in the original work, attacking with strange power with all his strength, it is no different from being bitten by a mosquito.

The reason why the current Tsunade can still break Jiraiya’s ribs is completely that the current Tsunade also cultivates aura, and the power of physical fitness and strange power is naturally not comparable to Tsunade in the original work.

With the power of Tsunade’s monster power now, Uchiha’s complete body can not take Tsunade’s punch.

Now, the strength of the three of them is stronger than the peak period in the original work.

Of course, except for the rebirth of the Great Snake Pill, this technique is more perverted than the bloodline of the Great Tubewood clan, as long as there is a little cell, even the Great Tubewood Kaguya can be summoned after death.

However, this requires the big snake pill to use, not the pocket of this half-hanger, it is not difficult to see in the original work, the big snake pill has never been out of control with the rebirth of the soil, and when the pocket is used, there are too many ninjas who can get out of control.

Even Kato was able to rely on the Spirit Technique to get out of Pocket’s control, thus saving Tsunade from Uchiha’s hands.

Although it has been refined into the immortal mode of Longdi Cave, seriously, with the talent of the big snake pill and the study of the art, it is impossible to connect, don’t forget that the spell seal of the big snake pill is adapted on the basis of the immortal chakra.

To say that the big snake pill does not understand immortal arts, he does not believe it.

In addition, in the original work, he also refined immortal arts in Secki Mountain early, and the big snake pill as a teammate can not understand.

There is only one explanation, that is, after seeing the immortal technique of the Dragon Earth Cave, the Great Snake Pill found that there was a big flaw in it, and it was naturally impossible for the Great Snake Pill to cultivate this defective technique.

But with the degree of obsession with the art of the big snake pill, naturally he will not give up, and in the case that the big snake pill wants to learn, it is naturally to complete the cultivation method of this immortal art, and with the existence of Chongwu, the immortal mode has become a spell mark in the hands of the big snake pill.

The big snake pill naturally did not place a spell mark on his body, and after studying to the end, the immortal rebirth came out like this.

To put it bluntly, the immortal rebirth of the big snake pill in the original work is also an alternative immortal mode, but the big snake pill is an auxiliary function, and Zilai also cultivates attack.

Then there is Tsunade, who definitely knows more about the immortal mode than Jiraiya and Orochimaru, because his grandfather is a good hand in this regard.

If Tsunade didn’t know the immortal model, and said that Tsunade didn’t have any qualifications to cultivate, this would kill Zilaiye, and Zilai wouldn’t believe it.

In the original work, in terms of qualifications, Zilai is also the bottom existence of the three, and in the original work, Zilai also cultivates the immortal mode, which also has many reasons.

His other two teammates are improving every moment, only Zilai has not improved, plus Zilai has also been recognized by Secrumi Mountain, but he is only fighting as a psychic beast, too single, and can only cultivate the flawed immortal mode.

In the later stage, looking at the battle of Zilaiye, it was all related to toads.

This is the sadness of civilian ninjas, who have no resources and can only constantly develop existing resources.

If Jiraiya could also learn the ninjutsu in the Book of Konoha’s Seal, then Jiraiya would definitely be more powerful.

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