Naruto Jiraiya

Chapter 085

In the blink of an eye, a month has passed, and Konoha has also spread bad news, the limit of the nine-tailed human pillar force is coming, and the new nine-tailed human pillar force personnel have been selected.

During this time, the spies of each village continued to transmit information back to their villages, and the spy battle was staged again.

However, the spies could not be caught, and the news still reached the rest of the Shinobi village.

In order to weaken Konoha’s power, the Thunder Country of the Four Kingdoms actually sent an elite squad to capture the new Nine-Tails Pillar Force candidates.

And he also managed to sneak into Konoha, ready to strike at Kushina at any time.

Zi Lai did not care about this matter, and completely left it to the disciples to do, which was also a test for the disciples.

Until the Thunder Ninja Envoy entered Konoha, he did not appear, but he was secretly observing, mainly because of his arrival, resulting in a butterfly effect, and he was afraid that because of his own relationship, this time, the Thunder Ninja Messenger incident, will there be a powerful ninja.

Zilai also followed the water gate, and when he saw that the water gate and Kushina were together, he almost didn’t die laughing to death.

Kyusina is like a queen, and Watergate is a small follower, following behind, if something Watergate rushes up, it’s okay to follow Jiusinnai.

Watergate did a good job, Kushinai kissed Watergate’s face, as a reward, Watergate will be happy to fart upside down.

Jiraiya was following vigorously, but behind him came Tsunade’s angry voice: “Jiraiya, what are you doing here sneakily, are you doing something shady.” ”

Jiraiya heard Tsunade’s voice and was directly stunned in place.

Then, Jiraiya slowly turned around and smiled at Tsunade: “No, Tsunade, I didn’t do anything, just basking in the sun here.” ”

When Tsunade heard Jiraiya’s words, he said even more angrily: “Jiraiya, if you lie, you can also think about it, you look up and see where the sun is today.” ”

Zi Lai also laughed: “I’m watching Watergate and Kushina fall in love, it’s so funny.” ”

Tsunade said, “Really, you can think clearly. ”

Zi Lai also said: “It’s true, don’t believe you look over there.” ”

Jiraiya pointed in the direction of Watergate and Kushinna, and only showed it to Tsunade, and then saw that Watergate was wiping his mouth for Kushinna, and just now Kushina ate a bunch of balls.

Tsunade burst out laughing when he saw the performance of Watergate and Kushina, and Tsunade whispered to Jiraiya: “The little two are dating, what are you doing with it.” ”

Zi Lai also said: “You think I think, now, the matter of Grandma Mito, the village is very restless, Kushina as the next nine-tailed man Zhuli, during this time, there will definitely be some people plotting against me, so I have to follow along.” ”

Tsunade said sadly, “Grandma’s situation is getting worse and worse, and you said if Reiki can save Grandma.” ”

Zi Lai also said with a smile: “If you say this, there is really a ninjutsu in the ninja world that can save the human pillar force that lost the tailed beast. ”

Tsunade grabbed Jiraiya’s hand and said, “Jiraiya, tell me what ninjutsu it is.” ”

Zi Lai also said: “This person ninjutsu, if you say no, it’s better not to say it.” ”

Tsunade said, “Jiraiya, you’re itchy. ”

Jiraiya looked at Tsunade’s posture of rolling his sleeves, and shook his head helplessly and said: “This ninjutsu is not Konoha’s, it is a secret art of the Sand Ninja Village, and the study of puppets and derivative techniques, this secret art can pass on one’s life to someone who has just died, and resurrect this person.” ”

Tsunade said in shock, “I didn’t expect that Shinobu still has such a secret technique, but I have never heard of it.” ”

Zi Lai also said: “Because this technique has never been used, this is what should be done, if you want to save the dead, the price is the life of the caster.” ”

Tsunade said, “Is there any other way?” ”

Zila also shook his head and said: “Grandma Mito is a person of the Uzumaki clan, if in the prime of life, the tailed beast is withdrawn, then Grandma Mito can not die, this is the physical problem of the Uzumaki family, now Grandma Mito is older, as long as the tailed beast is drawn, then it will be a lack of skills.” ”

Tsunade said with red eyes, “Is there no other way.” ”

Jiraiya shook his head and said: “If you want to say a way, there is still a way, keep Grandma Mito’s body, and wait until Nagato’s reincarnation eye grows to use the reincarnation innate technique to resurrect Grandma Mito.” ”

Tsunade said, “How can this work, so that Nagato can’t live.” ”

Zi Lai also said: “There is no absolute, if you want to use the reincarnation innate technique to immortality, there is still a way, as long as Nagato’s strength reaches a certain level, then you can use the reincarnation innate technique, and then it is the reincarnation technique of the second generation of adults.” ”

Tsunade said, “I don’t know how long it will take. ”

Zi Lai also said: “Actually, using the technique of rebirth of the years and soil, you can use it now, and the big snake pill has studied this technique very deeply, so I must be able to use it.” ”

Tsunade said, “This is playing with the soul of the dead, and I will not agree.” ”

Zi Lai also said: “In fact, when the second generation of adults created this ninjutsu, their idea was very simple, if Konoha faced the crisis of destruction, he would use this technique to summon the masters of Konoha and save Konoha, but because of the teacher’s relationship, few people in Konoha can learn the ninjutsu on the Book of Seals, really one day, Konoha encountered a strong enemy and could not deal with it, and it was impossible to save Konoha with this ninjutsu.” ”

Tsunade said, “I don’t know, the teacher decided when to draw the Nine Tails. ”

Zi Lai also said: “Who knows, this is all a secret of the village, only the teacher knows it, we can only know it until that day.” ”

Tsunade shook his head and said, “Still unwilling. ”

Jiraiya said: “Actually, it is not impossible to get the ninjutsu of Sha Shinobu. ”

Tsunade hurriedly said, “Jiraiya quickly said, is there any way to get that ninjutsu.” ”

Zi Lai also said slowly: “As long as you know which ninja created this technique, and then use the rebirth of the years to summon this person, and control this person to use this ninjutsu, it’s okay.” ”

Tsunade’s eyes lit up and said, “Then what are you waiting for, let’s go find Orochimaru, and do you know who can do this ninjutsu.” ”

Zi Lai also touched his head and said: “I really don’t know about this, but I know that this technique is now the elder Chiyo of Sha Shinobu, and as for who will be before, I don’t know.” ”

Tsunade looked at Jiraiya and said, “Say, how did you know that Chiyo would do this ninjutsu.” ”

Naturally, I can’t say, I’ve read the original.

Jiraiya could only fool Tsunade and said: “This technique is the secret technique of the Sand Ninja puppet family, and Chiyo, as the leader of the puppet force, will naturally know this ninjutsu.” ”

When Tsunade heard this, he nodded and said, “This method will not work, we don’t know who can do this technique, and besides, we also have to get the cells on that person, which is more difficult.” ”

Zi Lai also said: “Let it be, Tsunade, don’t be sad, in fact, as long as you cultivate the aura to a certain realm, then you can resurrect anyone, and there are no side effects.” ”

Tsunade looked at Jiraiya and said, “Really, how far do you have to cultivate?” ”

Zi Lai also said: “I don’t know about this, but I know that at that point, we will already live the same life.” ”

Then he said, “Don’t think about it, Tsunade, as long as we work hard to cultivate, we will be able to achieve it one day.” ”

Tsunade clenched his fists and said solemnly, “Yes, as long as you work hard, it will come true one day.” “_

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