Naruto: Journey Of The Strongest Teacher

Chapter 101 - The Six-Tails Jinchūriki

General POV

Ishizu looked around the village and yawned. All those fillers had some boring parts, and he just wanted to finish it and come to the important thing.

The interesting thing was that the back of the girl, Naruto, and the rest had to protect. The Third Hokage allowed Ishizu to read about the information they had about the Dohatsuten.

Sarutobi Hiruzen labeled it a kinjutsu because of the destruction value, but Ishizu knew more. Only a few could 'see' it.

What En no Gyōja compressed in the back of the young girl was nature energy. That in itself was a feat to be praised since even Ishizu only managed to seal nature energy with fuinjutsu during his training with the pandas and even now he hadn't perfected it.

The reason was simple, as the jutsu had a simple purpose. Compressed amount of nature energy inside the girl was used to draw in even more nature energy from around her. Such concentrated nature energy was highly dangerous.

Opening the seal would allow the nature energy to burst out with such speed that it would create a tremendous explosion.

Ishizu stood hidden from the rest before he saw Yang-Yang appeared before him.

"Mission was successful. Sage Ishizu, I am concerned about the girl," spoke Yang Yang.

"I know what you mean. Such jutsu shouldn't be in the hands of humans. The leader of this bandit group could fuċk up the jutsu and kill everyone here. It was a long time since I watched this episode so I am not sure what will happen.

Our objections are to prevent the jutsu from activating, but at the same time, we have to wait for Utakata to release his bijuu chakra. This will make it easier to fill the container. Yang Yang, get your sister and prepare a sealing array for the concentrated chakra bomb. I will try to remember what will happen."

While Naruto and his team went back to the town, Ishizu followed the chakra from Utakata, but when he came to the place, he found 5 people there.

Ishizu took out a Mizu Anbu mask he had in his storage and placed it on his face. These people were filler villains. They wouldn't even suspect that an enemy was posing as somebody else.

"Well, this is unfortunate. I thought he was here, but you guys must have scared him away."

The leader looked at Ishizu.

"You are a Mist Anbu. Are you after his head too?" asked the leader.

"He must die. I have no need for his money. As long as you don't get in my way, we will have no problem."

Behind the mask, Ishizu rolled his eyes.

'Man, this boss looks ugly. He looks like he was summoned by the Edo Tensei. Bah.'

"I have found the enemy, but no Hotaru. She must have escaped. There are 5. 4 of them match the description. The other one is probably the leader. There is also another chakra, but he is avoiding my detection."

Then Naruto turned towards another place.

"I found her and the other bubble guy," announced Naruto.

Scene change

Utakata had it difficult fighting against the Mist shinobis.

"Panda Senpo: Attack Style."

With a flash, all the Mist Anbu were down and in the middle stood a man Utakata knew.

He was with the Konoha Shinobi.

"It seems I came at the right moment."

"You made a big mistake, Konoha Shinobi," spoke one of the Anbu.

Ishizu sighed. Why must he always get into annoying situations?

"And you have no idea who you are dealing with. I have good connections with the current Mizukage. I doubt she will be happy hearing about you making my life difficult."

"Your mission is to..."

Ishizu didn't give him the chance to speak and let the others discuss the problem.

Naruto and the rest as well as the captain of the Mist Anbu appeared and they've come to an agreement. Ishizu, Yamato, and the Mist Captain had a conversation.

"Utakata will be with the girl until your mission is over. After that, he will be coming with us."

"Whatever. I doubt he will stay with you. I already sent a message to your Kage asking for allowance to keep Utakata company," said Ishizu, which of course was a lie.

The Mist captain looked at Ishizu.

"He is a rogue ninja. As long as he is one, we will fulfill our mission."

"Then it is simple. Terumi Mai will correct the Bingo Book. Utakata won't be a rogue ninja anymore."

"You have no idea what you are dealing with," snapped the captain.

Ishizu smirked.

"Oh, I know all too well."

Yamato ordered Ishizu to leave and let him handle the conversation.

I few meters away Ishizu performed the summoning Jutsu.

"Is it time to fight, brother Ishizu?" asked Tau, as he appeared before him.

"No, not now. I want you to send a message to the Hidden Mist. I have changed my plan. At first, I wanted to just take the chakra from Utakata and Saiken, and let the guy die, but why do I have to go by canon?" A grin appeared on Ishizu's face.

"Also, I want Obito to rage more. Tell Mei that Konoha will take Utakata into custody and will protect him until the problem with Akatsuki is over."

Tau nodded and disappeared.

"You know why master Utakata doesn't want me to call him master, right?" asked the girl.

"And what makes you ȧssume that?"

Hotaru had no time to answer as she fell down. As Sakura wasn't with them, Utakata ordered the team to look for medical herbs while he looked over Hotaru.

Ishizu came with them as he had knowledge of medical ninjutsu.

"I ask you nicely to not talk about my past, Sasaki-san," Utakata whispered to Ishizu, clearly knowing about the latter's identity.

"You can't run away from your past, Utakata. You have to let go of it."

"I want to live free. I don't want to be a mere tool to my former village."

Ah, yes, the problem of Jinchuriki.

"I could help you, you know? But if I told you how, you would attack me in fury. Just know that you are not the only one who has such a burden. There are 8 more."

"So you do know about me," stated Utakata.

"And my opinion about you doesn't change. I trained a Jinchuriki myself. I know how people looked at him. They either saw him as a monster or as a weapon. Your village saw you as more of a weapon, but the village you once called 'Bloddy Mist' has changed."

The conversation was interrupted when Naruto appeared.

"What is that behind her shirt?" asked Naruto, his eyes showing pigmentation indicating he was in Sage Mode.

'He must have seen the nature energy in her back.'

Ishizu glanced at the girl, who nodded, giving him permission, and he gently lifted the clothes to reveal the seal.

"This, Naruto, is the seal for the forbidden jutsu. It was placed into her back when she was young."

"Then I will get it out," said Naruto before Ishizu appeared before him, shaking his head.

"Your Sage Mode should tell you what this jutsu is. Look closer."

Naruto focused, but he couldn't find the problem.

"You are looking, yet being blind. It is the concentration, boy. Her whole back is carrying compressed nature energy. If it is allowed to draw in more and be released without proper management, it would blow everything apart," explained Kurama, annoyed because he didn't like explaining things to Naruto.

"This.... this is horrible."

"So what? I wanted it to be done!" shouted Hotaru.

"I asked my grandfather to inherit the jutsu."

Naruto couldn't say more. After that, the team returned to Sakura, and Ishizu listed to Naruto talking to Hotaru's servant. He noticed the leader of the bandits spying on them, but he had no need to for them.

What he wanted to see was the scroll the servant had. If he had the scroll, he would have it easy to remove the jutsu from Hotaru's body. But Hotaru didn't want to remove it and instead choose to search for the leader of the bandits.

At night, Utakata came to Ishizu.

"It is Naruto, right? He is the same as me."

"Oh, you figured it out? Yes, he is the Jinchuriki of the strongest Bijuu. The Kyuubi."

"I see."

Saying nothing, Utakata left.

The next day, Ishizu felt a powerful chakra signature invading his territory. This was not your ordinary Shinobi.

"Summoning Jutsu!"

"My, oh, my. You are summoning me, Sage Ishizu? What is it that you are summoning so many pandas these days? The sisters are working on the seal and Tau is also gone. What do you want from me?" questioned Denku.

"Somebody strong is here. I can't get a read on his chakra, but compared to your average jonin, he is strong. Find him and tell me who it is. I have a bad feeling."

"Will be done, Sage Ishizu," replied Denku before leaving.

While the team was searching for the bandit leader, the 4 other enemies caught Naruto, but unlike in canon, Naruto defeated them with ease.

"Naruto, I have a bad feeling. Something is happening to the girl," declared Kurama.

"Yeah, me too. Let's find Utakata and get Hotaru back."

Meanwhile, Ishizu was watching from far away over Hotaru. He didn't feel the strong presence anymore, but he needed Denku back to confirm it.

Denku POV

"My oh my. You are one big dȯġġƴ, aren't you? Do you want a dumpling? Unfortunately, I am not looking for you but for your master. Be a good pet and show me where he is."

Dogs were really stupid since this one didn't take the offer of the dumpling and tried to bite me. Much rude.

"And I thought dogs were smart. Maybe you were just born dumb?"

With a quick strike to one head, I dispelled the dog.

"Shinro Tensei!"

"Panda Style: Defense."

The gravity pushed on my body but it was useless. Guess I found my target, and it is none other than the other Rinnegan wielder. Pain, I think, was his name. Original.

"So the pet owner came after he felt his dog lose?"

He was vulgar just to glare at me with his Rinnegan. He wasn't even intimidating.

"So the pet owner is the puny God? The last time I've seen you, you were in bad shape. What brings you here? Revenge?"

"All shall die by God's hand, Shinra Tensei."

Denku only shook his head.

"You don't get it, do you? If it was any other panda besides Tau or Po, they would clearly struggle against you, but you had the bad luck to meet me.

Do you want to know why?"

The Deva Path didn't answer. Why don't living beings talk more? Vocal cords are there for a reason.

"Because I am your worst nightmare when it comes to those eyes."

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