Naruto: Journey Of The Strongest Teacher

Chapter 103 - Problems everywhere

General POV

On the grassy plains of *DD* sat a man and in front of him were 9 containers.

Each container had marbles that Ishizu tried to fill.

No, with the chakra of the Jinchuriki, the remnants of the God Tree, all marbles were filled enough to awaken the complete Ten Tails.

"I've done it. After all, I actually did it."

Even now, Ishizu had a frown on his face. The betrayal still lingered around his head.

"Congratulations, Sage Ishizu. Now, when are you going to awaken the God Tree? You have all ingredients.. You only need to summon the Gedo Mazo and 'bam' you have a full Gedo statue," Tau filled himself some tea as he spoke.

"Brother Tau, you think simple, but the truth is far from it," spoke Brother Long, shaking his head as he filled himself the same tea.

"And please tell me how?" inquired Tau with a smile while dumping a dumpling inside the tea.

"Sage Ishizu dėsɨrės peace between the villages. As a strategist, he wants to wait for the right moment when everybody is concentrating on the war. He will sneak behind them and take the price. Am I right, Sage Ishizu?" asked Brother Long, and Ishizu looked up to the big panda and gave him a nod.

"That's pretty damn good and accurate, Long. There are other factors that play a role. As you said, I have to wait for the war to happen. I am not sure how the Gedo Statue works when two Rinnegan users summon it and I don't want metal sticking out of my back.

I still haven't completed my special squad of Edo Tensei.

The last and most annoying problem: I need special help is to contain the Yuubi. I got a pretty good picture seeing Obito being mentally ripped apart when he absorbed the Yuubi and only through willpower alone did he survive.

I ain't going to do that without knowing if I have enough mental strength or plot armor. I will play it safe and wait for the moment to come. Though there is the question of what to do with Nagato? If he survives, Obito will either kill him and Konan to get the Rinnegan or force him to use the Rinne Rebirth to awaken Madara.

There will be casualties in Konoha, but they will be reduced to 0 minus Danzo when and if Nagato uses his Outer Path to resurrect all of them.

If he does, he will die, and Konan will take him back to Ame. I will get a special Edo Tensei and save Konan from dying.

For the war to happen, I have to give Obito at least one Rinnegan. Due to my impact on his plans, Obito will most certainly take Kabuto as a partner to compensate for the missing Tailed Beasts.

With the Rinnegan, the Zetsu army, and Kabuto, Obito will grow enough confidence to declare war on the nations. Killer B was attacked, as well as Yugito twice. Even if the Raikage is a brash individual, he won't let it slide and will induce a Five Kage Summon."

Ishizu paused for a moment. He was explaining a lot of the future that wasn't even written in stone. Some many things could happen.

"… I think too far ahead. Let's just see what the Uchiha's are up to."

"That you do, my student."

The pandas and Ishizu turned their heads to see Po walking over to them. He was holding a stick in his hand and before anyone could realize what was happening, Ishizu was flying through the air.

"May I inquire what this lesson is about?" Tau asked, confused by the sudden action of violence, but Po just smiled and walked towards the human.

"Why did I deserve such welcome?" Ishizu asked sarcastically, spitting out a bit of blood from his mouth.

"You need to calm down. One can only hide their intentions by so much, but I see that your reveal to Naruto had a more severe effect than you thought it would. Even if you thought about the future and what you can do to resolve this situation, it is still the future."

"And the future is a mystery," spoke Po before charging at Ishizu, who now was ready to welcome Po.

"Your master's speech, Po?" Ishizu frowned, blocking the wooden stick Po casually swung at him.

"You are still a human being, Ishizu Sasaki. Future knowledge or not. You have emotions that make you do mistakes. That in itself is perfectly fine. All living beings with emotions make mistakes. It's what you do with those emotions is what defines us. That rambling about the future... this was a bit of leakage from the emotions you are suppressing inside. One can only hold that many emotions underneath them and when you won't expect it will burst."

The attacks became stronger and faster and Ishizu had a hard time deflecting and listening to what Po had to say.


The stick Po was holding broke in two and Ishizu took a deep, deep breath before exhaling it all at once.

"Feeling better?" Po asked with a grin.

"I actually do. Thank you, Po."

"Hehe, that's what teachers are there for. To guide. I hope you can relax and think about the present since... well, it is a gift any living being should appreciate."

Back in Konoha, Fukasuke was resting from his injuries and hoping that Jiraiya was fine. But even when he was told by Po himself not to tell the truth.

Tsunade sighed as she poured herself another bowl of sake. She glanced at it before placing it back. The next drink would be with Jiraiya.

"I don't know how I will tell Naruto about Jiraiya. I can't lie and tell him he is dead. I am not strong enough," said Tsunade.

"I told you I will do it. I don't feel it is right to tell Naruto a lie, but he has to gather the strength to fight Pain. He is just about to master Sage Mode completely and when he does, I have no doubt he will defeat Pain," spoke the toad elder.

"As of now, the Akatsuki are not the only problems. Ishizu Sasaki is the newest S-rank missing-nin of Konoha and people don't enjoy having those freely around in the world. He was Konohagakure's Fuinjutsu Master worth Jiraiya and as both are gone, we had to change the barrier code."

"One that was easy to break and enter the village without anyone noticing, like me," said a voice before a glass sound was heard.

Tsunade and Fukasuke turned to their left to see a panda sitting near the window and drinking what looked like wine.

"You are one of the pandas who were in Ame," spoke Fukasuke, recognizing him from the fight.

"That's right. Name's Denku. Nice to meet you. I just wanted to inform you that Naruto's group had a lot of problems during their mission."

"And how do you know that?" frowned Tsunade.

"Well, our Sage was with them when they did their mission. Now, it would be a coincidence, but Sage Ishizu knew what he wanted. Before I forget why I came here, take this," said Denku as he handed Tsunade a letter.

"What is that?" asked the Hokage.

"Well, it has to do with what Ishizu was where you sent your team. They encountered the Jinchuriki of the Six Tails. He would have died if it wasn't for Ishizu and me, as I had the honor of fighting the self-proclaimed God of Amegakure."

Fukasuge and Tsunade starred at Denku.

"You alone fought Pain?" asked Fukasuke, amazed by the strength of one panda.

Denku only chuckled and rubbed his back in shame.

"I could fight him 1vs1 very well, but then he cheated and the other five came. I ain't risking my life fighting him. Not worth."

Tsunade took the letter and read it. Her eyes widened and in rage, she slammed the paper on the desk, cracking it.

"THIS BASTARD! How dare he decided whom to send to MY village or not? I don't care if the Mizukage agrees or not. I am Hokage and I decide who enters and who doesn't."

"Ah, Sage Ishizu knows you well. He said you would say that. He also said that you have no choice, as your village is the next target for Akatsuki. With Utakata, you have a total of 3 Jinchuriki in Konoha. Two of them wouldn't be alive without Ishizu's help."

"Answer me my question, panda. What does he get by taking the chakra from the Jinchuriki? Hell, why does Akatsuki need it? After all the time we have no idea why they do it," Tsunade demanded to know answers she didn't have.

Fukasuke reminded Tsunade of what Pain told Jiraiya and his talk about peace.

"Unfortunately, that is not how the Bijuus work," interrupted Denku with a smile.

"What do you mean, panda?"

"The use of the Tailed Beast is special. To know that you have to ask those that have lived a long time and saw the creation of the Bijuu. Either way. I have done what I came for. Naruto-kun should arrive in due time. His mastery over Sage Mode is phenomenal, but will it help him defeat Pain?"

Denku turned to Tsunade.

"We should definitely drink together. I bet you like having a drinking partner. Though I prefer wine over sake."

With a puff, Denku left before a fist crashed into the wood where he stood.

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