Naruto: Journey Of The Strongest Teacher

Chapter 108 - A Glimpse of the Future

Naruto POV

The lectures of Konoka-Sensei were very informative, but I couldn't feel that I was being stared at by Fuka.

"Do I have something on my face or why is it that you stare at me so much?"

The smile the woman gave me send shivers down my spine. I couldn't concentrate on Konoka if a predator was giving me such a smile.

"Don't take it wrong, Naruto," Konoka floated in front of us. "It is in her nature to be drawn to such scent you give off. Those who possess the unique ability to draw in chakra natures have to as an instinct and your chakra is like an aphrodisiac to her."

I could feel a red tint showing up and Fuka chucked. Hey, I was a teenager and knew exactly what the Uzumaki ghost was referring to. Though I didn't know if smelling strong was something to be proud of.

"You see, Naruto-san, before my master found me, I was but a lackey to a man who used me and would discard me the moment he didn't need it.

At one point, we even wanted to destroy Konoha because of some foolish grudge I have forgotten that man had.

Everything changed when my master found me. He was unlike any other who wasn't disgusted by my ability to steal chakra from others.

My ability is called Kiss of Death, where I steal the chakra from somebody and gain their chakra affinity.

I used it to kill many men and was even stupid that I tried to steal from my master. I miscalculated, and he defeated me swiftly. He could have killed me there, and nobody would remember me since I was a nobody.

But instead, he gave me a choice to live and be his. My life was on the line, so naturally, I agreed. Up to this day, it is a day I never forget.

My master is the nicest person I know. He told me that my ability could be used to help people with chakra exhaustion.

Did you believe an ability used for killing such as mine could be us to heal? I can store huge amounts of chakra. I can kiss somebody and help them recover from chakra exhaustion. It blew my mind. And now I am here to learn about my clan," explained Fuka in excitement before gripping her ċhėst.

Konoka stopped the session as she saw Fuka beginning to pant.

"Naruto, be a dear and leave for the moment. I will help Fuka with her task so see if you can find something else."

Konoka didn't have to tell him twice as I took a run for his life away from the woman who was looking at me as if he was a delicious steak.

No, thank you.

Thank god I escaped her. As I was trying to collect my thoughts, I realized I wasn't in the library anymore.

'That can't be. Uzu should be completely in ruins. Where does this forest come from?'

I got curious about this forest and ventured deeper. The forest grew thicker and I ha for good deeper.

General POV

Kurama's eyes snapped open when he felt a strange feeling. Living inside a seal was boring, but at least he was chained to a rock and, therefore, could enjoy his sleep

So it quite annoyed him what the reason was for his awakening.

He expanded his senses outside and recoiled back at the overwhelming wild nature energy invading the space.

"Where the hell did this boy venture in?" Kurama stood up and began channeling his chakra into Naruto.

Kenji's eyes watched from above as Ishizu's student entered the nature forest. Even after Ishizu took away the remnants of the Ten-Tails, the nature energy remained saturated.

The Uzumaki ghost could see orange pigmentations appearing around Naruto's eyes, a sign of him entering his Sage Mode, unintentionally.

Naruto was moving like he was being controlled, going closer to the center.

Kenji watched as the young, entranced Uzumaki moved closer to the lake. It seemed that he couldn't resist the call of nature.

~step, step~

"Oh? What's the reason for coming here?" Kenji asked with a small smile as his eyes moved to the person standing next to him.

"Because I am his teacher," was the only explanation Ishizu said before moving towards Naruto.

Naruto POV

What is happening to me? I didn't feel my body. I felt nothing at all.

No, I could feel nature. I was one with Mother Nature.

People materialized in front of me.

The first was a shadow. Its eyes opened, and I saw a Rinnegan staring straight at me. This wasn't Pain. Something about this person was different. It looked down at me as if I was beneath it. It was locked away, but I could hear its name.

Y+=$|. Ot&§="!&/

The next was a person with long, spiky silver hair. His colorful eyes were different from the clan, but Naruto could see a resemblance between him and Sasuke.

J#^} Uchiha

His eyes narrowed. He could see me, but before I could hear what he said, the vision faded.

Next …

General POV

Location ???

"Inner peace."

The words held power as the animal that said them with closed was levitating under a Sakura tree.

"Inner p… now you shouldn't be here."

The animal's eyes slowly opened its eyes to see the phantom flying over him. It took out a stick and swirled it over its top, creating a strange symbol.

"And off you go!"

Back in Uzu, Ishizu was about to disrupt the nature energy when something happened as Naruto's body began to produce a cloak of red bijuu chakra.

"Brat! Wake up!"

Naruto recoiled in pain, and his eyes opened wide.

"What happened?" Naruto looked confused at the Kyuubi's chakra but the Kyuubi didn't respond.

"You're back. Congratulations. I feared you wouldn't wake up and become a tree."

What Kenji didn't tell Naruto was what he saw in Naruto's eyes. A combination of Sage Mode and Kyuubi. Who knew those two could combine?

Ishizu sneezed as he went back to watch what was happening inside the library.

Just had quickly as the combination lasted the same, it disappeared without Naruto's knowledge. Kenji didn't voice it out to Ishizu.

Inside the seal, Kurama frowned as he saw the Kyuubi Sage Mode. To not lose Naruto, he had to pour out his chakra, and he felt it combine with the Sage Mode.

The feeling…



Too bad.

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