Naruto: Journey Of The Strongest Teacher

Chapter 110 - Christmas special: A Father and Daughter reunion

General POV

"Mommy, is daddy coming back?"

The mother put her daughter in her lab and started combing her hair.

"Your father is doing something very important," the mother tried to calm her child, but she jumped up.

"He promised! He promised we would celebrate as a family!"

Her mother tried to stop the daughter, but she ran up into her room. She jumped into her bed and hugged her stuffed animal.

It was a gift from her daddy. She cherished it since it once was his, but now he wasn't here. This was Christmas!

"I'll get you back!"

It was quiet in Konohagakure, and nobody noticed a portal appearing outside of Konoha.

Out of it came a small female figure that folder her hands together. Many civilians would try to pet her on the head because she looked so cute, but if a sensor Ninja would see her, they would have screamed about the impossibility.

The girl looked around before her eyes began to change into a purple spiral shape.

"Where are you?" a small tear formed on the girl's face as she walked into the village.

As soon as she stepped into Konoha, Naruto froze when he felt the presence pressing down on him.

"Kyuubi, did you feel that?" asked Naruto as he opened the door.

"Wasn't hard. Whoever this is either wants us to feel them or is terrible at hiding. What matters is that it is coming closer," responded the Fox.

Naruto knew he has to confront whatever it was so he followed the charka.

Naruto expected everything from an enemy Shinobi to an alien but to find a pale girl with short blue hair who wasn't older than 6.

As soon as the girl saw Naruto, her eyes narrowed, and she tilted her head.

"You are not him, but you have his scent," the girl said with a frown.

"Who are you?" responded Naruto in defense as he saw her Rinnegan.

"Mitsuko… you're not my daddy," the girl said before her Rinnegan glowed.

Naruto didn't know what hit him, but the result was him crashing into a house.

"What the hell was that? Also, that hurt."

"Getting bested by a child," laughed Kurama.

"Stupid fox. She manhandled me. She can cause massive damage if we let her roam freely. We have to contain her."

With a groan, Naruto got up, but the girl was gone, as was her chakra.

Scene change

"Kuchiyose no Jutsu."

When a summon gets summoned, they usually know who is summoning them so they can know on whose side they are fighting.

So when Po felt the message to get summoned, he was confused since his summoner was training his Panda Sage Mode and clearly wasn't using any hand signs.

Feeling a story being developed, Po answered the summoning, and with a poof of smoke, he appeared… next to a little girl.

By itself, this shouldn't be possible. Every panda knew Ishizu was the first and only summoner, so how could this girl have their contract.

Naturally, Tau had his suspicion, but he couldn't confirm the theory. He wanted to confirm the theory.

"You are not Lin Lin," the girl stared at the panda, who just returned a smile.

"I am not, nor do I know, any panda with such a name. Can I ask for your name, sweetheart?"

The atmosphere around the girl change immediately as she returned him a smile.

"My name is Mitsuko. Hey, I know you! You are Uncle Tau!" the girl screamed in excitement as she hugged the panda.

Tau returned the hug as he felt her face snoozing into his fur. Grabbing her, he reversed summoned back to the Dumpling Dynasty, leaving his summoner alone.

The current main protagonist, Ishizu Sasaki, was on Training Ground 33 going through his Panda Style Taijutsu when he felt something missing. A feeling he couldn't describe as he had never felt it before.

"I don't know, but for some reason, I feel something crazy is about to happen."

In the Dumpling Dynasty, Po felt Tau return with somebody else. A human. For a second, a frown traveled through his face, knowing that one of his pandas broke a law yet it left the same instant he felt the chakra signature of said human, or rather half-human.

He guess by her appearance who this child's parents were and ġrȯȧnėd at the headache forming. Long blue hair, small horns protruding from her head, and the famous Rinnegan. Her face was more features of her mother but the eyes and definitely her father's.

"Time Travel shouldn't be done, little girl. You know how fragile the space-time continuum is," Po spoke to the girl, who lowered her face but clenched her fist in frustration.

"He forgot my birthday!" she screamed at Po, making him recoil at the anger only to sign as she started crying.

"Daddy said he would come, but mommy said he is on his last mission. He promised before leaving that he would come home, but he broke his promise. That's why I came here to punish him for breaking his promise."

Po slumbered into his seat and rubbed his eyes while also trying not to laugh. A child of their Sage in this timeline. The Dragon Warrior checked the time stream and found it intact, meaning her means of coming here and her existence weren't creating a paradox.

'Oh, thank goodness. That means more freedom.'

A grin spread across his face. This only meant one thing. He and everyone else could have some fun. It got boring for a little, and a bit of fun was what Po needed right now.

"Don't cry, Mitsuko. It's Christmas, so why not surprise your daddy and prank him?"

Po almost laughed as he saw the grin forming on the child's face. He approved of her already.

Now, what would be a suitable Christmas gift for his student?

"I have an idea…"

Ishizu Sasaki POV

I sat down at the bank after I completed my training. Today was just another day in my life until I saw something from my periphery.

I cloaked figure was standing just outside the training ground.

'Somebody came? I didn't feel it. Who is that?'

Cloaking figures had always something to hide. It was almost cliche.

I was ready for anything.

"Are you Ishizu Sasaki?" asked the figure and I could make out a sweet voice of a female.

My heart was pumping blood into my muscles, ready for an attack. Instead, she dropped the cloak to reveal a Hijūga similar to Hinata.

How did a Hijūga manage to appear so close was disturbing? I didn't know any young Hijūga's outside of Hanabi, so she must have been someone else child.

"That's my name. What do you want from me?" I demanded to know.

I didn't know if it was my tone of voice or my posture because I somehow offended her, seeing her hands turning to fists and her biting her lower lip.

Then her face turn grim and tears began coming out of her eyes.

A crying Hijūga was a shame to their clan, but this wasn't what disturbed me.

Rather, it was the pain I felt in my ċhėst. Why the hell would I feel pain and it wasn't even physical. Metal? No. What made me feel pain seeing this person?

"How could you?" I bȧrėly heard her voice through the whisper.

My eyes widened in shock when her eyes suddenly turned into the Rinnegan. This wasn't possible.

"You forgot it!" shouted the girl and stomped on the ground, breaking it.

The next thing I saw, or rather felt, was something hitting me from the side, sending me straight into the Forest of Death.

Many questions swirled through my brain which I had problems focusing on that's to the pain.

One of those questions was that even as her attack struck, I couldn't feel any killing intent directed at me.

Also, correction. Not a Hijūga, but an Otsutsuki. Again, how was that possible?! I was sure the only Otsutsuki I knew right now was sealed away, and any others were far, far away.

Canon was screwing me over, not to mention the girl had a personal hatred again me.

I couldn't focus more because I felt a tug on my body.

"You are not running away, Bansho Ten'in!"

General POV

The girl pointed her hand at him and Ishizu felt gravity pull on him.

In response, Ishizu activated his own Rinnegan to counteract the Jutsu. He was at a disadvantage because they were close to Konoha.

From what he knew about Otsutsuki, they could obliterate this planet through this individual had set her eyes on him, so if he could draw her outside, it would be for the best.

He considered getting help, but right now, this wouldn't be a good idea. There was also something that confused him.

The part of missing killing intent.

It was a skill one quickly learned as a ninja. The easiest and most common way to learn it was to get hit by it multiple times. At one point, both body and mind would memorize the feeling and how to apply it to others.

The will to kill, so to speak.

A lack of killing intent like his opponent had could have many reasons. One being the opponent didn't consider you worthy or beneath you to even exclude such a thing.

It was what Ishizu theorized first when he saw his opponent was an Otsutsuki, yet the emotions she showed made him drop the theory as quickly as it came up.

The other theory was more ridiculous and Ishizu wouldn't have considered it if not for that particular feeling he felt.

That being, she couldn't use killing intent because she didn't know how. The confirmation had yet to wait.

Pulling kunais out, he threw them at the girl who placed her hand in front of her and stopped them.

Ishizu frowned when he saw her eyes. His kunais were meant to kill, but her eyes showed fear. What? Why? This made little sense.

Using this time, Ishizu ran away from Konoha, and she followed him by flying into the air.

Glancing behind, he could see something hiding in her hair, but he couldn't see it clearly. She was talking to it. There was somebody else.

"Use the following hand signs."

Mitsuko repeated what Po told her through a small headphone inside her ear.

"Eh, Misty Terrain Jutsu," Mitsuko spoke out the Genjutsu that created a visual terrain making others avoid it.

Mitsuko was used to Jutsus since both of her parents could do them. She saw them fight against each other and sometimes she snuck away to her aunt, who taught her a bit.

Mitsuko knew that her current father didn't know her, but she still was shocked to see him trying to kill her. If her mother knew, it would end badly, so she would keep it a secret.

"Don't worry, dear. I'll make sure he won't harm you and the other way around. That brat has still a lot to learn, so go get him. Now say those words."

"You p-pathetic creature..? I'll make sure to end your l-life with as much pain as possible."

Mitsuko had to keep calm and try to be as angry as possible, which she was, yet some of those words weren't in her vocabulary. Like pathetic. Though she expected it to be a bad word.

Back in the Dumpling Dynasty, many pandas were listing and watching from the small piece of technology. Some were already rolling on the ground laughing their ȧsses off while others were trying their best to keep it inside.

Usually, the pandas of the Dumpling Dynasty would laze away by eating dumplings or some bamboo. This time, however, many pandas were lively as ever to see the spectacle unfold.

"This is so awesome!" screamed Yang Yang as she heard the little girl speaking.

"I… I can't. Hahaha! This is the best!" Yin Yin was rolling on the ground as tears were clouding her vision.

Denku was drinking his wine while Long was reading a book, but his eyes were focused on the screen.

Back with the two, Mitsuko concentrated, and a sweating Ishizu saw a Green Rinnegan looking at him.

"Look, I don't know who you are and I don't get what I've done to you, so could you at least explain it to be?" asked Ishizu.

With his Rinnegan, Ishizu could see what had hit him before.

'A black and white version of her. She has the same ability as Madara… but why is this one younger?'

What Ishizu and the rest didn't know was that even with the Genjutsu over Mitsuko that made her older, but the illusion didn't work on her Limbo clones.

Before Ishizu could question his future daughter about this, somebody broke through the illusion.

It was Naruto Uzumaki who found the illusion and thought this was where the girl was and he was right.

"Ishizu-Sensei? What the… it's that!"

Ishizu cursed seeing Naruto entering the field.

"Nobody attacks my sensei!"

A Rasengan formed in Naruto's hand as he jumped at the girl.

"No, Naruto. Don't!" Ishizu screamed.

Though Ishizu didn't know the ability of the Green Rinnegan, he knew not to attack recklessly.

Not Ishizu nor the pandas expected what happened next. Mitsuko didn't even glance at the Jinchūriki as a large portal appeared before Naruto and out came…

A giant fuċkɨnġ tiger in a blue t-shirt.

The tiger had toy-like yellow hair covering his whole body, with small black ears protruding from its head. The same green Rinnegan that Mitsuko had stared at Naruto.

Naruto couldn't move away and hit the tiger with the Rasengan, resulting in an explosion in which Naruto got thrown away.

The smoke cleared and Ishizu could see that there wasn't any damage done to it.

"Ziggy, play with him," spoke Mitsuko and the tiger wobbled in a funny style towards Naruto.

Naruto POV

If somebody ever told me that I would fight against a toy tiger, I would consider it a poor joke. Now this joke turned into a reality.

I created a few Shadow Clones before making a combination technique with fire and wind.

The firestorm washed over the giant bear and I cursed, as it did no damage at all.

'Guess I'll take this up one step.'

I could see the tiger was slow, so I had time to gather enough nature energy for this move.

"Sage Mode, Wind Style: Rasenshuriken!"

General POV

Mitsuko recognized the Jutsu Naruto was about to throw at her Ziggy. She had seen her daddy using it a couple of times.

Her parents taught her pretty early how to control her special Rinnegan, since it reacted quite harshly when she was younger. More aggressive.

Ziggy wasn't just a normal toy tiger for cuddling, though Mitsuko used him sometimes as one. Her daddy would call him a moving Truth Seeking Orb, being immune to any ninjutsu.

Nature energy could hurt him, and that was a problem. By doing so, Ziggy would enter Stage 2, Enraged State.

Her parents, especially her daddy, told her what to do in case this would happen. It was a drill for Mitsuko.

She closed her eyes, giving Ishizu the time to attack but a Limbo clone blocker his attack. As Naruto's Rasenshuriken hit Ziggy, it tore his right side to shreds.

The problem was that the green eyes turned red. Ishizu knew that Naruto was in danger of seeing the tiger going into his enraged state

He began forming the seals to summon Po, knowing they both could deal with it but instead of the panda a small paper appeared in his hands.

"I am sorry, but this is family business," the letter read.

'Family business?'

Then, to Ishizu's surprise, the tiger began to glove and ceased to move. His eyes looked up at the girl and back at the tiger. The girl was gloving and a white layer, like a cocoon, was placed over her.

Gears were running at high-speed inside Ishizu's brain.

'Think, think, think. Female Otsutsuki, looks similar to Kaguya, has a grudge against me but doesn't leek killing intent and her Limbo clones are much younger than the real one. And the tiger looks very familiar.'

Ishizu knew time travel was possible. It was also Christmas, a family holiday where parents and children come together to celebrate and have fun.

The result of his deduction left him speechless, but now he could see the similarities.

He had a daughter.

"Naruto, did she ever introduce herself in on you?" Ishizu turned to Naruto as both stared at the cocoon.

"She said her name was Mitsuko, and she was looking for you," replied Naruto, a bit confused at everything happening.

'Mitsuko. Light Child.'

"Soooo… what next?"

Ishizu didn't know how to answer the question. Apparently, his daughter from the future was here… he didn't really want to think about that.

Knowing meta knowledge was enough for Ishizu but knowing his future. He wanted it to be a surprise. It had already spoiled some things, and he was sure to get his mind wiped or else things could go south.

Looking at the cocoon, he could feel his daughter sleeping inside. There was a connection between them, but only a small one.

She was his daughter by DNA alone. His future self had a much larger one, though it bugged him why he wasn't with her. There must have been a good reason for his future self to go and do something.

Ishizu shook his head to stop thinking about the future and look for the present. The white cocoon shouldn't stay here and the illusion his daughter created was gone.

"We'll take her to my house and see what we can do to break this barrier," Ishizu said while touching it.

When Naruto tried to do the same, he was electrocuted.

"Au, what the hell," he dropped to the ground.

"That thing eats chakra," Naruto. Don't touch it again or else you'll die."

Naruto agreed with the fox. One touch sapped half of his entire chakra.

"A defense mechanism, most probably. Even with my sealing proficiency, I can't decipher the seals. A blood seal combined with chakra absorption for anyone that isn't of her lineage. Quite clever and dangerous," commented Ishizu as he grabbed the white ball.

"I'll remember that," muttered Naruto as they bo entered Konoha again.

Many eyes drifted towards Ishizu and the giant ball he was holding, but nobody dared to ask a Shinobi about what they do.

Before any ANBU could question them about what happened, Ishizu closed the door to his home and activated his seals. Nobody would dare to knock if they loved to live.

"What will you do now?" Naruto asked and Ishizu was for again for so long… lost.

What could he do? The barrier was alien to him. He could fumble with it, but he didn't want to see what other security mechanisms were implanted in that thing.

He knew perfectly well that he would do the same if he had a daughter. All for protection.


Ishizu turned towards the window because it made a knocking sound. He looked outside to see Hinata and Ino standing outside.

He opened a window.

"How did you knock? My security would have roasted you to crisps."

Ino held up her hand to show she had some pebbled in her hand. Both of them knew about the security but to circumvent it with stone pebbles…

"We want to come inside. Everyone saw you carrying that huge ball with you."

Ishizu turned to Naruto for help, who just shrugged.

The door opened, and both Kunoichi entered the room and stood amazed at the white ball.

"Wow, what is that?" Ino asked as she expected the barrier, but before she could touch it Ishizu grabbed her hand.

"Remember Rule 1 Number One?"

Ino gulped and retracted her hand. Ishizu sighed, as he knew that every one of them should remember the rules in his house.

The first was to never touch something unfamiliar without asking for permission. A sealing master's home wasn't meant to be touched.

There were many dangerous things lying around, never to be seen by anyone beside him. Even Ishizu didn't know half of the things in his house.

There were days when Ishizu woke up with an idea stuck in his head from a dream, and until he did what the dream he did, he couldn't function.

"Now, to answer your question. This is a barrier."

"And underneath is apparently sensei's future daughter," Naruto interrupted from behind, causing the eyes of both Kunoichi to grow comically out.

"Sensei's daughter?/Sensei has a daughter?!"

A groan escaped Ishizu's lips. And more people knew about her. At least it were people Ishizu could silence, but women were gossipers, especially Ino.

That's why he turned to the blonde Yamanaka

"I will place a seal on your tongue, ala. Danzo style if I have to stop you from spreading rumors."

Ino back off a bit and nodded.

"So… why is your daughter in his giant white barrier things?" Hinata asked as she tried to use her Byakugan only for her to scream and close her eyes.


Naruto rushed towards the girl and looked over at her. There was nothing but Hinata knew that something happened when she opened her eyes, revealing not the pupilless eyes but black eyes with black irises.

"I can't activate my Byakugan," exclaimed Hinata in shock.

Meanwhile, Ishizu frowned as he watched Hinata and the barrier.

'A built-in protection mechanism against the Byakugan? Ah, for other Otsutsuki, not Hyuga.'

"Let me see your eyes, Hinata," Ishizu voiced out as he moved to his student and looked at her.

His eyes focused and roamed over every millimeter carefully until they widened.

There, in the right upper corner. He had to double-check if he really saw it. A seal.

'Holy shit. How the heck does this work?'

"Is there a problem, Ishizu-sensei?"

"Yeah. Your Byakugan triggered the seal and sealed it away."

"You can remove it, right?" Naruto asked only for Ishizu to shake his head.

"I am sorry, but I have no clue how to extract a microscopic seal from one's eye. My future self is a very protective father."

"But why would he do that against the Hyuga?" asked Hinata and Ishizu couldn't really say the truth.

"I can't tell you since I have no clue either. The only thing I am sure of is that somebody will come after her since she is missing. Or maybe not? Time travel is weird, and it's best not to think too much about it. Sorry, Hinata."

The girl only sighed.

"So, what now?"

"Good question."


"Go after her or else there won't be sėx today!" a female elegant voice shouted out before the door of the house opened and a man was seen being kicked out of his home.

A black figure looked out from the door and looked back inside.

"~whistle~, that was a nice kick, Kaguya. I hope he brings her back."

"He better or else…"

"Only a few hours late," muttered the man as he held up a strange device with a tracker hat read 'Outside range'.


'Outside current timeline,' the divine responded.

"Time travel? She knows that it's dangerous. Locate time frame."

The divide blinked a few times before giving a response.

"Why did she go there? Sigh, doesn't matter, I have to retry and apologize. I hope she isn't made or else the gifts I brought won't help."

A portal opened, and the man entered.

Meanwhile, back in Ishizu's home, the owner stopped Hinata from going back home.

"Under no circumstances. Your father will kill me if he finds out. Let me try to examine you more throughout."

Ishizu really didn't want Hinata to go back home, where every single Hyuga could see that somehow their Byakugan could be sealed off.

But just before Ishizu could do something, a portal opened next to the white cocoon and a man with a mask stepped in.

The man had long blue hair with a white kinemon on.

Ishizu tried to activate every single seal to stop the intruder from doing anything, but nothing worked. His home didn't recognize the unknown man as an invader.

The masked man looked around at the battle-ready Shinobi and shook his head.

"Sooo not good," he muttered before waving his head.

"I'll be taking her home to her mother. I believe there is no problem," the masked man looked at Ishizu.

Even without words, both knew what the other thought.

"Ano, are you future Ishizu-sensei?" Hinata asked.

The now correctly identified future Ishizu sighed underneath the mask and the mask dissipated, showing a familiar face.

There were a few changes, one that the future Ishizu looked paler and a bit more mȧturė. How was that even possible?

"The mask is worthless. Yes, it's future sensei. I believe you all know why I came here?" he pointed his thumb at the barrier.

"Sensei, your future self looks cool," exclaimed Naruto, only for the man to facepalm.

Future Ishizu noticed Ino poking him.

"Yes, Ino?"

"Can we speak with your daughter?" she asked with excitement only for future Ishizu to sweatdrop.

"If your Sensei didn't tell you already but I will erase your memory of this who fiasco."

All students shouted in outrage while present Ishizu only shook his head, knowing perfectly well that it had to be done.

"Can you fix my eyes, Ishizu-sensei?" asked Hinata.

"Oh, yes, sorry Hinata. The seal gets triggered by the Byakugan. Let me have a look."

A few moments later and Hinata's eyes were back to normal.

"I don't care if we lose our memories. I want to speak with sensei's daughter!" Ino didn't care if she lost this experience.

Future looked at present who just gave a shrug.

A hand wave and the cocoon glowed and dissolved, and Mitsuko opened her eyes.

"Papa!" a cry of happiness came out of her mother and she tackled her father, who embraced him.

"Au!" The future one exclaimed in pain as his daughter hit him with her small fists.

"You promised to come home!" tears were starting to gather in her eyes.

"Ehehe, I am here now. Sorry sunshine."

"Anyway, I have two Papas. Look!" she looked back to see Ishizu awkwardly looking at them.

Well, how should one react when they see their future self and future daughter? At least there won't be any headaches afterward.

Then Naruto, Hinata, and Ino surrounded the little girl.

"Mitsuko, how old are you?"

"Mitsuko, what is your favorite color?"

"Is there something you dislike?"

"Who is your mommy?"

"Nope, I don't want to hear that!" the present Ishizu loudly voiced out.

"Why not?" asked Naruto, turning to his Sensei, who shook his head.

"I have my reasons. Don't go into my relationship with my future wife. Man, I feel weird."

While the students were surrounding Mitsuko and having fun, both Ishizus sat across the dinner table.

"You are killing me," present Ishizu ġrȯȧnėd out, only to earn a chuckle from his future self.

"Hey, it's Christmas. At least you don't have to celebrate with Ender and his family. God knows what can happen with that guy around."

"Ender?" asked present Ishizu confused and the future one cringed.

"Oh… riiight, you don't know him yet. Well, since I will erase your memory, I can tell you anyway. He is just like us. A self-insert but was in the world of Seven Deadly Sins. Little shit is over 3000 years old but still acts like a child…"

"… I got it. Can we not talk about that?"

"Sure, want to ask any questions?"

Present Ishizu rolled his eyes at his future self.

"I have a lot of questions, but some don't matter now. The only question I want to know is if you are happy with your life?"

Future Ishizu didn't answer at first, but a genuine smile formed on his face.

"Yes. I have achieved my dream and have a wonderful family. There is so much more to what I or we initially thought. Just stick to your plan and you'll see it."


Present Ishizu smiled and they both just sat and watched Naruto and co. interacting with Mitsuko.

All 6 of them celebrated the day with presents before it was time for the future father and daughter duo to depart.

"We will miss you, Mitsuko-chan," Naruto hugged the little girl as tears formed in his eyes.

The little girl gladly returned the hug.

"Oh, stop being so sentimental," the present Ishizu slapped him over his head.

"Au, why aren't you sad?"

He didn't answer Naruto and just nodded to his future self.

"Have a nice day you two."

Before the two could leave, a portal opened and a black figure crashed into a table, destroying a few things that were on the table.

"Dammit, those stupid time portals are so complicated."

Future Ishizu only ġrȯȧnėd and everyone could see he knew the creature all too well.

"Aha, there you are, Ishizu. We need to go and that fast. Oh, and you found your daughter. Hi, Mitsuko."

"Hi, uncle Ender," the girl returned the greeting.

"Mitsuko, through the portal," future Ishizu gestures to his daughter, who waved one last goodbye and left.

"You will not ruin this world. Let's go," future Ishizu grabbed the Enderman by his head and threw him through the portal.

He turned to everyone else.

"You won't remember me, but have a nice day."

An invisible Genjutsu surrounded everyone, making their eyes blank for a second, which the future Ishizu used to leave through the portal.

Ishizu POV

I blinked a few times and saw that I was in my home with my Genin team.

Why was I here? We were talking about something but I can't remember about what. Eh, whatever.

Though I didn't know why but I felt happy inside. It's as if I met someone precious. Family.

Huh? A nice feeling.

Well, happy holidays and happy New Year's everyone.

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