Naruto: Journey Of The Strongest Teacher

Chapter 12 - Looking for the scroll

Time skip Graduation exam.

Naruto POV

I was sitting with both Hinata and Ino at the table as we were waiting to finish the exam to become a Genin. "Good luck Naruto I hope you will be on my team". (Hinata) "Yeah you even defeated Sasuke so you will pass, good luck". (Ino) Ahh, I like the girls but I had to fail to become stronger. Strange if you think about it.

Both girls passed without a problem. Both the Kunoichis of the year as both fought with each other to be the best. Now it was my turn. I went into the room where is saw Iruka-Sensei and Mizuki. "Naruto you passed both the Weapon Test and the Fighting now ill.u.s.trate the 3 jutsus Kawari, Henge, and Bushin".(Iruka) So I did. I Henge into Iruka-Sensei and did the Kawari but failed at the Bushin. "I am sorry Naruto but you failed. It is a shame you did good at the others but a fail is a fail". (Iruka).

I saw from the side that Mizuki was smiling viciously. I smiled inside my head 'wait till I beat you to the ground '.

The girls had tears in their eyes after hearing my misfortune even wanted to fight the Hokage himself so I told them I will retake tomorrow so they didn't want to worry. As I sat at my swing which I didn't use for a long time Mizuki approached me. "Naruto I am sorry that you failed but I can still let you pass. There is a hidden scroll in the office of the Hokage. At the wall of the tower, there is a small hole where you can pass through it and take it. I will wait here and if you get it in 2 hours after midnight I will let you pass. (Mizuki). "Of course I will do it because I will become Hokage, believe it." (Naruto) Mizuki smiled happily and went home and I left to Ishizu.

At Ishizu's home: Ishizu POV

Being blind sucks I assure you. I have respect for all blind people. Seeing dark 24/7 is so dull. Also, your other senses sharpen. Did you want to know when your next-door-neighbor farted? Of course, I could see if I took the blind off but I would see red and after an hour black if both my eyes were open. During the time of having the eyes, my reserves got up from mid jonin to low Kage. I could fight Naruto and often other Chunin with both eyes closed and win and as visual Genjutsus were useless but others such as Genjutsus which focus on sound were not. I could fight for 2 hours with one eye open and a maximum of 30 minutes with both eyes( not counting the mangekyō version). I could probably activate it but I would be instantly drained of chakra and would die. I heard as Naruto walked into my house and called" Ishizu-niisan let's go"(Naruto) I stood up and walked to the door. "Ok let's go we don't have much time. (Ishizu). It was dark as we departed. I had a clone watching Iruka. I didn't want him to intervene and hurt himself. If Naruto defeated a Chunin I could force Naruto to become a Ninja as his potential was too good to be misused by the council. Mizuki was observed as well so I had everything under control. We come to the wall and I Henge into a younger version of myself. Naruto's true Henge was wonderful. We both climbed through and went to the scroll. "Now Naruto be careful we don't want to alarm the Hokage." Some traps and barriers later we came across a huge scroll placed on a table. I opened the scroll carefully and Naruto's and my eyes had stars in them. (anime logic) "Incredible! So many jutsus from all elements. Look there is the Kage Bushin. It states it is forbidden as it costs a massive amount of chakra and people can die if they make to many. No wonder."(Naruto) I copied with both Sharigans all jutus. Kakashi's moniker was "of the Sharingan" as he copied 1000 jutsus and here I am who will be called "Ishizu the forbidden one" I saw many strong jutsus such as Raikages chakra clock or Madara's famous Fire style: Fire annihilation jutsu. Only they were not my goal. There was one jutsu which was so powerful it could be used to start a war.

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