Naruto: Journey Of The Strongest Teacher

Chapter 28 - Meeting the Panda Sage named...

Unknown location

One could see a panda waiting for a human who was stuck face down in the dirt. "Now Brother Ishizu, come, we don't have time," Tau told the human. Ishizu crawling out of the dirt was not happy: "What do you mean to come with you? I thought you were my summoned familiar but instead I got a panda monk who suddenly teleported me somewhere away from Konoha. I assume that this would be the Summoning realm for your species, right? Fitting for you gluttonous animals." The panda chuckled "Breath brother human. We are indeed in the Summoning realm of the pandas. It is called the *Dumpling Dynasty*. Our elder Sage named it after his favorite food.

It was written in the old scrolls that our Sage helped the Sage of the Six Paths defeat his mother and sealed her into the moon. As a payment, the Otsutsuki descendent would not create a scroll to our realm. Only those who had two conditions fulfilled would have the chance to meet us. You are the first human aside Hagoromo Otsutsuki who entered this realm, so you should at least show some respect. We pandas are prideful and we love our traditions." Tau took some water from a nearby lake and drank. Then he continued:

"If you want to know how we know about the other realms, then it is simple. We can communicate with others, but they can't come here. Also, it is forbidden to speak about our realm to other humans. The dogs from your Inuzuka clan were once from a Summoning realm. They left and lost the ability to wield nature energy. Still, there descended are bound to the contract to never tell. That is if they even remember us. Now come let's meet our elder he surely wants to see a human boy who is like us."

The panda looked forward and began walking. Ishizu, on the other hand, tried to digest the information about everything the panda just explained. He never heard of any pandas in Naruto and they never showed it in the anime that Hagoromo and Hamura fought their mother together with a panda. The whole thing with Kaguya is totally random as Kishimoto thought Madara wasn't enough for Naruto so maybe this is not the anime I know as there was no mentioning of any panda before. The whole past of Naruto may be different.

"Wait a second. You teleport me without my consent and then you tell me you want to come with you just because I am like you. Sorry but I am not like any of you." said Ishizu stopping. Tau turned around: "But of course you are one of us." Tau looked at Ishizu and got confused as the latter started to realize what he heard earlier.

Ishizu realized that when Tau told him the name of the land, he wasn't talking in the common tongue. Instead, he spoke a language Ishizu knew from his previous life: "Did you just say *Dumpling Dynasty*? Tell me Panda, I am a Shinobi and right now I am pissed. If you don't tell me how you know English, I will get it from your corpse."

(They speak Japanese in the elemental nations. Here it is called elemental. So: "Elemental", *English* )

Tau stood still for a second. One could see that he clearly was stunned at that moment.

The panda was even more amazed at the human than evermore. He could understand him when he spoke the language of the Sage. 'Truly, this human amazes me more and more. Let's see what you will do if you meet our Sage.' He turned to Ishizu and looked amazed.

*Oh, you can understand our language. You are truly a mysterious human. No human should know this language as our Sage told it to us and he explained then none knew this language*. Ishizu snorted at their statement. Of course, he knew English. It was a must-learn language to communicate in his old life. *Yeah, I can. It was a long time ago, and it feels weird to speak it after such a long time. Still, I demand you to tell me how you know it.* Ishizu leaked killing intent which could make many people leak fluid form various places.

Tau on the other hand just smiled dismissing it: "If you want to know you have to speak to the elder Sage in his language as he can't understand elemental. There is a story about the reason for it.

Ones, the Sage was asked why he didn't want to learn elemental and his reason was: "Why my language is awesome. 1000 times better than their boring language. I can't understand those letters and my father taught me his language so I won't abandon it." Ishizu could only shake his head.

"Although People believe him, some older pandas claim that he is just too lazy to get his mind to work and learn. So it stayed that way but we needed to communicate with the other realms so the younger generation learned it." As Ishizu listened, he started to observe the realm more carefully and he could see a lot. In the grass, one could see many pandas lying around, sleeping or eating dumplings in tons. There were no trees but only bamboo. The sun was shining on him but he didn't feel hot. Instead, Ishizu felt the power surging through his body.

"Au, why did you hit me?" asked Ishizu.

Tau smiled: "Just For fun. Now let's go because the elder Sage is waiting." Ishizu reluctantly agreed as he did not understand how to come back so he just followed the panda.

One could see as a human and a panda walked to a large throne.

"Here, we have arrived at the throne of the elder Sage brother Ishizu". On a large throne that looks like a dragon's mouth, one could see a huge panda sitting and eating dumplings. His face showed a blissful state as he put a huge paw into his mouth enjoying the taste of them.

*Hmm, nice dumplings just give me a moment. These dumplings are so delicious I could eat all day* Ishizu grinned his teeth. 'I am at the end of my nerves. First, I walk 3 hours and when I arrived, I see a fat panda eating dumplings. This is insane. Ha, even Gamamaru looked better' thought Ishizu.

*Elder Sage we have a guest who would like to speak to you* said Tau. The big panda didn't look up as he ate: *A guest? Tell him that I am busy eating those delicious dumplings. Let him come in like 2 years*.

Tau still continued to speak: *Elder Sage, you should know that we haven't had a guest, like forever. This is the first time, and he is not an animal but a human.*

It pissed Ishizu off as he was ignored so he spoke up: *Yes, a human who can understand you and I really don't like it when someone does not even glance at his guests.* The big panda stopped eating and looked at the small human standing in front of him. *Well, why didn't you say so before. You, humans, are so boring,* said the Sage. Suddenly clouds transformed as Ishizu heard a dragon roar.

The panda lifted himself from the throne as clothes appeared on him and he rose from the ground. He waved his hands in elegant matters forming some kind of energy behind him. *Look at how awesome I am human. I am the pinnacle of strength. I am the master of the sky. I am the heavy eater*. The light started to fall on him and one could see that he formed a dragon out of the energy. *I am the Dragon Warrior Po*.

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