Naruto: Journey Of The Strongest Teacher

Chapter 33 - The birth of The Strategist

In Konoha, Ishizu was relaxing with his Genin team, eating ramen. "Hey sensei, can you tell us why you are called Ishizu the strategist?" asked Naruto. "Yeah sensei, tell us about the awesome things you had to do to be named that," said Ino. Ishizu stooped eating as he looked at his team. Then he shuddered.

"I can not say I am proud of it. The only thing I got out of it was a bingo book entry in Iwa as a kill on sight, with a bounty of 1.500.000 million Ryō, as well as an arch enemy known as the 3. Tsuchikage Onoki or as I call him, old fossil. You have to know that when I was young, I was a bit paranoid. It took place on a certain day during the 3. Shinobi War

Flashback no Jutsu.

Somewhere in the Land of Earth.

A young Ishizu was seen together with his sensei walking around aimlessly through a forest. They got separated from the others by an ambush from Iwa. "Minato-sensei what should we do now? We are deep in the enemy's territory. The enemy knows who you are, and that is not good. If somebody sees you then that old fossil Onoki will show up so we need to get out."

Minato patted Ishizu's head: "Don't be so paranoid Ishizu-kun. We will come out of here alive." Ishizu just looked at him: "Yeah, sure, you can easily survive that crazy man but I am not that strong. Not to say that if I die, you will have to explain yourself to Kushina." Minato laughed awkwardly.

After some time, both of them found an Iwa camp. "Ishizu-kun we need to go inside that camp and steal a map so we know where we are. I will look out for enemies while you go in." Ishizu looked horrified: "Are you crazy? Do you believe I can sneak into that camp with no one noticing, steal a map and come out alive?"

Minato look got serious: "Ishizu, you are a Chunin and you should trust in yourself more. Being paranoid is good, but too much is not good. Your knowledge of Fuinjutsu should help you with that mission. You also have me so if something happens. I will help you, don't worry." Ishizu reluctantly agreed while muttering something about Kushina and revenge as he made his way down to the camp.

As Ishizu got closer to it, he got more and more paranoid turning every two meters to see if someone was behind him. He got this feeling that something would go wrong. "I know that my gut feeling never lets me down so let's look around first," muttered Ishizu as he made his way into the camp. Instead of going into the headquarters to look for a map, he made his way to the other tens.

'Minato-sensei always said that one should have a trump card up his sleeves.'

As Ishizu sneaked into one tent he saw injured Shinobi lying on the ground. 'This is a camp for wounded Shinobi! This will be good.' Ishizu went quietly in and made a sealing array in every tent he saw injured Shinobi. 'Good that I learned Fuinjutsu from Kushina.' The array was remotely based and it would kill anyone inside if triggered.

'I am not paranoid. I am just doing it to save myself from danger,' thought Ishizu to himself.

As Ishizu made his way to head tent, he saw a rock flying out of the tent. "So, you dare to come here? You are a foolish Shinobi who will die accomplishing nothing." Ishizu cursed his gut because out of the tent flew an old man out. It was Onoki, the 3 Tsuchikage. Onoki's voice alarmed the other Iwa Shinobi.

"I will finish this quickly: Dust Release: Detachment of the Primitive World Technique." Ishizu quickly substitutes himself with a log to save himself from being killed. "Give up tree hugger. Namikaze won't help you. He has fallen for my trap."

Out of the tent came Ishizu's sensei who had chakra suppressant on him. "You have nowhere to go. Give up." Ishizu tried to think of a situation to help his sensei while avoiding Onoki. His mind was on overdrive to think of something. Then he remembered his sensei's worlds. 'Always have a trump card.' Ishizu smirked as he started to laugh. Onoki's face darkened: "Have you lost your mind. Do you see that you lost and just won't accept it?"

Ishizu stopped as he grinned: "Oh I won't die you old fossil. You will willingly let me and my sensei leave." The Iwa Shinobi started to laugh but only Onoki frowned. "And why should I do that?"

Ishizu made a single hand tiger sign: "Because, before I went here I looked through the other tents and what a wonderful view I had. So many injured but alive Shinobi, old fossil. What would happen if all of them would blow up?" The laughter stopped as hatred filled eyes stared at Ishizu. "You are bluffing. No one could do that," a random Iwa guy shouted.

"Then you have no idea what Fuinjutsu could do. I am the student of the Red Hot-Blooded Habanero. I know what I have done. I rigged every tent with an array that I can activate within a second. You could kill me and my sensei, but you also would doom every injured Shinobi in this camp, old fossil. What would the people say about their leader? He sacrificed hundreds to kill two?"

Onoki's face grew more furious as he shouted to some random Iwa Shinobi to see it was true. After a minute he came back. "Tsuchikage-sama he is telling the truth. He rigged all tents with some kind of Fuinjutsu."

Ishizu smiled: "So, what will you do, Tsuchikage-sama?" Ishizu asked sarcastically. "Unbind him." The Iwa Shinobi behind Onoki looked dumbfounded. "I said unbind Namikaze and let him and this boy leave!" shouted Onoki. The Iwa Shinobi complied and released Minato who went to Ishizu. He smiled at him: "A good strategy, Ishizu-kun."

"Yes, a good strategy indeed. Tell me, boy, what is your name?" Onoki asked Ishizu. Ishizu saluted: "My name is Ishizu Sasaki, old fossil." Onoki nodded: "Good. I hope you will like it, seeing your face in Iwa's bingo book, Ishizu Sasaki: The Strategist. Now leave."

Before both of them were ready to leave, killing intent washed over Ishizu. "If you dare trigger the seals after you leave, I will personally come to Konoha and kill you, are we clear?" Ishizu started to sweat bullets as he nodded. "Good, now leave. Next time I see your face I will pulverize it with my Dust Release."

Flashback end.

"Cool, so your rival is the 3 Tsuchikage?" asked Naruto. Ishizu shook his head: "Rival is the wrong word for it. You can say we have a mutual hatred towards each other. You know Naruto, with my strength right now I could put that old fossil into the ground although I won't have to dig deep."

In Iwagakure:

"Grandfather, what happened?" asked Kurotsuchi. Onoki looked around the whole room: "My senses scream that someone is plotting against me. That can only be that 'Strategist boy.' If I get my hands on him... AU, my lower back! Damm you Sasaki."

"You are too paranoid, grandfather."

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