Naruto: Journey Of The Strongest Teacher

Chapter 37 - Title at the End

General POV.

One could see from a bird's perspective as both Orochimaru and Ishizu performed 4 hand signs and slammed their hands on the ground.

"Summoning Jutsu: Impure world resurrection."

On Orochimaru's side, three coffins started to emerge. Each coffin had the number 1,2 or 4 engraved, but as the 4th coffin tried to come out a skeleton hand shot out from below. Only Ishizu saw the hand with his eyes. It gripped the coffin and dragged it back. Both coffins opened and the previous Hokage came out. On the other side, a coffin with an Uzumaki symbol was seen and out of it came Mito Uzumaki.

"Ishizu, why did you summon me?" Mito was not amused being out again. Ishizu saw the face of Hiruzen.

"I do everything to protect the village and with Mito-sama's permission, I can do that so I summoned her," explained Ishizu. The appearance of Mito startled Orochimaru and both previous Hokage.

"Mito-chan is that really you," asked Hashirama. Mito snorted: "Hmm. Don't talk to me. I am still mad at your stupid brother for creating this jutsu. As you can see Tobirama-baka, your jutsu is used by a Nuke-nin against the village."

Tobirama gnashed his teeth, not happy with his brother's wife making fun of him. Even after her death, she mocked him. Hashirama went into a depression mode, being rejected to speak with his wife. Orochimaru clearly was not happy and put his special kunai into the heads of both Hokaga's and ordered them to attack.

"Hokage-sama please fight against your former student. Mito-sama and I will take care of the other two," said Ishizu. Hiruzen nodded and charged at Orochimaru.

"You know that those kunai are not working so I will give you your time with your husband as I will try to explain my plan with Tobirama first," Ishizu whispered the plan to Mito. "Do what you want. I am ready to beat both of them," was the response of the Uzumaki.

Ishizu POV

I went into my new defense panda stance and attacked Tobirama. When I felt that nobody was listening, I spoke. "Hello, Tobirama-sama I know that you are not that weak to withstand those controlling kunai's. I would like to talk to you while we fight about your old student. The 3rd Hokage, Hiruzen Sarutobi."

The eyes of Tobirama came to life as he looked at me, frowning.

"And what do you want? I am still pissed that you actually summon Mito back to life so I could hear her rambling about me being stupid. I am also surprised that you know we can still keep our consciences. Who are you?" asked the second Hokage.

Ishizu shook his head, blocking a strike. "I am of no concern right now, but Hiruzen is. I talked with Mito about it and I want your honest opinion."

"And what do you want to talk about?" asked Tobirama now curious.

"It is about Sarutobi's retirement. I believe he served his village long enough. Don't get me wrong, he was a good Hokage who fought for Konoha his whole life." I blocked an empowered strike to the head.

"But, we are now in an Era of Peace and if it was not for our late Hokage's death we would live peacefully. Hiruzen grew weak with age and your former student Danzo fell into darkness. I want your permission to let Hiruzen perform his last deed to defeat his former student and give the hat to a more useful person."

Tobirama's face grew cold as he attacked me with a strong water jutsu: "You want my permission to let Hiruzen die?" He was not happy as his jutsu hit me.

"No, I believe he is ready to die, but I am conflicted to help or let him die," I told him as I substituted myself.

"You are conflicted to let your Hokage die? A question I would always answer with a No but the Hokage is not as important as the village itself.

If you truly believe it is the best for Konoha to let Hiruzen die and he also wishes it, then allow him to do so. If it is for the village, then I have no problem." Tobirama's killing intent grew and as he looked at me.

"But if you lie to me and Hiruzen dies with regret, I will personally come back and drag you to hell. Am I clear Shinobi?"

The killing intent excited me. He was a strong opponent, indeed. If he was alive, I would want to go all out against him. I looked at him seriously.

"I swear that Hiruzen Sarutobi's death will not be in vain."

When I was in range, I shouted for Mito to switch and as I looked up to fight, the 'God of Shinobi'.

Instead, I was greeted with a depressed-looking man being scrolled by his wife. "Man, I am sorry for you Hashirama-sama. I didn't know Mito-sama would do that to you," I apologized.

"You have no idea how mad she was." His looks changed "Now Mito told me about your plan and Hiruzen's death and I am not happy about it."

I explained to the Hokage my reasons and that Hiruzen was ready to give up the hat. "So who will be the next Hokage after Hiruzen? Do you see yourself ready to command a ninja village Ishizu-kun?" Hashirama asked me curiously.

I thought for a second but shook my head.

"No, I am not a leader but somebody who defends from the shadows, but I know a person who would be perfect."

I smiled and Hashirama got curious: "Ohh, and who would that be?"

I grinned: "Well, of course, your granddaughter, priceless Tsunade." I almost laughed when Hashirama felt on the ground, clearly not expecting my answer. "You are joking, right?" he asked me.

"I am serious. If you don't look at her gamble and alcohol addiction as well as her fear of blood, I believe she would make a great Hokage. After the fight, I will even summon you to meet her to change her mind if you want," I said, shrugging.

He smiled: "I would gladly see my granddaughter. How you do it is up to you."

Then he signed. "I am not happy about your plan, but I will allow it." I nodded, happy with their approval. "Good, that was what I want to hear." I looked at the Uzumaki.

"Mito I am ready."

"Ok, I had a lovely chat. Here you go." She threw me Tobirama as I concentrated and my eyes grew purple. That cleverly surprised Hashirama and Tobirama but I gave them no time to react.

"Hokage- sama I need your help to seal them away," I shouted. Hiruzen nodded and summoned two Shadow clones.

Snake → Boar → Ram → Rabbit → Dog → Rat → Bird → Horse → Snake.

"Shiki Fuin."

Now it was my turn.

"Asura Path and Human Path."

As the Shinigami's hand came out of Hiruzen's clone, I too took stuck my hand into the Kage's body.

The next thing I felt was unbelievable. I could not describe it well, but the eyes of the Shinigami fell on my body. This was one of the few times I was so close to death. I created a tug of war between me and the God of Death with the two souls as the reward and the Shinigami didn't want to let go of the souls.

I knew that I could not win this fight with strength but by being tricky.

'No, I will get at least one soul, Shinigami. If you want a soul so much then take this.'

I opened the King of Hell and a small soul came out.

With my last strength, I de-summoned Mito so she would not interfere in the worst case. I was on my knee taking deep breaths as I looked at Hiruzen. Even if I saw the scene back when I was a kid, it looked so much more awesome.

Hiruzen held tightly Orochimaru as the arm of the Shinigami held the souls of Hiruzen and tried to take out Orochimaru's. But the Hokage's stamina was not enough and a sword was in Hiruzen's back which Emma the monkey king tried to take out. "Sasaki-san, come help me!" screamed Enma.

Hiruzen chuckled, seeing the state I was in: "No, Emma he can't move and it is already too late. Ishizu, I heard what you planned from Mito."

My eyes grew wide. Mito told him my plan.

"But, I agree. I got weak and even let Orochimaru escape. Still, I am the 3rd Hokage and you will follow my last will. You will be my substitute Hokage with one mission. Your last mission will be to search for Tsunade as I elect her as the next Hokage."

Then he turned to Orochimaru. "Now my foolish disciple. I can't take you with me to the next life, but I am sure as hell can take something from you that you are proud of. Consider it the punishment for everything you have done." Orochimaru did not like the smile his old Sensei gave him. It was of a man who had nothing to lose.

"Damm you Sarutobi, let me go!" Orochimaru screamed, struggling to break free, but Hiruzen's iron grip didn't let go.

With the Rinnegan, I could see how the arms of Orochimaru appeared and the Shinigami took his knife and cut them off. Orochimaru screamed, losing sensation in his arms. The holy arms that Orochimaru used for his many jutsus turned black and because useless. "Damm you Sarutobi! What have you done?" screamed the Snake.

Hiruzen coughed blood and with his last words, he said: "Stupid disciple, I took your ability to do jutsus. You were always so proud of them. Let's see what you can do without them." With that, the Shinigami took the soul from Hiruzen and he fell down.

Title: Hiruzen's death

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