Naruto: Journey Of The Strongest Teacher

Chapter 67 - The beginning of Shippuden

General POV

On a mountain somewhere in the Dumpling Dynasty, Ishizu balanced himself with one leg on a bamboo. He opened his eyes when he felt a familiar presence across from him. It was Po sitting across from him while eating a handful of dumplings.

"It is time Ishizu-kun," spoke Po, and even though he was speaking with a full mouth, Ishizu could hear him loud and clearly.

"Is it already over? Time sure flies by. I can't wait to meet everyone again and see how strong they become. I will kill myself if they are as weak as in canon."

Scene Break

Ishizu observed his beautiful village while he stood on top of his late sensei's stone face. Unfortunately, this wonderful view would soon turn bleak thanks to a certain self-declared god. This time, however, would surely be different.

Activating his Sage Mode Ishizu scanned through the village to see where everyone was.

He felt Hinata in her home while Ino and Sakura were shopping. The other Rockies were also present. He found Kakashi enjoying his smut book and Gai doing crazy training with Lee.

'Naruto told me he would arrive here today but where is he?' thought Ishizu before his instincts screamed for him to dodge and he did so as a fist was where his head was a second ago.

"That was a nice try, Naruto. Sneaking up to me with your Sage Mode. If I had been a second later, I would lie on the ground." The hand retracted to Naruto, who stood behind Ishizu as he canceled his Sage Mode.

"If I had hit you I would not consider you my sensei anymore," smirked Naruto and Ishizu shook his head before the two hugged each other as a sign of welcome.

"Let us go to see our beloved Hokage. I want to relax, so let's get this over with."

With that, they both left for the Hokage tower to meet the 5th Hokage, Tsunade Senju. The Anbu hiding in the shadow recognized the two and just watched from behind the shadows. Knocking on the door, Tsunade called them in and Naruto went first.

Inside the room sat the blonde woman with a large sake bottle and tried to hide the bottle but failed miserably.

"Hi baa-chan, long time no see," Naruto greeted the Senju woman just before dodging an incoming fist that broke the door.

"I told you not to call me that, and what is this? You two don't just casually walk inside so after 2 and a half years and talk like nothing happened."

Ishizu looked through the door-sized hole before walking in.

"I have arrived Hokage-sama and am ready for duty," Ishizu bowed to his superior.

"So much paperwork, now that you are here. Anyway, where is Jiraiya?"

The moment Tsunade asked, Jiraiya walked through the door in with a girl following behind.

"Hime, it is good to see that your beauty is still as good as ever. Maybe we can go to the bath…" Tsunade hit him and he flew through the door.

"As perverted as ever. Now that you are all back."

Then Tsunade looked at the newcomer, Fu.

"I thought you couldn't go lower, Jiraiya. Tell me who that is?"

Ishizu signaled the ANBU around the Hokage to leave. Before he could make a barrier so nobody could listen, Ishizu frowned and quickly dashed to a corner where he held a man on his neck with a mask.

"Didn't I make myself clear? I told all who are not welcome to leave. It was meant for you too. Danzo got over the years. This will teach him not to listen to private conversations. ANBU, take him to T&I and wait with him."

An ANBU appeared and vanished with the ROOT agent.

"Those are my ANBU Ishizu. You can't just order them around."

Ishizu shrugged in response.

"Technically, I was Hokage for a while, so they also listen to me."

After that whole scenario, Naruto, together with Jiraiya, explained to Tsunade the situation of Fu being the Jinchuriki of the Nanabi and how Ishizu and Naruto infiltrated Taki and took her with them. Tsunade nearly destroyed the chair before nearly attacking Ishizu for such a dangerous and stupid thing.

Why? Well, stealing a Jinchūriki from another village that wasn't even on bad terms was something like a declaration of war.

"I don't care if you are a Sage or not but stealing her was a mistake."

"It is only stealing when they know who it was. I should make this a hobby," responded Ishizu.

This made Tsunade even more angrier and just threw her punch hat Ishizu who sidestepped. Unfortunately, he was near a window where Kakashi appeared and the poor man was hit and made a typical Team Rocket move. Ishizu felt bad for him because he just wanted to get a new Icha Icha book and welcome Naruto back home.

"Anyway, since you both are back, I want to see if this whole training outside made any difference. Let us go to the training ground 43 to see your improvements," said Tsunade, but Naruto shook his head.

"I would like to but after I visit my teammates. I haven't seen them in a long time. I wonder how Hinata, Ino as well as Karin turned out. Do you know where they are baa-chan?"

Tsunade told Naruto that Ino, Karin, and Sakura are medic-nin students, so he had to look for them while Hinata was probably the Hyuga compound.

"I can tell you without seeing them that they turned out quite nice. I know my students even if I didn't see them for years," said Ishizu with a smirk and Naruto's face turned red before he jumped out of the window and left before a confused Kakashi came back. Tsunade facepalmed before getting back to drink.

She looked at Ishizu.

"Give me a full report of what happened while you were away."

Ishizu nodded before suggesting for Fu to stay at his home before she got her own apartment.

At home, Ishizu sealed the home off so he was certain nobody was spying before he went to a table and placed nine containers on it. Almost all contained had at least a bit of chakra inside, but only the 7th container was the closest to be full. Ishizu needed one more time to extract chakra from Fu, and he could leave the poor girl alone.

The first container also needed only a bit more. Son Goku's contained needed only two more, but unfortunately, Itachi and Kisame would get him first.

The Five-Tails was gone too.

Kurama's container needed far more chakra because Sora's residue chakra was far form enough.

Yugito Nii's, Utakata's and Killer B's containers had a long way to go.

Ishizu opened the first container and pushed his charka into the container for Shukaku and saw how the container began to glow, but he soon had to stop because those two chakras didn't mix well.

'Guess cheating the system with your own chakra isn't working so good as I had hoped. This will take a long time to do,' thought Ishizu.

Ishizu went through scenarios where he could sneak out of the village to confront Yugito to get her charka from Matatabi. The best moment was to do so before the immortals came for her bijuu. The downside to this was that Ishizu would probably have to fight her. Losing wasn't an option, but he would rather have her as an ally instead of an enemy.

The other, better, option was to wait for Kakuzu and Hidan to attack her and then come as the knight in shining armor and help her escape. He already marked Hidan with a seal so he could easily locate him in the elemental nations. Thinking about it, Ishizu went with the second option and that was to wait for the enemy to make their move.

Isobu's charka would reform, and since fillers existed, Ishizu would find Utakata as well. For Gyuki, Ishizu had to think later about it.

'Soon those containers will be full and I can fulfill my promise to Kaguya.'

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