Naruto: Journey Of The Strongest Teacher

Chapter 71 - 54. Ishizu vs. Naruto Rematch

From the dust, the clay bombs Deidara made came a voice and Ishizu's clone come out.

"I see we meet again, Naruto Uzumaki," the voice echoed from the walls.

Naruto and the others looked at the masked man holding Gaara's lifeless body.

"How are you alive? My art should have taken you to hell, un!" shouted Deidara. The nuke-nin wasn't happy to see someone survive his art. Because art was an explosion and people usually died from those.

The clone chuckled at Deidara and flipped him off.

"I doubt a man who looks like a woman with months on his hands can kill me with clay."

The wood clone turned to face the Konoha team, especially Naruto.

"It has been some time since we've seen each other. I do hope you remember me."

Everyone looked at Naruto, but the latter shook his head before answering in a deadpanned expression.

"No idea who you are."

The clone had to grasp his c.h.e.s.t as if being hurt by Naruto's worlds.

"That is a fist to my pride. Hurts more than anything else. Well, let me be a nice person and remind you. About two years ago, we had a lovely fight against each other. You had a mission, and I had mine. Your nindo to save your friend burned like a forest fire but my nindo was like a huge tsunami. Mine was stronger than yours. I completed my mission and you... failed the rescue. Ring any bells?"

The real Ishizu who stood next to him could see Naruto's eyes slowly changed to the Kyuubi's. He remembered the battle at The Valley of the End and wasn't so happy.

"I think we should take this battle outside," spoke clone before dodging a metal spike as well as Deidara's clay bombs. Both Akatsuki members had enough of the intruder and wanted the man dead.

"Catch me if you can, Mad Bomber," mocked Ishizu.

"Deidara, kill them all. We did our mission," ordered Sasori.

"Kakashi, you and I will take on Deidara. Chiyo-san, you would be best to fight against Sasori. Sakura will aid you. Naruto I trust you to handle the other one," Ishizu ordered the team to have a one on one with Naruto.

The team nodded, and they created 3 groups. Sakura and Chiyo would fight against Sasori. Kakashi and Ishizu chased after Deidara, who tried to grab Gaara but failed, and now tried to flee from the two jonin.

Naruto, on the other hand, chased after the clone who had taken Gaara with him.

Naruto vs. Clone

Outside of the cave, Ishizu made Naruto follow him to a clear plain where he dropped the Kazekage on the ground and stood next to him. Seeing his friend in such a miserable state made Naruto angry and Kurama's chakra oozed out.

"Your emotions are all over the place, Naruto," Kyuubi's voice rang out from behind the bars.

"I don't care. He has Gaara and I will get him back."

"He stinks of Senju. Makes me sick to look at him," spat Kurama before closing his eyes.

The Clone watched Naruto carefully. His training with the Toads helped him with Sage Mode, but his control over Kurama's chakra was still weak. Seeing one of his best friends and a Jinchuriki in such a state would let Kurama's chakra flow out of the seal and clouded his judgment.

'I shouldn't toy with him. An enraged Naruto going into 4 Tails Mode or worse, higher, is a danger for everyone,' thought the clone before placing Gaara next to a tree.

Ishizu crossed his arms while tilting his head to the side.

"Using the fox against me would not be the wisest choice. I have done what I came here for, so would you listen to what I have to say?"

Thankfully, Naruto had enough self-control to calm himself enough and not attack.

"No matter what kind of deal you are suggesting, I will take Gaara, and if you try to stop, then my fist will be in your face," said Naruto.

The clone smiled.

"It is simple. We have a brief fight. If you manage to defeat me, you can have your friend back, but if you win, you will let me go."

"What do you even have to offer for me to spare you, let alone let you leave after you took my friend? I could knock you out, get Gaara, and capture you."

Ishizu smiled as he pointed at Gaara.

"Why I bet the life of your friend, the Kazekage. See, I kind of sabotaged the sealing process of the Akatsuki. This had a positive effect on the Kazekage's life. The Akatsuki think he is dead, but thanks to me he isn't. You should thank me instead because I saved your friend. He is in what we call a near-death state. If you defeat me and let me go afterward, I will promise you to wake him up. As it is only I that can do it. If I lie, you can kill me...So do we have a deal?"

Naruto punched his fist against his palm.

"Sure, I will pummel you to the ground to show you how strong I've become. I am not the same kid you could defeat last time. I will defeat you and take Gaara with me."

With that, Naruto initiated his first attack. Both parties engaged in a Taijutsu fight. Naruto went all out. Shadow Clones popped into existence and charged the clone, Rasengans swirling in their hands.

"Wood Style: Deep Forest emerges," responded the clone.

A massive forest appeared from the ground and clashed with the Rasengan's. From the smoke created, Naruto emerged and kicked Ishizu, which the latter stopped. They restarted their fight until the clone grabbed Naruto by his foot that he caught and flung him away.

"This is not enough to defeat me. Show me the strength of the son of Minato Namikaze!"

'Let's go with Obito Style,' thought Ishizu as a wood branch appeared from his sleeve. The clone snapped it and threw it at Naruto.

"Wood Style: Cutting Spring Jutsu"

The spear flew towards Naruto ready to pierce him but instead hit Naruto's clone, which jumped in front of the real one to block the attack. Ishizu used the moment to speed up and hit Naruto in the face, but also got a hit in the stomach. Both flew a few meters away from each other.

"That's what I want to see, but you are still not fighting seriously!" laughed Ishizu, "Are you thinking I won't kill you?!" asked the clone slowly coming up.

Naruto stood up and spitting blood from his mouth. He could feel it around the man. Nature energy was flowing like calm steam around him. He was a Sage. Naruto was also confused because but this wasn't someone who had the intention to kill his opponent.

"No, I think you have another reason to fight me. Each attack you made was non-lethal, and even that wood spear was made knowing I could block it. I am not the one who is holding back. You don't want to kill me. Who are you?"

The clone smirked as he fell down on his knee. His energy almost gone.

"You got really strong, Naruto. Unfortunately, I have to disappoint you. I am only a clone and my time is almost up."

Naruto frowned, realizing he was played.

"I thought only the Shodaime could use Wood Style. Again, who are you?" Naruto demanded to know.

"Someone who will change the world," the clone looked into the sky, "The one controlling the Akatsuki thinks he knows everything, but it is me who will come up on top. I think we talked enough. You won and will get your reward."

Both made their way to Gaara. Naruto glanced at the clone waiting for an attack, but the clone had no need to fight.

"He is alive. I assure you," assured the clone, placing his hand over his heart where it began to beat again.

Naruto glanced at him.

"I heard from my Sensei that the extraction kills us, so why is he alive? What have you done? Why save him?" Naruto demanded to know.

"I told you I will come out on top no matter what. His survival was just a side effect of my experiment and it wasn't bad, wasn't it?

On the opposite. Helping him survive got you into making a deal with me. I know with whom to make an enemy and with whom to make friends. Such ability can save you countless times."

The clone stood up as he pointed at Naruto.

"Hear my words, Naruto Uzumaki Namikaze. Just as you have a dream I have mine. I will do everything to fulfill my mission. I won't harm anyone you love. On the contrary, your dream for peace is something I can accept. I will help you achieve your dream."

The surrounding air changed.

"Should you hinder me in my attempted I will use everything I have to fight you because this is my ninja way."

"Tell me, what is your goal?" asked Naruto as he looked at this mysterious man.

The clone smiled as he started turning into wood.

"I have made a promise to a certain person. I have to fulfill it at any cost."

"Then I hope we can achieve it together," Naruto smiled and somehow knew the man bind the mask did so too.

"Maybe we will. Who knows? I am sure we will meet again Naruto. And hope that it is as friends."

The clone dissolved into wood, leaving Naruto with Gaara.

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