Naruto: Journey Of The Strongest Teacher

Chapter 81 - Sanbi Filler #1

General POV

'Dammit, why is this guy here? Everything went as I planned. We underestimate the power of the Sanbi, but with Guren we could contain it. Now, this guy is here.'

"If I tell you, why would you consider letting us do our thing? Orochimaru is not here, and you most likely changed his hideout. What do you say?" suggested Kabuto.

"Kabuto, are you betraying Orochimaru-sama?" shouted Guren.

Kabuto glared at her, "Be quiet. This guy is on another level. He was the one who used Sasuke Uchiha and almost killed Orochimaru."

Kabuto looked at Ishizu, "If I tell you, will you let us go?"

Ishizu shrugged, "I just want to know how you defied fate. I will not go against you if you tell me the truth."

Kabuto nodded, "We need the Sanbi as a stabilizer. If we manage to get ahold of it, we can give Orochimaru-sama its chakra so he can get back to his old self. Is that enough?"

Guren glared at Kabuto, but Yuukimaru awoke. Ishizu frowned as he knew that Kabuto didn't tell everything, but it was enough for now.

"So you had another seal, huh? Well, I will hold my promise and let you go."

'For the moment. No way will I let this opportunity go to kill him.'

Ishizu vanished, waiting, as Isobu's chakra was slowly getting absorbed. 'Maybe I have to use 'this' if Naruto gets out of hand,' thought Ishizu as a couple of clones started meditating, drawing in sage energy.

What Ishizu wanted to accomplish would take some time to prepare.

Ishizu POV

I watched how Yuukimaru saved Guren. When both were on land, I appeared. It was time to put some doubt inside the heads of both. I didn't like the idea of blindly following and even giving one's body to another person.

"Summoning Jutsu."

From the smoke, Tau appeared, and he looked at me with his amusing smile.

"Good day to you, brother Ishizu. I have heard you had finally got the courage to summon Yin Yin a while ago. Denku had to pay me 20 dumplings, so I am in a good mood. What can I do for you?" Tau gave me a smile.

"You bet on wh...? Never mind," Ishizu shook his head.

What the pandas did outside of his work didn't concern me. No matter how ridiculous it sounded.

"I need your help with those two. The elder one in particular. I have read in Po's books about the panda's ability to communicate through the mind. My goal is to put a sliver of doubt insider their head about this whole operation. I am not 100% sure why they need Isobu, but anything that has to do with Orochimaru is bad. Yuukimaru and Guren could become great allies, and a crystal-style user could have powerful children," I explained to my summon.

"Oh, how evil of you, Ishizu-kun. To use one of our most sacred techniques that resemble the Ninshu as mind control. It wouldn't hurt, right?" said Tau as he has an amusing smile on his face.

The panda knew how to tease me.

I frowned, "Hey, it's utilitarianism. If it is for the greater good, it is morally correct."

Tau shrugged and put his paw on each of their heads, and we both entered the very soul of them.

This technique was scared for the pandas and no human could learn it because only pandas could do it. I couldn't find the reason why.

The ability to go into one's soul. If I think about it, Ninshu is similar. Maybe Hagoromo based it on this?

"Now what do you want me to tell them?" asked Tau.

I thought for a second. This was the hard part as to what to give them doubt about. Yuukimaru was easy as he was completely loyal to Guren.

The crystal-style user was different. She was loyal to Orochimaru to the point where she wanted to give him her body.

I made up my mind about what to tell them.

"Give her the doubt that Yuukimaru will die if she continues going with Orochimaru and that he is more important than the snake. She already has a mother's feeling for the boy. Blind follow won't compare to the love a mother has for her son, no matter if he is adopted or not. Would you do it?"

Tau nodded as he changed the very soul of Guren. Over time, she would love Yuukimaru more and more, and her love for the snake would be gone.

The technique wasn't like Mind Control per se. For it to work there has to be some feeling from Guren to Yuukimaru. While Mind Control forced a changed of mind, this technique would simply give Guren another option.

If she took it or not was for her to decide. I would just tell her that one option is better than the other.

"It is done and the boy will not remember seeing us," said Tau, and we came back to reality.

General POV

Guren woke up as she saw Yuukimaru smiling at her. She had a dream where she lived her life with Yuukimaru happily. Without Orochimaru.

"Hey, Yuukimaru, if I were to leave Orochimaru, would you come with me?" It was a stupid question, but Guren risked it.

Yuukimaru smiled, "I will always follow you, Guren-san."

Guren nodded, "Let's find the other ones, shall we?"

Meanwhile, Ishizu was sitting near the lake, drawing chakra from Isobu.

"Ishizu, Ishizu, let me talk to you," a voice called out. Ishizu had his eyes closed as he concentrated on the chakra.

"Go away and stop disturbing me. These illusions are weak. My love is not here. I have seen Genjutsus better than that."

Activating the Rinnegan, Ishizu absorbed the surrounding chakra.

Back in Konoha, Ishizu formulated a plan.

Tsunade already told him that if he can't make up a sealing Jutsu, they will seal the Sanbi in another dimension. Now Ishizu was working on a sealing Jutsu that could draw out the chakra out of the best and trap it inside and making it sleep.

It was made from the previous Jutsu, Dream of Endless Happiness. He presented it to Tsunade, and she made a team to go and seal it.

Back at the lake, Ishizu watched as Yuukimaru's fever got higher. With the doubt placed inside Guren's soul, she started to doubt Orochimaru more and more.

One ultimate thing could change her perspective of life, and that's what Ishizu would do.

"His fever is going to kill him. If the boy tries to connect with the Sanbi again, his body will collapse and he will die," said Ishizu on a tree.

Guren immediately got up to protect her adopted son, but his cough made stop attacking. "I thought you would leave out missing to us? Why are you here?" asked a Guren in an angry tone.

"I am not attacking you, am I? I am just telling you facts about the boy. As a civilian, to have such an ability is dangerous. The pills he takes allow him to use the chakra, but his body can not handle this huge amount of it. The fever is a symptom of the negative effects of the pills."

"He won't die. Orochimaru will use him as a vessel and he will live," explained Guren.

'Ah, now I get it. Clever hiding it from me, Kabuto, but I figured it out. This is what you are after, Orochimaru. You want to inhabit the body of Yuukimaru. Guren and Kabuto's job is to seal the Sanbi inside the boy and then let Orochimaru take over. Making yourself a Jinchuriki, are you? A clever tactic.'

"You have such deep and blind trust in a person who lies and uses others? Most people under Orochimaru died."

"He, he... he saved me," was Guren's answer.

"From what? Yes, he gave you home, but he let you do things one shouldn't ask from a child. He made you into a weapon and the moment you aren't needed he will leave you like garbage.

A good example is Kimimaru. You should know him as he once was a vessel for Orochimaru, but his disease made him unusable and there was not worth anything for Orochimaru but a disposable.

But unlike you, he went a step further. He found people who would value him like he is a human, not a weapon. Orochimaru is killing Yuukimaru. Simple as that. If you decide to stay by his side, the boy will die and you will lose him forever."

Guren was now crying, holding the boy in her arms while the latter just smiled.

"I can help you, Guren. I can save Yuukimaru from Orochimaru. You could have the life you always wanted. You just have to tell me where Orochimaru is."

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