Naruto: Journey Of The Strongest Teacher

Chapter 83 - Sanbi Filler #3

General POV

"We have to hurry. The Konoha Shinobi already started the sealing process. Come, Yuukimaru, take the pills," said Kabuto.

The young boy hid behind Guren, fearing the glass freak.

"We don't have time. Guren, do it!" instructed Kabuto.

Guren did not listen as she remembered the world Ishizu said.

'I will protect you from both Kabuto and Orochimaru. You have to trust me.'

"No, I will not give you Yuukimaru. He will not become Orochimaru's vessel," finally said Guren. She was done following Orochimaru and seeing her adopted son getting hurt.

Kabuto adjusted his glasses as he smirked.

"I think you have no say in this, Guren. Orochimaru wants the boy and he will get him." Kabuto tried to grab the young boy but Guren threw a crystalized kunai at Kabuto who blocked it.

"I think that is enough, Kabuto. They clearly told you they don't want to work anymore for Orochimaru, so respect their wishes. If not, then I will be your opponent," said Ishizu as he sat on the cube.

Kabuto frowned as he saw the masked Ishizu. The spy knew Ishizu was an opponent he couldn't face without getting serious injuries or even death.

"I thought you would not intervene in our plan. What happened that you broke your promise?" asked Kabuto, smiling while getting angry deep inside since he couldn't fulfill his mission.

Ishizu returned the smile behind the mask. He remembered watching the show when he was a teenager, and he always hated that smug smile. It literally screamed 'Punch me in the face, I deserve it' but Ishizu held back.

"It broke the moment Guren told me the location of Orochimaru. You could fight me now but risk the life of Orochimaru or go to your master and maybe be able to save his life. I will give you the time to go to him if you leave now. Choose, Kabuto Yakushi."

Kabuto's face was priceless as he immediately left, not even negotiating with Ishizu. Guren held the young Yuukimaru in her hands, trying to hold her tears back.

"You actually forced him to go back by lying to him. I couldn't be more thankful," said Guren.

"It is not over. I still need your help. Kabuto's spy doesn't know that Kabuto left, so you have to play your part. It helps me with my mission. Distract the Konoha Shinobi for a while. When you see me jumping into the air, run as fast as you can away from this place as you can," explained Ishizu.

Guren nodded, and they prepared the plan.

"Hey, Tobi. What the hell is this? Why are we back at the beginning? Is this a Genjutsu or what?"

"I don't know, Senpai. It seems we both got trapped in a loop. Oh no, I don't want to be the guy from Groundhog Day," said Tobi in his playful voice.


"I am sorry, Senpai, but you have to live with me for the rest of your life. Poor Tobi has to hear his whole life of 'Art is an explosion talk.' ....Did I say that out loud?"


While Tobi was running away from a mad Deidara, he activated his Sharingan to see the chakra surrounding them.

'Whoever did this, didn't want to let us in. This is not a simple Genjutsu, but a large-scale barrier set up to hamper anyone who walks inside. It attacks with one's senses that I can't even teleport out of here. The problem with those jutsus is that if you find a key point, the jutsu breaks down. I have to find it quick.'

At the sealing team, Guren engaged Lee and Ten Ten in a battle. Naruto and Shino soon came, and it was a 2 vs. 4.

'Where are you? I cannot fight this anymore. My chakra is almost gone,' thought Guren.

"That is enough, Guren. I thank you for helping me. For your service I will let you have your life with Yuukimaru," muttered Ishizu.

"Wind Style: Air Pressure."

The air under Ishizu's feet catapulted him into the air right above the seal. Clenching his fist, Ishizu punched the seal, but secretly he put his own seal on it and therefore overwriting the one the sealing team had. On the outside, it looked like he destroyed it with a single fist attack.

"Impossible. How could he do that with a single punch?" said Shizune in disbelief. The rest had similar expressions.

Guren, seeing him, immediately ran away. Shino tried to stop her, but the tsunami created by the Sanbi, who now was free and pissed, separated them.

The Sanbi first saw Guren and was about to fire a massive water ball at her.

Yuukimaru saw the danger Guren was in and activated his ability to stop him. This gave Guren the chance to get to safely and stay by Yuukimaru, but they did not leave the area.

Ishizu jumped on Isobu and looked at the container. Two and a half marbles were full. That was enough. Ishizu put the container away as the Sanbi started moving as it felt the presence of Ishizu.

"Oy oy, Isobu. Don't cause such a ruckus. I have everything I need. Now let us a fun."

Jumping onto the water, Isobu glared at Ishizu. The latter returned with a genuine smile.

"It is an honor to meet you. This is the first time I meet one of you 9 outside of a seal. Nice to meet you."

The answer Ishizu got was a water attack.

"Shinra Tensei."

The water attack vanished as Ishizu with his Rinnegan stared at Isobu, signaling him who the boss was, but he felt another chakra signature close-by.

"So you came, huh? Naruto Uzumaki."

"Oh, and you brought some friends with you. I think we will have some fun."

Naruto opened his eyes, showing the Sage Mode of the Frogs.

'Even now I find it hard to believe that he mastered Sage Mode. In canon, the boy had problems doing teamwork with his summons and here I see him showing me his mastered Sage Mode. It would be so much easier if he wasn't so strong, but I can only blame myself since I trained him. Naturally, this would be a troublesome fight if I didn't have a plan for it.' thought Ishizu.

That's when the clones who were absorbing nature energy popped, and the chakra came to Ishizu.

Naruto saw the chakra fusing with Ishizu and got ready to battle.

"If you think using Sage Mode against me is going to help you win the fight, then I have to disappoint you. You, Jiraiya, and even your sensei are not the only ones who achieved the path of a Sage. While you have trained in Frog Mode, I will give you a demonstration of mother nature herself.

Black markings formed on Ishizu's eyes. They circled around his eyes and then curved down to his chin.

"Let me show you the strength only Hashirama Senju wielded. The power of mother nature itself. Get ready, Naruto. Here I come!"

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