Naruto: Journey Of The Strongest Teacher

Chapter 85 - The Cat Village Part 1

General POV

Back in Konoha, Ishizu made his plans for the next important arcs.

Jiraiya would search for Pain and Naruto would pursue Sasuke.

Sasuke is training in his Sage Mode for his battle against Itachi. It would be bad to leave him there as Ishizu promised Sasuke to arrange a battle between the two.

Ishizu would collect Suigetsu and Jugo for Konoha and replace Karin as the sensor of Team Hebi, as Ishizu was certain that Karin would come with the team to retrieve Sasuke thanks to her special sensor ability.

But they could be hampered with him being next to Sasuke.

Jiraiya leaving Konoha to find Pain during the time of Sasuke's fight with his brother would make it hard for him to protect the Sannin.

Fortunately for Ishizu, he was a Konoha Shinobi and knew the best way to protect someone if one alone couldn't was to ask for help.

'They' would come and handle the problem with the Sannin.

Back in Konoha, the teams informed Tsunade about their failure to seal the Sanbi. Days past and Ishizu prepared to meet Sasuke. Naruto was also training hard after his defeat by Yamamoto.

It was very interesting listening to Tsunade and the other Jonin about a plan to take Yamamoto down.

Many ideas were thrown into consideration, a few Ishizu found funny, but it didn't matter what they would plan, as Ishizu would always know.

Leaving a clone in Konoha, Ishizu got reverse summoned to *DD*. A meeting was held, and many pandas listened to their new Sage.

"It is almost time for the showdown. I have ordered you here to help me with one important decision.

A friend of mine; the teacher of my father is going to fight a foe who is stronger than him. I know you like to sit here and eat, but I ask you as the new Sage to help me. He isn't only a friend, but I consider him family, and family sticks together."

"A wonderful speech, Sage Ishizu. Your emotions touch us. Tell us what we have to do and we will do it," said brother Tau.

The other pandas cheered, and Ishizu smiled for the help they could provide.

"I want some of your best spies to look after Jiraiya of the Sannin, Toad Sage, and teacher of Naruto Uzumaki."

The pandas nodded, and Ishizu made his way to Sage Elder Po.

*Ah, Ishizu. It is good to see you. What can I do for you? By the way, nice speech. I am impressed that you want to save the old man. My question is why?* asked Po.

Ishizu smiled.

"When I saw it happen in my old world, I was very sad about it. It was as if I could feel the same thing Naruto felt. Some would say I am wrong; that I should let him die so Naruto can understand what Sasuke felt. I say **** them. I don't care what others think about me. I do what I want. Humans are selfish, and I am no exception. I have seen enough dead people."

Ishizu activated his Rinnegan.

"And with those eyes, I will change the story. No more death of my friends and loved one."

Po kept silent as both made their way to jump the Snake Cave.

Ryuga Cave

"SSSassske-sssammaa, you have a guesstsss," said a snake.

"Let him in," ordered Sasuke.

Through the door walked Ishizu, smiling.

"It is time for you to leave. Your battle with Itachi is coming soon."

"Good. I need some people to gather, and we make a team to find Itachi. Let us go," said Sasuke, and both went to find one of the two other teammates, Suigetsu.

The 'true' death of Orochimaru was only known to two individuals, that being Ishizu and Kabuto. Everyone else thought that Orochimaru died in his fight with Sasuke. Not that it mattered. Dead was dead.

Both made their way into the chamber where Suigetsu resides and opened the container.

'It feels weird replacing Karin as a sensor,' Ishizu chuckled at that thought.

Sasuke freed the water boy, and Ishizu had the opportunity to meet him. Ishizu did not expect much from him. He was arrogant like others from the same family of Kiri Shinobi. Bragging to Ishizu how if they fought he would win.

The Rinnegan wielder sighed, thinking how Sasuke could handle this guy. True, if Ishizu showed him not to mess with him, Suigetsu would stop, but maybe he would start wanting to fight more and Ishizu didn't want to accidentally kill the boy.

As Karin was in Konoha because of Ishizu, they directly went to get Jugo. Ishizu had a marvelous view of being a sub-ordinant of Sasuke. Sasuke was quiet most of the time and only spoke when he needed something done.

Sasuke quickly dealt Jogo with.

"Hey, Jugo. If you really want to see Kimimaro, then I can arrange it. He is still alive," said Ishizu to calm the boy.

Jugo looked shocked, as was Sasuke.

"W-what do you mean by he is alive? I heard he died when he protected Sasuke-sama?" asked Jugo.

"He did, but he wasn't dead. I helped him survive and now he is recovering. If you help Sasuke, then you can see him again," reassured Ishizu.

Jugo agreed to follow Sasuke as he saw him as another Kimimaro.

Ishizu Clone POV

Finding the Uchiha Hideout was not easy. Like, almost impossible, since I had no idea where to look for it.

I had a good grasp of the story even after so many years of living here, but small stuff or things that were never shown the exact location made me stumbled.

To find its location, I had to find those who knew where it was. The Uchiha's were dead; well most of them, so it came to those who allied themselves with them, the Neko.

I had to travel to Sora-ku before Sasuke and the main one came here.

Sora-ku was an old town with many enormous buildings that looked like it was a city from the future, but all those buildings looked abandoned and one would think nobody lived here.

That was of course not the case since as soon as I stepped into the city, I felt countless eyes watching me from every corner. Most of them were of people who controlled the black market and who wanted to see if I was here to kill them. The others who were more hidden were the ninja cats.

Most eyes left after I didn't make a sound, but when I found the shop I was looking for the eyes of the cats glowed in the dark.

"Hello, I am coming in. Please don't kill me," I said as I opened the door where a teenage girl greeted me.

"Welcome to the shop. What can I do for you?"

'A civilian girl. I think she must be her granddaughter.'

"I want to speak to Nekobaa. Is she here?" I asked politely.

The girl introduced herself as Tamaki. She nodded before disappearing behind the door.

I glanced around me and rolled my eyes. Being watched so obviously was annoying. Either you do it right or you don't.

"So, are you going to watch me the entire time or are you going to do something?"

The next moment a fishbone came flying at me with some speed. I grabbed it out of the air before looking at what it was. I had no time as many cats from the shadows pounced at me.

"So many versus only one? Can't say you aren't sneaky."

Activating the Rinnegan, I used the Deva Path to push them away but not so strong to destroy the house. I didn't want to be banned from here.

"Enough! Stop attacking my customers. Even if you all attack him, you wouldn't stand a chance," the voice of Nekobaa was heard as she opened the door.

General POV

Ishizu felt the old woman laying her eyes on him. She quickly roamed over his body before a smile formed on her face.

"Oh, Sasaki-san, you look so young. It has been a long time since I have last seen you."

Ishizu scratched his head as he laughed a bit. He knew the woman well.

"Well, it is good to see you too, Nekobaa. How have you been?"

Suddenly, a cat came forwards and sniffed him.

"This can't be the same boy we met some time ago. He even smells like wood. No way is this person Ishizu Sasaki. He radiates a feeling of superiority and confidence. The Ishizu-kun we know was always too paranoid and got spooked from everything that moved," said the cat while glancing at the man.

Ishizu cringed at that comment. What the cat said was true, and it reminded him of the mission he had here a long time ago.

A certain mission with a certain Uchiha and his meeting with a certain cat.

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