Naruto: Journey Of The Strongest Teacher

Chapter 90 - Filler Goddammit Kishimoto

General POV

"Goddammit, Kishimoto!"

Naruto Uzumaki watched how his Sensei stormed off after something caught on fire. Since the moment he became a genin under his Sensei, he would hear Ishizu curse in a different way than the rest.

Most would curse the Shinigami and thank the Kami, but he would both curse and thank this Kishimoto person.

And so one question came up in Naruto's mind.

'Who the hell is this Kishimoto.'

"So, let me get this straight," spoke Ino, "you want to find this Kishimoto person Ishizu-sensei uses when cursing?"

"Well, don't you find it strange why he uses this name? I have never heard of anyone with such a name."

"Naruto-kun is right. We should ask someone about this Kishimoto. Maybe they can help us."

As if people would believe that.

After the library failed to get them an answer, the three came back together to discuss what they found.

"I got nothing," mumbled Naruto, and Ino shook her head too.

"Maybe one of the Jonin knows who he is. Ishizu must have cursed when they were together," commented Hinata, and the new search began.

"Kishimoto? Yeah, I heard Ishizu saying that name once or twice when something was going bad, but I never thought of it as something," said Asuma.

"Nope. I have no idea who this guy is. Must be some god Ishizu beloved in," replied Kurenai.

"My old comrade Obito once asked the same question, but he never got a rely from him, sorry," apologize Kakashi, and the team was back to square one.

"Dammit!" Naruto hit the table which they were sitting around.

"This is like knowing what is under Kakashi's mask. A mystery we will never know."

"What about the summons of Ishizu-Sensei? asked Hinata and once again hope was seen in their eyes.

"That could do it. We have to summon Brother Tau," exclaimed Naruto before running home and after 5 minutes coming back with a sealing tag.

"I still have one leftover seal from my training with the Toads. With this, we could summon him."

With no further interruptions, Naruto activated the seal, and in response, Brother Tau appeared.

Before Tau could question why he was summoned by someone, Naruto began asking questions before Ino shut his mouth with one hand.

"Could you repeat yourself? I doubt I understood your question, Naruto-kun," Tau smiled at the boy.

"Naruto asked if you know a man named Kishimoto. Ishizu-Sensei used this name when he cursed and we are curious who this is," asked Hinata only to be again disappointed when even Tau, one of the closest beings, didn't know who this was.

Scene change.

"Are you sure this is going to work?" Hinata asked, worried.

"Don't worry, Hinata. Everything will be fine."

Ino facepalmed. What did he mean, everything was fine? Ishizu Sasaki's home was one, if not the most secure place in whole Konoha and maybe even the elemental nations.

Fuinjutsu upon Fuinjutsu covered the surrounding place, and even if you somehow managed to enter, even more horrible things awaited you.

So how could those 3 enter? Well, they just knocked on the door and spoke: "We want to borrow something. Don't kill us." And nothing happened.

As long as you didn't have any ulterior thoughts, you could easily enter. So they just entered their sensei's home and took a mask Naruto said would summon the Shinigami.

Even Ino wouldn't go to such masses to find a secret, but Naruto convinced her. They caught some random thug who was out under Ino's mind control and sacrificed his life to summon the Shinigami.

The Shinigami rolled his skeleton eyes at what was going on. Usually one would summon him in exchange for their lives to take another, yet here he was being summoned by the child of prophecy to ask him about some man named Kishimoto.

He didn't know why, but speaking the name send a shiver down his spine. He didn't know, but whoever this person was, he was even beyond him.

So he shook his head in denial of knowing the said person.

The trio was back again at Ichiraku's Ramen eaten in frustration.

"Maybe we should ask Ishizu-sensei himself? He should at least know the answer," commented Ino, but unfortunately the man went on a mission and wouldn't be back.

"Hey, what are you sulking over here?" a female voice came from the side, making all three turn their heads to meet the purple-haired Anko.

"We tried and failed to discover one of the secrets of Konoha," sighed Naruto as he devoured another cup of ramen.

"Oh, what kind of mystery?" the woman grinned, hoping to hear something interesting.

"Who in the elemental nations is Kishimoto? We asked everyone who knows Ishizu-sensei. Even his summons have no clue. Hell, we even summoned the shin..."

Ino held Naruto's mouth shut.

The three didn't expect Anko to grin.

"Well, I doubt you would find anyone who knows him. It isn't a person who exists," she spoke, but was interrupted by Ino.

"Yes, we know that. Ishizu-sensei uses this man instead of Kami or Shinigami, but we want to know why!"

"I know."

The head of the three snapped towards a grinning Anko.

"How?" was Naruto's simple question.

"I... am just good at information gathering."

Flashback POV

"Did you hear? Anko is back from a mission," muttered Kurenai, and Asuma sighed.

"Wasn't it a seduction mission? Oh, no. When she sees him..."


An explosion occurred, drawing everyone's attention where an 18-year-old Ishizu was throwing paper bombs at a 16-year-old Anko.

"Come here, Ishizu-kun. I am something to show you," Anko licked her lips while Ishizu took another paper bomb into his hands.

"I curse Kishimoto for having you as my nemesis! What have I ever done to you to deserve such unneeded attention?! I am some random side character not worthy of anything now, yet here you are causing my unending misery. Just die!"

While Anko dodged the kunais, the explosion still hit her, giving her a few burn marks.

After one hour of cat and mouse, Anko somehow managed to catch Ishizu and was now dragging him into a place she called home, but was one of Orochimaru's labs.

"Help! Kishimoto, get me out of here!" A piece of cloths muffled his shouts was stuck into his mouth.

Kakashi just stared as his teammate was dragged into a dark place, but before he could help him he had to run away from his own rival that was trying to get to him.

Ishizu POV

Being a well-known Jonin in a world filled with monsters such as Madara, Nagato, and future Obito wasn't so good since all of them had other people in the sight to murder and as long as you stayed in the shadow they wouldn't bother you.

Compared to them, I was weak and therefore not on their death list. I could easily blend into a conversation and just hand around to gather information and secretly grow stronger.

Yet for some reason, Kishimoto decided to give me my own Gai to Kakashi, but instead of an overly enthusiastic Taijutsu specialist, I've got a professional torture prodigy who for some reason set her eyes on me from a very young age.

My Fuinjutsu could stop many things. Minato-sensei praised me for my work, yet not even the mighty seals could protect me from anesthetic senbons.

"Mitarashi-san, why must you be so cruel to this insignificant one? Can't you just leave me alone?" I asked, while being chained down to a wall.

"Silence! I had to spend two months to seduce that ugly ******** but he found out I was a spy so even when I killed him I wasn't happy since my mission failed. So I need you as my subject to experiment on," she spoke while I saw the long tongue coming out of her mouth.

"Oh, for the love of Kishimoto, how old are you? 16? You are even crazier than an Uzumaki!" I began to move so I could escape this crazy girl.

She was 2 years young than me, but for some reason, she was as ruthless and as perverted, only to me, as she would be as an a.d.u.l.t.

"Oh, don't worry, Ishizu-chan. I won't hurt your innocence. Today is all about information gathering and just now I have one. Who is Kishimoto?"

I stared at her with a confused look. Why did she want to know that? The information was both useless and useful, so in my foolishness, I kept quiet.

"So it is something worth trying to get out of your mind, hmm? Let's use those babies I have with me to make your mouth speak of everything."

I screamed for help as I saw the torture devices, but she threw them away.

"Don't worry, I won't inflict pain on you since you are a leaf shinobi. Seduction missions have to be carried out differently from normal interrogation. Sometimes...," a grin formed on Anko's face.

"Instead of inflicting pain where the victim talks and begs to make it stop, I will inflict p.l.e.a.s.u.r.e on your body until you beg for me to continue. All you need is a bit of p.l.e.a.s.u.r.e from a young and innocent girl to make a man talk."

"Innocent? Ha! As if you are innocent. Also, if you think I'll let you defile my body, I dare you to try," I glared at her but she shook her head as she brought a hand to my stomach.

"My dear Ishizu-chan, there won't be any s.e.x.u.a.l i.n.t.e.r.c.o.u.r.s.e between us. Maybe if you stop chasing your imaginary wife..."

"No!" My glare made her roll her eyes.

"Fine, have it your way, but I don't need to have s.e.x with you to give you p.l.e.a.s.u.r.e. There are plenty of ways to stimulate a man without the need for a v.a.g.i.n.a and a p.e.n.i.s."

Nobody heard the cries Ishizu was giving off, but after an unknown amount of time Kakashi found the Ishizu in his apartment sleeping and when he woke up and was asked what happened he only opened his mouth, blushed, and shook his head.

Flashback end

Ishizu wasn't the only one that blushed and Anko laughed, seeing the faces of Naruto, Hinata, and Ino.

"Ergh, thank you for the... detailed explanation, but that still doesn't answer the question," Ino was the first to collect herself.

Anko blinked, "Oh, right. I must have got carried away. During our session, I managed to get some information from Ishizu. Apparently, he believes Kishimoto to be The God. Not one god like Kami, but the one above all. The one who created the elemental nations and this universe. When I asked him how he knew, he said he read a book about him when he was young."

"So this Kishimoto is the strongest being in the world?" asked Naruto, confused, not sure if he understood Anko.

"Something like that. Ishizu said you and I will never get to meet him since he is busy doing his new work, which he apparently disliked. When I asked him about that, he cringed and muttered something about a young, spoiled blonde boy who can kill gods with a giant Rasengan at a very young age. At that point, I stopped my interrogation."

"Thank you for this in-depth information. I am sure we can learn something from it," said Hinata with a small smile on her face which only Anko saw, but for some reason, Naruto shivered and looked at Hinata in fear.

'I don't know why, but I should probably be a lot nice to her, or else something bad will happen.'

Somewhere in the elemental nations, Ishizu sneezed, and a familiar feeling overcame him.

"My Anko Radar is active. She must have done something I most certainly will regret, but I can't say that I didn't learn a lot about the male and female body during that time with her. With only 16 years, she sure had more knowledge than most s.e.x.u.a.lly active people."

Even now Ishizu couldn't forget what Anko did to him, but he thanked her for it since it would help him tremendously in the future.

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