Naruto: Journey Of The Strongest Teacher

Chapter 94 - A Mighty Finger Hold

General POV

"Why are you crying?" a young voice spoke, making Ishizu look down to find a small baby panda on the ground.

The latter placed his hand on his check to feel the tears running down.


Ishizu wished his face to see tears dripping down his face.

"It is nothing. Just the wind. Now go play with your brothers and sisters."

In reality, Ishizu just got the information from his clone before he did the ultimate betrayal. He defected from Konoha.

Many thoughts passed through his brain. Some asking if it was the right thing to do. Others told him it was the only choice he had. It didn't matter now. He did it, and there will be consequences he would overcome.

Nothing would stop him from freeing his wife. Still, somewhere deep inside Ishizu's soul, he feared Naruto would hate him for what he did. Ishizu would still go on with his plan, but hearing that his student hated him, he would lose a part of himself.

Ishizu loved teaching. He could have left Naruto alone and took his and Sasuke's blood without their consent, but he wanted to train Naruto. Seeing your students growing up and becoming stronger than they had been in a story made Ishizu proud that he did the right thing.

If the same student now told him he hated him for abandoning him for a woman, he would accept it, but part of him would break and Ishizu knew he would never be the same. That's why Ishizu defected now and not later. Given time, Naruto would understand why he did it.

"There is still time until Sasuke reaches Itachi, so what should I do?"

In *DD*

"Brother Tau, Sage Ishizu's message came, telling us to be ready," Denku informed the other panda.

Tau was eating dumplings, but this message made him stop for a moment.

"So it is finally time to make our grand entrance? I was wondering when it would happen."

Out of nowhere, two pandas tackled Denku, who was about to pick up a dumping.

"Gahh! What the hell is wrong with you two?" shouted Denku as he grasped his head in pain.

"Oh, don't be such a sissy. It didn't even hurt," said the first.

"Yeah. You should be grateful we bless you with our presence, Denku," said the second.

"Do they really have to come with us? They are so... annoying," Denku finished the sentence with a frown.

"Hn. That's why you will never find a girlfriend, Denku. You have to show respect to the female gender. Just like our new Sage does," said Yang Yang as her eyes morphed into hearts.

Denku rolled his eyes before taking a dumpling and finally ate it.

"The only thing he does if you latch onto him is to 'Shinra Tensei' you, but for some reason, it makes you want him more. You females are all confusing. I am at a loss."

"And that's why, me dear Denku, you will be forever single," teased Yin Yin.

"You just don't have the right vibe."

"Girls, Stop teasing Denku. He is too stupid to understand you."


"Stay here and wait for Sage Po to arrive. We will wait for the seal on Jiraiya's back to activate and teleport us to him. Our priority is to secure the old Toad Sage."

"That means we won't engage in battle with the Rinnegan wielder as long as he stays away from us."

"But if he does...." spoke Yang Yang, rubbing her hands together.

"Then we will show him the power of Yin and Yang," said Yin Yin with a creepy smile that gave Denku goosebumps.

'I pray for you Ishizu-kun to never meet them again.'

In Amegakure, Jiraiya was confronted by Konan and one of the Paths of Pain.

The Sannin was shocked despite not showing it that his former students were alive.

Unfortunately, his words were not coming through as Pain attacked his former master.

The battle was one legend and showed just how strong Jiraiya really was even though he had no idea what the abilities of the Rinnegan were.

Back in the Dumpling Dynasty, Brother Long and Sage Po arrived with the others.

*Sure thing, Old Man. We will show that little boy what real pain is. Am I right Yin Yin?*

Yin Yin, who stood before a mirror and was doing evil laugh impressions, nodded.

Denku could only facepalm.

*Didn't I say you aren't going to fight?* frowned Tau, only for a staff to hit the ground, turning everyone's head to the noise.

*If somebody will fight, then it will be me,* states Po.

All of them looked at him with a shocked expression.

Po smiled. *It brings back memories of fighting a Rinnegan user. Hagoromo was quite strong, and he still was no match for me.

This boy?


*Master Po, shouldn't our priority be to save the Toad Sage?* inquired Tau calling out the real reason to go out.

Po just waved his pawn in the air.

*Of course we will save him. It's our mission. That's why YOU are going. I will fight with the wannabe god while YOU take the toad boy with you. Do YOU have a problem with that?*

Tau shook his head, knowing that if the Sage wanted something, he couldn't be stopped.

*It is time. Let's go!*

In Amegakure, the Paths of Pain pierced Jiraiya with their chakra receivers, rendering him immobile.

Using his last strength, Jiraiya raised his hand to write down the truth about Pain in his secret code before a large seal on his back activated.

"Wha-?" coughed Jiraiya before collapsing on the ground, not being able to write on Fukasuke.

*So this is the other Rinnegan wielded. Going by the corpses in front of us that are controlled by the chakra conductors, the real one is not here,* a disappointing voice from the middle of the smoke spoke up.

*I am sorry to inform you, Sage Po. We are in the Elemental Nations. They don't speak this language here. That is why I told you to learn it,* the voice from the right explained.

*And I say they should learn my language. Even Ishizu-kun knows how to speak it. Why can't the rest?*

A paw grabbed Tau's shoulder.

*Don't argue with him, master Tau. Let him have his moment,* spoke Long.

"Who are you?" asked, or rather demanded, the Deva Path.

*Your Doom,* came the reply that, like before, nobody understood.

"It doesn't matter. Everyone will fall before Pain."

Each Path immediately charged at the middle panda but with a slight wave motion, every Path except the middle one got flung away.

"Your bow head before elderlying men. Those eyes too, he not worthily attacking me," Po spoke in broken elemental.

The rest of the pandas surrounded Jiraiya and Fukasuke.

"Master Tau. Why are you here? How?" asked the old toad as he worried about his student.

"There is no time. Your student here is on the brink of death. We shall take him to our sacred land and see if there is any hope for him. Go to Konoha and inform them that Jiraiya found out where the leader is," spoke Tau in a commanding voice.

Then the atmosphere around Tau changed as he looked at the small toad.

"There is only one thing you cannot say."

Fukasuke shivered. The presence of Tau was enormous.

"What is it?"

"You cannot tell anyone that your student Jiraiya survived the encounter. Even we are not sure if he will. Konoha has to face the danger that is coming if we fail to do it. We are no babysitters. Sage Po allowed only one person to know the truth of Jiraiya state.

We are not sure if he will be fine, but the person who can know what happened here is Tsunade Senju and only if she is alone. This is our message from our new Sage.

Failure to comply will have severe consequences. Not only for you but also for your Toad Clan.

Am I understood, Fukasuke-kun?"

Fukasuke's mind raced. He didn't understand what was happening, but he knew that to anger a panda was certain death. He nodded in agreement and ran.

While Po had his dealing with Pain, the rest of the pandas analyzed Jiraiya.

"Wow! So cool! This human is still alive after so many injuries. He lost his arm, all of his ribs are broken, his throat is crushed and his intestines are ruptured. It is good that we are here and can heal him but that is only happening because his will is so strong," spoke Yang Yang, clearly amazed at the tenacity Jiraiya showed.

"Get him immediately to DD and get him in life support. Our goal is to let him live until Sage Ishizu arrives," commanded Long.

Long, Denku, and the sisters Reverse-summoned to DD while Tau stayed behind and watched how his Sage fought the enemy.

He enjoyed watching his Sage completely humiliating his enemy, who thought he was a God. Somewhere a certain red-haired man was frowning as he watched through his Rinnegan. No matter what his Deva Path did, nothing worked on the big panda in front of him. He was being mocked!

His Shinra Tensei, as well as his Bansho Ten'in, were shrugged off as if gravity centered around that 'Big Fat Panda'.

Meanwhile, the panda yawned as he scratched his belly as he casually slapped another Shinra Tensei away with his pawn. Suddenly, his face hardened, and he glared at his enemy.

"Did you just thought I am a big fat panda?"

The panda disappeared and even the Rinnegan couldn't trace the speed.

Then he reappeared before Pain and out of reflex the Deva Path tried to hit him, but his fist was caught with his index finder held by the paw while Po's pinky was up.

"I am not just a big fat panda."

Po blinked a few times as he remembered something.

*Wait, didn't I say that to Tai Lung too? Well, either way.

I am THE Big Fat Panda.

Unfortunately, you are not Tai Lung and I am too bored to explain to you how this works so, Skadoosh,* said Po as he flexed his pinky.

Only for nothing to happen.

There was silence.


"What… are you doing?" asked Pain.

*Hmm? This should send you to the spirit world. Am I forgetting something?*

Pain had enough as he kicked Po away, only for the fat to absorb the attack and repelling him away.

*Hmm? It is on my tongue but I can't remember why it is not working?* Po sat down midair and began thinking.

*Maybe because this is not a mortal? You told us that in your youth you couldn't perform the Wuxi Finger Hold because your enemy Kai was a spirit warrior and this Pain is but a corpse,* explained Tau.

*That's right. I am getting old.*

Then Po looked at the Deva Path.

*It seems our fight ends here. Our mission is over, so I can't pummel you to the ground, since neither will learn from it. By the way, your eyes are not your own. Uzumaki's such as you cannot be born with them.

Take this lesson from somebody who fought against the Sage of the Six Paths personally. You are being used by the masked man. If you want to learn the truth of how you got your eyes the try to invade Konoha. We won't stop you but there you will find your answer,* spoke Po in his own language so everything he said wouldn't be understood by Nagato.

Inside Ame, a weak man with the Rinnegan looked up.

"I am not sure why, but whatever this panda said would be groundbreaking if I could understand it."

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