Naruto: Journey Of The Strongest Teacher

Chapter 96 - Uchiha Confrontation

Alternative title: Gems are truly, truly outrageous.

General POV

"A war? And do tell how is that going to lessen the corruption of this world? We already had 3 Shinobi Wars, and they changed nothing. Even before the villages were created by the first Kage, the Shinobis of old fought and fought. They spilled huge amounts of blood for nothing. So tell me, oh great Strategist, how are you going to create peace with causing a war?" asked Kisame in a mocking tone as he glared at Ishizu.

One wrong world and Kisame would attack. He heard enough talk about making things right, and each one was a lie. The best one was from 'Madara' or whoever he was. Now he waited for Ishizu's answer.

"As I said before. Your leader, Pain, or as he is really called, Nagato, had a pleasant start. People always fight against others who they don't like. So Nagato thought: If we collect the 9 Tailed Beast, people will stop focusing on others but would direct everything to him and he could rule over everyone as a god.

Unfortunately, that's where our similarities end. And no, I don't want to rule people as a god.

Nagato's belief was to create a forbidden jutsu to instill fear in the people. He would have a weapon with which he could destroy a nation instantly. I think otherwise. A war must happen. A war so large and dangerous that the Kage and the rest must realize that without each other, they will not win. Fear draws people together. A worldwide fear of war will make the Kage realize that they have to come together and negotiate to combat the enemy.

The Tailed Beasts are the bait for the Kage's realizing what is happening. Our little Uchiha friend wants a war, and he is going to get one, but you and I both know that war leaves corpses. I am not saying that this one won't be without them as I would be lying, but the war will happen with a winner already.

The nations will combine their strength to fight, and they will win. Such a battle will make them realize that they are the same. An era of peace will follow. I am not going to say that there won't be any bad people, there will and always will be.

But the companionship that will be developed during the war will keep the villages together. The new generation who fought together will protect the peace against any outside forces," explained Ishizu in an excited tone. He truly believed in what he was saying.

"Maybe you are right? We just have to see, don't we?" Kisame showed him a toothy grin.

Ishizu felt Sasuke's chakra coming closer.

"I know you have developed a bond with Itachi during your time together. He is a genius. Come find me after their fight. I have something to do for you."

"And what is it?" asked Kisame, not showing any signs of approval of Ishizu's talk about Itachi.

Ishizu smirked in response.

"Well, you said you want to fight me but I can give you a better opponent."

That made Kisame raise his eyebrow.

"Oh, and who do you have in mind?" a smirk formed on Kisame's mouth.

"The Hashibi Jinchuriki of Kumogakure, Rap God Killer Bee."

"You should go the moment you see a massive barrier coming to life. Our little Uchiha friend is somewhere here, probably stalling the Konoha team that is after Sasuke. Use the seal and I will find you and I will take you to him for you to have a good fight."

Kisame took the seal and put it away and Ishizu left before Sasuke appeared before Kisame. Just like in canon, Kisame only let Sasuke through while Suigetsu decided to fight against Kisame and his sword Samehada.

On the other side of the forest, the Konoha team encountered a masked person.

"Hello, Konoha team. I, the magnificent Tobi, will fight you," said 'Tobi' in his fake happy voice.

"Who the hell is this guy?" asked Kiba.

"The book Kabuto gave us didn't mention him," said Yamato.

"Oh, I am a newbie, so go easy on me on?" replied Tobi as he made a mental note of Kabuto and information leakage.

Then Tobi saw Naruto smirk before turning around to see another Naruto fly at him with a Rasengan in hand. Unfortunately for Naruto, he just passed through.

"You missed, haha," laughed Tobi in a playful matter.

Whenever Ishizu talked about personalities in fights, he was always serious.

"Never, and I mean it, never, never think low on your enemies who have a crazy personality. There is a difference between pure carnage, madness, and your common thug, who thinks he is stronger than you, AND a special personality.

You will find it out the hard way if I don't tell you this, but never think about people like they are weak. On the contrary, most people who exhibit such traits are monsters in sheep's clothes and only wait for you to lower your guard to strike the moment they see an opening.

Let me give you an example by speaking about all three Sannin.

Tsunade is gambling and drinking somewhere in the Land of Fire but can smash your skull to paste with one fist.

Jiraiya is a super pervert and likes to peep into women's baths to write his smut book but controls a spy network and can drown you in Sage Mode-powered attacks.

Orochimaru... well he looks creepy, so one should be wary when seeing him even if he isn't about to steal your body and trying to learn all the jutsus and be immortal.

Then we have Kakashi Hatake, who is chronically late and reads smut in public, yet is a dangerous opponent who was a Sharingan and many jutsus that are deadly.

There are many, many more. I have seen my share in the last war."

This is where Ishizu's eyes darkened.

"But, the worst are those that have a happy personality. When you see one of them, stay close to your friends. Their happiness only indicates that he doesn't fear you and if he wants, he could kill you," explained Ishizu to a young Naruto.

'Maybe Ishizu-sensei knew I will face such an opponent one day, but so soon?' thought Naruto.

Somewhere in the forest, Ishizu sneezed.

"I don't need a cold right now. I am going to perform the hardest Fuinjutsu barrier ever. A cold is not going to stop me."

Naruto looked around and found that Karin was panting.

"Karin, what is wrong?" asked Naruto in a whisper.

"His... chakra. It... is so dark," Karin stuttered in a shiver.

Now Naruto was certain about the masked man was strong and was only playing with them.

"Guys. We have to be careful with him. Karin said his chakra is dark, and he is strong," said Naruto to the rest.

'So it finally begins. It is a pity that I have to activate the barrier myself and not a clone, therefore being unable to go inside. A Shadow Clone shall go then.'

Producing another Clone, Ishizu ordered him to wait inside and watch what was is going to happen and only to interfere if one of them was dying.

Ishizu looked at the timer he and the other 3 Wood Clones had. When the timer reached 0, they would activate the barrier.

Sasuke POV

Finally, it was time to confront my brother and learn about the truth Ishizu talked about.

I will never forget what happened that night, but I need to learn the truth.

Why Itachi, why did you kill the clan?

"So we meet at last, Sasuke?"

I saw Itachi sitting in the chair. I activated my Sharingan.

"And this will be our last fight. You will tell me the 'real' reason why you killed our clan."

I wanted to talk, and he attacked me with Shuriken.

"You came here to kill me and I have not the slightest idea what you are talking about," said Itachi as I matched him and fired a fireball at his own.

"You want me to die, right? Then show me if you are capable."

We engaged in Taijutsu.

"Those were my thoughts after you used your Tsukuyomi on me up until the academy. I felt weak and under Kakashi, I didn't learn enough. Then I was beaten by Lee and I saw how the dead last, Naruto, beat up the strongest Genin at that time. I felt angry at my own weakness until the point I met Naruto's sensei."

During the time we fought, I focused on Itachi's eyes before I put my sword through his body.

"Enough with the Genjutsu. I want to know one thing before you talk. Who is the person that helped you kill the Uchiha Clan? You said it before that there is one more Uchiha. Tell me!"

"His name is..."

"Not Uchiha Madara," came another voice, and I turned around to see somebody leaning on the wall.

"Ishizu," said Itachi as we both looked at him.

I saw Itachi frown at him, meaning he thought the person he worked with was Madara.

"As I told you before, Itachi, Madara Uchiha died. I even know when. While most think he died against Hashirama Senju, this is not true. Don't ask me why, but Madara used the Izanagi to cheat his death and lived for a long time.

Up until the end of the 3rd Shinobi War.

At that point, he was but a husk of his former self. At that time, Madara found the person who would later take on the name of his master and wreak havoc in the elemental nation by…"

The clone couldn't talk anymore when Itachi killed him with a kunai to its head.

"It doesn't matter what he has to say. This is only between us, Sasuke. You came here to kill me for what I did to our clan; to our mother and father. Show me you are worthy of the Mangekyo Sharingan."

I cursed inside. Ishizu-sensei was right. Something is wrong with Itachi. It seems like he wants me to kill him. I will go with his facade before getting the truth out of him. I know Ishizu-sensei will not let anyone interfere with the fight, so I have plenty of time to question my older brother.

"Then let me show you how strong my eyes got after the last time."

Ishizu POV

I pinched my nose at my mistake to underestimate Itachi's determination to die. Now I had to concentrate and couldn't use my chakra to make another clone.

All that was left was to hope Sasuke could convince Itachi not to die. I smirked as I looked at the Gem I had before me. I know this is an important moment for the Uchiha brothers, but it is also the same for me.

I am going to use the strongest Fuinjutsu barrier there is. It is stronger than the 4 crimson ray formation. If you do not include stable Juubitos's 6 crimson ray formation, this is the strongest Fuinjutsu barrier somebody can perform without being the host of the Juubi.

Unfortunately, its name reminded me of a certain support character from a game I used to play before being here in Naruto. Not sure why I remembered it this vividly since I had a love/hate relationship with it.

I should have noticed that when I saw the Gems with Tamara. The name was on my tongue when I was told the name of the barrier and for the barrier to work, not only did I have to shout the name of the jutsu but I had to do two phrases of that certain man for it to work.

That's when I remembered.

Tamara wanted to explain who the barrier belonged to, but was confused when I told her I knew who she meant. It also confused me about how Tamara knew about him. We were in Naruto, but maybe this was different as Po also was here. Multiverse and all that ****.

I sighed and had to maintain myself not to cough blood up.

"Let's do it, guys."

"Hai!" the clones replied.

I took a deep breath as I said the two phrases.

"That glimmer of hope you see, that's me!

Gems are truly, truly, TRULY outrageous!"

I coughed blood up, speaking the last 'TRULY' extra loud and with force as I saw the barrier appearing, and a man with a hammer ȧssaulted my mind, wearing nothing but pink.

"Pick me the next time and you will surely reach Dia, you PP, meaning you Platinum Pleb," he spoke, presenting me his muscles and as he vanished, gave me a last wink.

I had to keep my will together and refrained from shouting at that man every profanity I knew of.

"Hiden Fuinjutsu Barrier: Gem Prison."

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