Naruto: Journey Of The Strongest Teacher

Chapter 98 - Brother (Re-)Union

General POV

One of Ishizu's clones raised his eyebrow as he saw Zetsu appear before him.

"Well, hello there. If it isn't one of the Akatsuki members? Having trouble coming inside to see what is happening?"

Behind Zetsu, Obito came through his Kamui and frowned.

"How is it, not being able to enter this barrier? A barrier that blocks space-time ninjutsu and prevents people like you to sneak inside uninvited. I hope I didn't hurt your feelings."

Obito's Sharingan glared at Ishizu.

"I had hoped you died from Deidara's suicide attack, but you like to cheat death like Orochimaru. What is your goal?"

This is where Ishizu smiled.

"Oh, it's nothing important. I am just a guy who wants to bring his wife back from the dead. I don't want to give my life for that so I will use the power of the Bijuus to get enough chakra together and use a forbidden Jutsu to reanimate her."

"All this for a woman?" asked Zetsu, making Ishizu smirk inside his head, knowing full well how funny his sentence was.

"What do you know? You are just a plant monster," answered Ishizu drily.

"You made a big mistake antagonizing me, Yamamoto. There were only a few who could stand the ground against me, Madara," said Obito.

"Oh, don't think I will piss in my pants and run away crying just because I heard your name. I have full confidence I can hold my ground. You are old and with age comes weakness. I am young, at the peak of my strength, and I will defeat you if you stand in my way."

The glaring contest took another minute before Obito disappeared.

"You will regret what you did, Yamamoto," said Zetsu as he went into the earth.

Inside the Uchiha hideout.

"Fire Style: Fireball jutsu."

Both Uchiha's fired a huge fireball at each other.

Sasuke cursed as he attempted to have a conversation with his brother failed.

"You should focus on your opponent, little brother," said Itachi as shurikens were thrown at Sasuke.

"And you should answer my questions, big brother," countered Sasuke as he blocked them with his own.

"If you won't talk, then I will make you talk!" said Sasuke as he performed the summoning jutsu and two white snakes appeared.

"Mara, Kora, lend me some strength."

"Of course Sasuke-sama," the snakes said as they moved under Sasuke's clothes.

Itachi narrowed his eyes, as he didn't know what was going on. He thought these snakes were from Orochimaru, but they followed his brother's order. Then his brother engaged him in Taijutsu.

Itachi tried to block his brother's fist, but the first hit made him know that something was strange with Sasuke. His power grew stronger. With his Sharingan, he made out the differences in his brother's skin. Scales around his arms and face.

"If you think Orochimaru taught me much, then misunderstood something. Orochimaru taught me nothing I needed to know. I still was made after Ishizu let me go to Orochimaru, saying that I could learn something from that Snake but he was wrong. Still, I immediately dismissed the thought Ishizu wanted me to be weak.

No, he introduced me to the ones where I could gain the most power.

The Ryūchi Cave was an amazing place. If it wasn't for Orochimaru, looking after me all the time, I would have stayed there the whole time. And this is the result. Senpō: Muki Tensei."

The walls of the Uchiha compound started to move like they were alive. Everyone from the outside saw what happened.

Inside, Itachi was amazed at how strongly his little brother grew. Never in his life had he imagined that Sasuke would learn Sage Mode. A small smile appeared on his face as he activated his Mangekyo Sharingan and used Amaterasu to stop Sasuke. Seeing the chakra build-up in Itachi's eyes, Sasuke had to dodge to the left as the flames came at him.

"I am not done yet!" shouted Sasuke as he used his last nature reserves to use the inorganic material of the compound to capture Itachi.

Unfortunately for him, a large red cage appeared before Itachi.

"This is the power of the one who awakened the Mangekyo, Sasuke. My ultimate defense, Susanoo," said Itachi before he held his hand before his mouth and coughed.

Everyone outside saw from the distance how something red manifested around Itachi.

"What is that?" asked Hinata, pointing in the fight's direction with a bit of fear in her voice.

"The Susanoo. Every Uchiha who acquired the Mangekyo Sharingan can perform this technique. It is a technique capable to fight the Kyuubi. Well, it happened before when Madara fought the Kyuubi," explained Ishizu.

"Unfortunately, this technique puts the user in unimaginable pain and if one uses it too often, the user gets blind. Such is the curse of the Mangekyo."

On the other side, Obito cursed as he still was unable to move through the barrier. Seeing Itachi using his Susanoo, he knew that the fight will end in a few moments. Both Uchiha's had sweat on their head. Both were low on chakra but Itachi still ha chakra to maintain the Susanoo. Sasuke felt that this was his brother's trump card. Fiering 2 fireball the shield of the Susanoo blocked both attacks effortlessly.

"Give up, Sasuke. I have won. Let me take your eyes to achieve the Eternal Mangekyo Sharingan," said Itachi as he slowly made his way to Sasuke.

Sasuke wanted to move, but his legs stood at the place.

Itachi came closer and closer before the Susanoo dispersed. Just as Itachi held his hand to grab Sasuke's eyeball, the young Uchiha suddenly gained strength and hugged his brother.

"I forgive you. Please, don't die."

Itachi smiled.

"I love you, little brother."

Sasuke held onto his big brother's body as his tear fell. Grief and sadness filled his thoughts, and it triggered something and what followed was the transformation of Sasuke's Sharingan.

"Please, Itachi, wake up."

But Itachi was motionless.

"Take my hand and I will get your brother back," said a voice.

Sasuke looked up to see a small panda, bȧrėly visible to anyone, looking at him with the Rinnegan.

Sasuke didn't know who it was, but a panda was the summoning species of his sensei, so he took the hand, and both together with Itachi's body left.

"YAMAMOTO!" Obito screamed as he saw both Uchiha's disappear. The next time they met, he would definitely kill him.

The battle was lost, but the war was still going on. With that in mind, Obito disappeared.

"Where are they?" asked Kakashi as he looked at Yamamoto.

"Gone. I didn't expect Itachi to have such feelings as to die at his brother's hands. This will be a pain in the ȧss to heal them both," Ishizu commented, shaking his head at the circumstances happening.

"You could bring them to Konoha," suggested Naruto, but Ishizu shook his head.

"I appreciate the concern, but I will manage alone. You should leave. Your mission failed, but maybe you will see them again. After all, both of them are still Shinobi of Konohagakure."

With that, Ishizu let go of the barrier and everyone thought it would disappear, but it didn't.

"This barrier will be here for a few minutes. Enough time for me to leave without you following me. Beware, Pain is coming for Konoha."

With that, Ishizu used the reverse summoning jutsu and left.

In the Dumpling Dynasty, Sasuke sat next to the lifeless body of his brother.

"Oh, stop crying. You don't even listen when I told you that your brother is going to be alive," said Yang Yang, the panda that teleported them away.

"And how? Itachi is dead, and I killed him. I should have focused on his coughing and blood. He was sick, and I didn't recognize it."

"How? Like every answer, it is your sensei," said Ishizu as he walked towards Sasuke.

"Can you really bring him back?" asked Sasuke with hope.

"When my little panda didn't mess up. This all wouldn't have happened if Itachi didn't destroy my clone. Yang Yang, I gave you the Nakara Path just for this moment. Please tell me you have it."

The female panda smiled as she activated the Rinnegan and summoned the KoH. The KoH opened his mouth, and a soul came out.

"If his death has been any longer, I would have to perform the Rinne Tensei. It is good that it is only a few minutes after his death, so putting back his soul should bring him back without any problem."

Grasping the soul, Ishizu placed his right hand on Itachi's ċhėst and put the soul back inside. A few seconds passed, but nothing happened.

"He should have woken up by now. Something is missing," stated Ishizu as he looked at the motionless body.

Everything was perfect. There should be no reason for Itachi not to wake up and still his body laid rigid.

"Give him a reason," whispered Yang Yang with a smile.

Ishizu and Sasuke turned around.

"What do you mean?" asked Sasuke.

"For him to wake up, you have to give him a reason to continue living. He wanted to die and embraced death with open arms. I took his soul but for him to continue living he needs a reason," explained Yang Yang.

Ishizu raised an eyebrow at that explanation. Somewhere he had heard it before. It sounded almost cliché. Sasuke got close to his brother's ear and whispered in a low voice so that even Ishizu and Yang Yang didn't hear it. And like a miracle, Itachi opened his eyes and looked around him.

"Nii-san," cried Sasuke as he hugged his brother, fearing he would leave him again.

Ishizu smiled at the scene in front of him. He was happy seeing such a reunion. Now that this was over, Ishizu had to make preparations with the arrival of Pain. So he made his way to the only other person that was here besides the two Uchiha brothers.


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