The swirling chakra slowly gathered.

The spinning chakra turns into a sphere.

This is a spiral pill, but it is different from ordinary spiral pills, not like the purple halo in the morning. Now the entire spiral pill contains this purple color.

Accompanied by the rotating spiral pills, it emits a hot breath, and it also gathers this explosive energy faintly.

The real nature of flame is temperature.Once the flame is compressed, it will explode in an instant.

Ruofeng stared at the spiral pill in the palm of his hand. Although it was just an ordinary spiral pill, it was unusual because of its purple color, which contained explosive energy.

Ruofeng stared around and knew that this was not a place to experiment with ninjutsu.

Chakra slowly dissipated, but Ruofeng found his grandfather standing in the distance.

Grandpa said: "You finally understand the importance of ninjutsu!"

Ruofeng said: "I know! In the past, we only focused on strengthening ourselves, thinking that the human body is the most fundamental existence. I only practice a few ninjutsu, and the rest don't care at all. Now it seems that ninjutsu can increase strength as soon as possible!"

Since knowing the rules of the garbage station, Ruofeng's time has been focused on how to strengthen his physique and spiritual strength.For the practice of ninjutsu, only some necessary ninjutsu exercises are carried out, as well as 5.5 screwball and chidori.The rest really don't pay much attention.Even if he graduated that day, the ninjutsu chosen by Ruofeng was just a few advanced ninjutsu with fire escape.And Fei Lei Shen, this ninjutsu has not yet been perfected.

Now Ruofeng knows that ninjutsu is something unique to the Naruto world, and it is really extraordinary.

Grandpa nodded and said: "It's good for you to know that the purple spiral pill just now is really extraordinary. These are your own creations, and they are the most suitable for you. However, some ninjutsu is still a good practice, especially when you start After writing Wheel Eyes, you will know that learning ninjutsu is easy for you."

Ruofeng nodded silently, and also knew that Sharinyan could replicate the ability of ninjutsu.

................................................. .

Chapter [-]: Dai's Gratitude

Night fell, and Ruofeng fell silent.

Today's experience is very exhausting, no one would have thought that an ordinary patrol mission would involve so many people.

Especially on the first mission, I encountered the four-tailed man Zhuli, and few people have such experience.

Fortunately, I subconsciously wanted to take Mattdai and let Mattdai block the four tails.Otherwise, in the face of the four-tailed man Zhuli Laozi, Ruofeng would have no backhand power at all.

Ruofeng slowly fell into a deep sleep, but he didn't know that Hokage was here, still with a sense of urgency.

In the Hokage office, Sarutobi Hizan looked at the following people.

White Fang said: "The person who came is Zhuli, the four-tailed person, and the purpose has been investigated clearly. The land of the earth is barren, and Onogi took the lead in launching the war, and a lot of food was turned into military resources. Therefore, it is even more difficult for the people who were already struggling to feed themselves to feed themselves. Even in the Land of Earth, people have starved to death. Lao Zi came to the Land of Fire to collect food and prepare to bring it back to the Land of Earth. The food they collected was obtained from those unscrupulous traders at high prices in the Land of Fire. 17 Buy it in hand. As for why it is so close to Konoha, it should be safe!"

Sarutobi Hizan heard the words and said, "Is it safe? It seems that Konoha Village has also become the umbrella of other ninjas, which is really an inexplicable shame."

Orochimaru stuck out his tongue and said, "The closer you get to Konoha Village, the fewer villages and populations there are. After all, Konoha Village is there, and these people have entered Konoha Village to live. And those rogue thieves are not Dare to appear near Konoha Village, and our ninjas will not patrol often. Therefore, within about ten kilometers of Konoha Village, there is a vacuum area.

If the ninjas of the enemy country are here, we really can't make the gap easily.If there are a lot of bandits and the fish and dragons are mixed, the news of the appearance of ninjas will spread quickly.There are villages too.But in this vacuum area, I really don't notice much.If it wasn't for the accidental accident of Ruofeng this time, and the unfortunate encounter, now Lao Zi has transported those grains back to the land of the land! "

Sarutobi Hizan nodded silently, and understood what Orochimaru meant.

After a moment of silence, Hiruzen Sarutobi said: "Shiroto...Wait a little bit harder, search for the hidden places within ten kilometers of Konoha Village, I don't want my country's resources to become other people's resources. The country's military resources. In addition, the country of rain has not yet taken action, so it needs to be re-planned. This will be handed over to Orochimaru."

Orochimaru chuckled: "I will handle it!"

Sarutobi Hizan looked at Tsunade: "That Ruofeng is very good, I will give him some rewards this time. I also misunderstood, I didn't expect this Ruofeng to be so powerful. I thought Ruofeng would inherit Tsunade's medical ninjutsu, but I didn't know he had such a powerful psychic beast!"

Saying this, the corners of Sarutobi Hizan's mouth twitched.He also did not expect that the little guy who had only met a few times would hide such a powerful hole card.That psychic beast is absolutely extraordinary, and it is still a species.However, Sarutobi Hizan also knew that this little guy was not a simple existence.Tsunade and Jiraiya are standing behind them, and they have such a good relationship with Kushina, and even the Senju family is standing behind Ruofeng to a certain extent. Who said Ruofeng and Roshu have such a good relationship.Whoever wants to play Ruofeng's idea will not be so easy.

Sarutobi Hizan shook his head and fell silent.


The next day, if Ruofeng ate this breakfast, it was still barbecue.

Feeling the heat in the body, Ruofeng smiled.

Not long after, Ruofeng set off directly towards the training ground.

Ruofeng is looking forward to the night and wants to try the power of his chakra.Therefore, Ruofeng ran directly towards the training ground.

And yesterday's task, let Tsunade take a few days off, but Ruofeng and the others rest well.Therefore, if Feng does not need to perform those tasks, it is good to practice directly.

In a blink of an eye, Ruofeng appeared in front of a river.

At yesterday's place, Matty had already arrived.

Ruofeng just landed when he saw Matt wearing bandages all over his body!

Ruofeng said: "Dai...Aren't you in the hospital now? Why are you here?"

Matty turned his head and smirked: "I'm not used to staying in the hospital, and I can't figure out some things!"

Ruofeng's eyes were slightly wrinkled, and he said, "Can't figure it out?"

Matt Dai nodded silently and said, "Yes.... I just can't figure it out. Although I was treated by Shangnin yesterday, the eight-door Dunjia I created myself was also taken away. I am somewhat uneasy now. In the past, when it was the tail of the crane, there was not much attention at all, but now it is paid attention to showing strength. It seems that strength is one point, and the Eight Gates Dunjia created by me is one point."

If the wind chooses to remain silent, it seems that Matty is a little unconvinced in his heart.Although it is said that entering the ninja school, there will be a political class every day, which is the so-called brainwashing.But some strong-willed people are difficult to be influenced, and the one who is in front of me is a strong-willed person.

Matt Dai said: "Ruofeng...I want to thank you very much. If you need help in the future, you can always find me! I want to come here this time, at least I am a special jinnin."

With a smile, Ruofeng understood a little.In the original work, Maitdai has worked hard for so many years, but he has always been a lower tolerance, and even created a powerful eight-door Dunjia, with a strength that completely surpasses the upper tolerance, but it is still a lower tolerance, a lower tolerance who pretends to be crazy and sells stupid.If Matday shows his strength, he will definitely improve his treatment.But 317 is that Maitdai did not, or that Maitdai saw some special places in Konoha Village.Such as the difficulty of civilian ninjas, or some unfair treatment.

It looks like an idiot, but there is often an unusual delicacy in the heart, even more than the average person thinks.If it wasn't for rescuing his son, it is estimated that Matdai would not have exploded his true strength.

Thinking of this, Ruofeng showed a smile: "Thank you so much!"

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