Naruto just wants to be a god of death

Chapter 2: First meeting with Kyuubi

Naruto is a little uncomfortable with the new identity of "genius".

He is also a little uncomfortable with being stared at by so many "friendly" and "enthusiastic" eyes.

It is a completely different treatment from when he was in Konoha.

The huge psychological gap makes him inevitably worried about gains and losses.

Worried about whether he is really talented.

Worried that after the "truth is exposed", he will continue to be laughed at by classmates and looked down upon by teachers.

But after entering school.

Naruto first learned a Chinese character phrase: "groundless worry".

He is indeed a genius.

The four main courses of the Shin'ō Academy of Spiritual Arts are "Zan, Quan, Zougui".

"Zan" refers to kendo, and the god of death is a profession that fights with a Zanpakutō, and the sword is the other half of life.

"Fist" is a white fight, which is exactly the same as Naruto's cognition of physical skills.

"Zou" is a body movement skill called "Instant Step" that can move quickly.

In these three aspects, Naruto performed particularly well, and the best was "Instant Step". When other students were still struggling to learn, Naruto had already entered the door. This movement technique was like something engraved into the body, and it was activated with a slight touch.

His talent for kendo and Hakuto was not so obvious, and there were people who were more talented than him in this aspect.

But Naruto worked hard enough.

Moreover, he had an outrageous body healing speed since he was a child, and this ability was also brought to the Soul Society.

Others worked hard, but their bodies could not hold up, and they could only train for seven or eight hours a day at most.

But Naruto could do fourteen or sixteen hours!

He wanted to fulfill the "talent" that Dean Hago said as soon as possible.

He wanted to become the captain as soon as possible.

He wanted to find his parents and have a family as soon as possible.

Among the four courses, only "Ghost" was Naruto's performance average, or even a little bad.

Ghost is "Ghost Way", a technique that calls spiritual power through chanting and transforms into various forms, which is similar to Konoha's "Ninjutsu".

When all his classmates had learned the "No. 1" Hado and Kudō, and began to learn the higher-numbered Kidō.

The power of "Hado No. 1, Rush" released by Naruto was still extremely funny, and the airflow from a fart was stronger than it.

This made Naruto a little distressed.

It's not that he doesn't have talent, and his learning progress is not slower than others.

He just can't use it.

It was like this when he was "alive", but he didn't know why at the time.

It was the same "after death", but after learning the course of "spiritual power" cognition, Naruto could clearly feel that the reason why he couldn't use Kidō was that there was a strange force in his body interfering.

He didn't know how to explain to the teacher, and he was even more afraid of the things he "worried about".

However, not all schools are "ninja schools", and not all teachers are "ninja school teachers". People in Soul Society and Konoha are completely different. The god of death in charge of Kidō did not scold Naruto, but patiently and gently persuaded him.

After learning about Naruto's situation.

The teacher did not think that this was a lack of talent, but attributed this strange power to the fact that Naruto's spiritual power was too huge, and he had not yet been able to fully control it, so he had the illusion that this strange power was interfering with himself.

This is a genius disease, just practice more spiritual control.

Under the comfort of the teacher and the encouragement of his classmates, Naruto gradually found his confidence and found the state when he studied "seduction technique" at the beginning - he was not unable to use any ninjutsu, and the "seduction technique" that he spent a lot of effort to study was very good.

Although the progress in the ghost way was a little slow, it was visibly excellent.

Academically smooth.

Life was also smooth.

Classmates liked Naruto very much and took good care of him. It had nothing to do with talent, but with age. Naruto was the youngest in the class, whether he was twelve years old when he was alive or only three years old after his death.

Two months later.

The new students were stable, and those who should drop out had dropped out, and it was also the sword-giving day for this class.

In class one.

The teacher said loudly: "It's finally time."

"The day I grant you your Zanpakutō."

"From today on, you can be called trainee Shinigami until you graduate."

He knocked on the table.

"It's time to tell you about the graduation rules of the Shin'ō Academy."

"There are two ways to graduate."

"One is to graduate after six years of study. Even in our class, the best class this year, this method is the only graduation option for most of you."

"The other is to graduate early after learning Shikai."

"There are very few geniuses like this."

"It's even rarer to learn Shikai and graduate in the first grade."

"But maybe one of us will appear this year."

Almost at the moment the teacher finished speaking, everyone's eyes turned to one person.

The little blond man sitting in the first row.

"Teacher, I..." Naruto scratched his head and smiled.

The teacher rubbed his head: "I'm very optimistic about you becoming the youngest captain!"

He grabbed a handful of Asada with his other hand and put it in front of Naruto: "The Zanpakutō distributed to you now have no name, or rather, they only have a standard name now, called "Asada."

"Remember one thing."

"Asada is not given to you as a gift, but is temporarily leased by the Maou Spiritual Academy."

"It will not be officially granted until you graduate and enter the 13th Division, or the Xing Army and other institutions."

"Remember the following words!"

"During the rental period, Asada is not allowed to be given to others."

"Don't lose it."

"If the above situation occurs, or the shallow sword is damaged or broken, you must report it to the Spiritual Arts Institute immediately."

"Otherwise, you will face severe punishment."

The teacher's face and tone were extremely serious.

The students nodded heavily in response.

Until the last person got the shallow sword, the teacher's face eased a little: "Now let's try the blade Zen as taught in the previous course."

"Use spiritual power to feel the call of your own sword."

Blade Zen.

It is a kind of practice of the god of death.

In meditation, use spiritual power to resonate with the Zanpakutō to achieve the purpose of communicating with the Zanpakutō.

Being able to communicate with the sword is the first step to liberation.

Only by knowing its name can you use its power.

Naruto closed his eyes and put the sword on his knees.

As soon as the spiritual power came into contact with the sword.

The consciousness was suddenly pulled by a strong force, as if a deep pit suddenly opened under him, and he fell weightlessly.

When he came back to his senses.

He had already appeared in a damp and dark underground waterway.

Naruto looked around with a blank look in his eyes.

Where is this?

Another world?

But he quickly denied this thought.

He could feel that there was a familiar force here, the force that interfered with him when he released the "Kido".

This is probably the "inner world" that the teacher talked about.


Generally speaking, mastering the Shikai is just hearing the sound of the sword. Going deep into the inner world is something that only the Shinigami who have mastered the Shikai and further learned the "Bankai" can do.

Is his talent so strong?

And what about the sword soul of the Zanpakutō?

Naruto stood up and walked along the road.

Soon he reached the end.

A towering and huge red fence gate blocked the way. Behind the gate was dark and dim, and it seemed that something was living.

Heavy breathing, undisguised malice, a glimpse of red, and a flame that seemed to devour everything.

"Hey, kid." The huge creature behind the door moved and called out.

Naruto responded, "I'm here."

"Come closer." It called again.

Naruto approached.

With a whoosh, a strong wind blew.

The huge claw stabbed mercilessly, "clang" hit the door hard, and the long claw blade passed through the gap, and stopped in front of Naruto's throat at a critical moment, almost cutting into it.

"You are so brave, kid."

"You didn't even dodge."

Naruto grinned and showed a bright smile: "Why should I dodge, you won't hurt me."

"My name is Uzumaki Naruto."

"What's your name, can you tell me?"

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