Naruto just wants to be a god of death

Chapter 29 White-haired glasses and dark circles (please read and vote)

Chapter 29 White-haired glasses and dark circles (please read it~please vote~)

Chunin exam.

Haruno Sakura took the registration form and glanced at the two people next to her, feeling a little hesitant.

She was wondering whether to sign up.

Sasuke is very strong. After opening his Sharingan and receiving the teachings of Kakashi-sensei, his strength has increased sharply.

Naruto is stronger, already at the level of "Jounin".

But what about myself?

Only when I was in the Land of Waves, I learned some sealing techniques from Naruto, but my strength was almost no improvement compared to when I graduated.

"Don't you want to sign up?" Naruto noticed the change in her expression.

Haruno Sakura was embarrassed, hesitated, and nodded.

"Hatake-sensei didn't say it just now, but as you know, he has always liked to examine the "teamwork" thing." Naruto shook the registration form in his hand, "So no surprise, the Chunin assessment will be based on groups. unit."

Haruno Sakura was stunned.

"Is our mission to the Land of Waves deliberately arranged?" Sasuke had just followed Naruto's example, carefully read the words on the registration form, and noticed the very specific "that one", and naturally came up with this idea.

He also felt that Kakashi's behavior of forcing the mission to continue was a bit inconsistent.

Naruto nodded: "If you don't sign up, I'm afraid Sasuke and I won't be able to sign up either."

Haruno Sakura stared: "How could that happen?"

"I hope you can participate." Naruto said with a gentle tone, "Of course, as the responsibility of involving you, I will be responsible for your safety during the exam."

"Me too." Sasuke put his hands in his pockets and said coldly.

Haruno Sakura blushed: "I, I know."

Naruto smiled: "Then see you tomorrow."

He left instantly.

Sasuke looked at Haruno Sakura: "Are you going to continue like this?"

Haruno Sakura was startled.

Why has it always been like this?

"You're not weak." Sasuke jumped up to the wall and looked down, "You're just not firm."

"And you have Naruto and me with you."

"Naruto is very strong, at the jounin level."

"I'm also very strong. I opened the double magatama a few days ago. I'm considered an elite among chuunin."

Sasuke didn't say any more, he just gave Haruno Sakura a look, turned around and disappeared from her sight.

Haruno Sakura didn't understand what this meant.

Blame yourself for not catching up with them?

The next day, Ninja School.

Three people gathered.

Just entered the teaching building and went up the stairs.

Encountering a crowd gathering in front of the "301" classroom, two genin guarded the door to disperse the Konoha ninjas who came.

They were "invigilators" disguised as "candidates" and arranged illusions in the passages.

However, for assessment purposes, the illusion is not very subtle.

Don't talk about Naruto and Sasuke.

Haruno Sakura could see through this "lame" trick at a glance.

Just plan to move on.

Suddenly a boy with a watermelon head and green tights jumped out and called himself "Rock Lee". He confessed to Haruno Sakura and deliberately provoked Sasuke. After successfully attracting Sasuke to stop him, he had a sparring session with him.

Rock Lee is very strong.

Even though the second Magatama Sharingan was opened, even though Taijutsu and Ninjutsu became stronger, Sasuke still lost.

Sasuke, who had recently become a little more relaxed due to his improvement in strength, felt heavy again.

He had already accepted that he couldn't compare to Naruto. After all, he was a genius on the same level as his brother and Kakashi-sensei.

Even if he couldn't compare with Bai, he could accept it. After all, that guy had a very special blood inheritance limit.

But this watermelon head in green tights

Why can't I compare myself?

Kakashi was waiting at the door of the real classroom 301. It was exactly what Naruto said yesterday. This was a group assessment.

After confirming that all three people arrived, Kakashi officially granted them the qualification to take the exam.

Push the door open and enter.

The heat generated by the gathering of hundreds of people hit my face.

Most of them are adults, dressed in strange shapes and wearing different forehead protectors. Most of them are ninjas from other villages.

There are also many familiar faces.

Class 8 and Class 10, who both graduated this year, were also there.

The nine of them were undoubtedly the youngest among these people, and they gathered together subconsciously, and most of them chatted familiarly.

Naruto didn't get involved.

He stared in one direction, at one person.

"That guy is very strong?" Sasuke came over and followed his gaze.

He was a young man with short red hair who looked about the same age as them. He had extremely pale skin and thick dark circles under his eyes. He had a scarlet word "love" tattooed on his forehead. He was carrying an earth-colored gourd that was almost the same size as him on his back.

"Well, he is a very powerful person." Naruto nodded.

He now understood why the village was so eager for him to take the Chuunin exams.

on this person

I smelled the scent of "tailed beast".

"Stronger than you?" Sasuke asked again, his tone serious.

Naruto lowered his head and held the hilt of the Kyuubi sword: "Without using this sword, he is probably about the same as me?"

When I was chatting with Kyuubi, I talked about things related to tailed beasts.

It says that tailed beasts rely on their tails to determine their strength.

The "One-tailed Shukaku" in Sunagakure Village is the weakest tailed beast, it only has one tail.

Sasuke nodded, thoughtfully.

Not using a knife?

Is that the level of being an elite chuunin with bare hands?

The ninja with dark circles on his eyes keenly noticed Naruto's gaze, and looked up at him, with murderous intent. As his chakra rolled, there was a rustling sound of small objects rubbing against each other.

A man and a woman beside him were startled, whispering to dissuade him and comfort him.

Naruto narrowed his eyes.

Is the One-Tail Jinchuriki so irritable?

Just one more look, and he has the intention to kill?

"Are you curious about this person?" A sudden question sounded quietly in his ears.

Naruto was startled and stepped back.

He stared seriously at the person who suddenly appeared beside him.

He was very tall and looked like an adult. He had white and gray hair and wore flat-framed glasses, which made him look even more ordinary.

"Don't be so nervous. I'm also a Konoha ninja. After all, I'm your senior. Just call me Kabuto." He raised his hand with a harmless face, "I just saw that you were curious about the ninja over there, so I wanted to help you."

He waved his right hand lightly, and a stack of cards unfolded in his palm.

"This is a little gadget I made myself, called the Ninja Identification Card. It contains fairly detailed information about that ninja. Do you want to take a look?"

Naruto looked at him, somewhat surprised.

This kind of person. Is he just a Genin?

His chakra is not much weaker than Hatake Kakashi, and his breath is so cleverly hidden that he was not able to find him immediately at the beginning.

He is definitely a strong man at the Jonin level.

"Take the initiative to deliver information to my door?" Naruto shook his head, "So kind? We don't seem to know each other before."

Yakushi Kabuto approached carefully: "You don't know me, but I know you, the genius who soared to the sky after turning over a new leaf, Uzumaki Naruto."

"And Uchiha Sasuke, a genius as famous as you."

Sasuke was not happy and clenched his fist.

Saying that he is as famous as Naruto?

The gap is so big, is this humiliating himself?

Kabuto Yakushi continued, "You will all be big names in the village in the future. It will only benefit me to befriend you now."

"Don't you want to take a look?"

"Although it's not complete, it should still have some reference value."

Naruto looked at him, "Then I'll trouble you, Senior Kabuto. I want to know about the Sand Ninja just now."

Sasuke poked his head out and added, "There is also Rock Lee from Konoha."

Naruto paused and looked at Kabuto Yakushi, "Senior Kabuto, can you let us know your information?"

Kabuto Yakushi was surprised and looked at Naruto. "Why are you still interested in me? I'm just an ordinary Genin."

"You are very strong." Naruto said bluntly, "You give me the feeling that you are not much weaker than that Sand Ninja."

Yakushi Kabuto smiled shyly and scratched his head: "Oh, you praise me so much."

"But I'm disappointed Naruto, I'm very weak, I have failed the Genin exam seven times in a row."

"My sense of existence is just weak by nature, this is not a powerful ninjutsu."

"Not only Naruto, I have been misunderstood like this many times before."

Naruto stared at him.

I don't believe these words at all.

Thanks to the book friends with the last number 6073, the last number 1861, the last number 8912, and the Hell Roaring 2015 for their rewards~~

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