Naruto just wants to be a god of death

Chapter 49: Escape and Duty (Please read and vote)

Chapter 49 Escape and Responsibility (please read it~please vote~)

Seeing the confusion in Naruto's eyes.

Shifengyuan smiled, and then continued to talk about topics related to "Urahara Kisuke": "Room 46 is a group of guys who are even more stubborn than Captain Yamamoto."

"They've been extremely tough on this."

"The charges have been decided."

"The ones dispatched from the Second Division are criminal troops, not the softer police squad or the Liting squad."

Naruto clenched his fists: "I did not receive an order to cooperate with the investigation."

Yoruichi rubbed his head: "This is what worries me the most."

"They don't need you."

Naruto stared in disbelief.

Only then did he realize what Ye Yi meant.

Central Room 46 does not need to testify or cooperate on its own.

It's not an oversight on their part.

It was because they couldn't wait to put the "crime" on Urahara Kisuke.

I can't wait to deal with those captains and vice-captains who have been "virtualized".

"Are there guys like this in Soul Society?" he asked.

"Those who eat flesh and blood only care about their own knives and forks." Yoruichi nodded lightly and looked into the distance, "They need a result."

"And this result does not necessarily have to do with the truth."

"That's why I hate nobles."

Naruto clenched his fists tighter: "Are you just looking at Captain Kisuke and the others?"

Yoruichi interrupted him sharply: "Of course not, if the worst outcome really happens."

"I'll get them out."

"But in that case, we'll probably have to escape Soul Society."

Naruto spoke without hesitation: "Sister Yoichi, I want it too."

"No." Yoruichi immediately refused.

Naruto argued: "I freed the second sword last night, and I will never hold back Sister Ye Yi."

"I have the power!"

"It has nothing to do with strength." Ye Yi turned to look at him and smiled brightly, "It has to do with identity."

"Although I don't like the identity of the head of the Sifengyuan family."

"But at this time, it works really well."

She paused and reorganized her words: "Soul Society is ruled by nobles."

"Room 46 was elected by the nobles."

"They won't have anything if I kidnap Urahara."

"But your words are different."

Naruto lowered his head.

"Little fox, stay." Sifengyuan Yeyi said softly, "Although there is an enemy whose name and shape I don't know."

"But Soul Society is safer for you."

"That guy hides his head and shrinks his tail."

"Use Room 46."

"These actions prove that he is afraid of someone."

A name immediately flashed in Naruto's mind: "Captain?"

Yoruichi responded: "Yes, stay with the captain and stay safe with us."

"I understand, Sister Yoruichi." Naruto said in a low voice.

Yoruichi patted his head hard: "Don't use this gesture!"

"As I said, this will only happen if the worst happens."

"Even if it does happen."

"Every farewell is for a better reunion next time."

"We will be back when the invisible enemy shows his true potential."

Naruto forced a smile: "I just didn't expect that such persecution would happen in Soul Society."

He has a good impression of Soul Society.

The people I have come into contact with are all good people, gentle and kind.

But this incident.

The smelly ink was sprayed from unknown places, contaminating it.

"Where there is the sun, there will be shadows." Shifengyuan Ye took his hand away and looked into the distance. On top of the tower, the Seireitei had a panoramic view. "Light and darkness are in conflict with each other, but they also coexist and coexist."

"The sun gets hot enough and the shadows shrink."

"But no matter how bright the light is, it still exists."

Naruto followed her and looked into the distance together.

"Become a man like the captain." She smiled gently and continued, "He is the sun of the Gotei 13."

"He shelters us."

Be the light that makes shadows disappear.

Naruto nodded and was silent for a while: "Does Sister Yoichi or Captain Kisuke have any guesses about the enemy who is the God of Death but cannot be seen?"

"I will stay in Soul Society."

"I'll get him out!"

Sifengyuan Yeyi hesitated.

She glanced at Naruto.

He hesitated and said, "Hingzi told us before."

"Be careful with Aizen Soyousuke."

An unexpected name appears.

Naruto was stunned.

That gentle, kind face comes to mind.

"Why is it him?" His tone was a little absent-minded.

Shifengyuan Yoichi shook his head: "Everything must be judged by yourself, Naruto."

The wind passed by them silently.

Kyuubi was bored and yawned.

Naruto left and returned to Team Thirteen.

I heard the news that afternoon.

The worst case scenario that Sister Ye Yi was worried about happened.

In the forty-sixth room of the Central Committee, the Great Ghost Taoist Master Grib Tessai was punished for "unauthorized use of forbidden arts" and was ready to be imprisoned in the third prison.

On the charge of "researching and exercising taboos, persecuting colleagues and causing serious injuries", Urahara Kisuke is to be deprived of all his spiritual power and banished to the human world forever.

As for the eight captains and vice-captains who had become "hollows", the Central 46th Chamber treated them extremely cruelly and regarded them as "hollows".

How do the gods of death deal with "hollows"?

There is only one way, "execution".

And at the time of the trial.

The current head of the Shifengyuan family, the captain of the second division, Shifengyuan Yoruichi, broke in and kidnapped the criminals "Urahara Kisuke", "Wu Ling Tessai" and other people.

The captain-in-chief was very angry.

He sent the captain of the eighth division, Kyoraku Shunsui, to hunt down this group of lawless people.


The Thirteenth Division's dormitory.

"The old man is really troublesome." Kyoraku Shunsui poured himself a glass of sake and looked into the distance, "You want me to do this."

He didn't look very happy.

It's not that he had any complaints against his teacher.

But among the people who fled, there was the vice-captain of the eighth division, "Yadomaru Lisa".

"Sorry, Captain Shunsui." Naruto said, full of apology.

Kyoraku Shunsui was stunned, and then thought of something a little late, shook his head, and laughed: "Don't be like this, Naruto, oh, I don't mean to blame you."

"You are amazing."

"If it weren't for you."

"I'm afraid that little Lisa can't return to the Soul Society."

Ukitake Jushiro picked up a glass of water and took a sip: "Speaking of which, the teacher may be very troubled."

"This is the first time in a long time that the Soul Society has such a serious lack of power."

Kyoraku Shunsui nodded.

The escaped captains of the Second Division and the Twelfth Division.

The captains of the Hollowed Third Division, Fifth Division, Seventh Division, and Ninth Division.

In addition to the originally vacant captain position of the Tenth Division.

At this moment, most of the positions in the Gotei 13 are vacant.

"Seven captains." Kyoraku Shunsui put the cup back on the table, "I thought the old man was too hasty to push Naruto out last night."

"I didn't expect this."

"He is really far-sighted."

"Speaking of which"

"Naruto, have you decided which team you want to be the captain of?"

Naruto was stunned and answered honestly: "The captain told me that he plans to let me take the position of captain of the 10th division."

Is this thing something that I can choose for myself?

"That was before." Kyoraku Shunsui shook his head, "At that time, there was only one vacant position in the 10th division."

"Now there are seven."

"The 10th division is not suitable for you."

"The old man probably won't let you go again."

Naruto said respectfully: "Please give me advice, Captain Shunsui."

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