Naruto just wants to be a god of death

Chapter 56 Where is the Sun? (Please read and vote)

Chapter 56 Where is the sun (please read it~please vote~)

Naruto reported the news to Captain Yamamoto.

"For half a year, I thought you could be faster." Captain Yamamoto said calmly.

Naruto bowed his head.

"But to be able to achieve this level is better than I expected. Naruto, you are a competent captain." The captain continued, "Go back and talk to Zuozhen and let him prepare to take up the post of captain of the ninth division. "

Naruto was stunned: "Don't you need to pass the assessment?"

The captain asked back: "Didn't you already pass the assessment?"

"Retsu, Shunsui and Captain Shiba all gave me a positive answer."

"As the examiner, are you not satisfied with Zuo Zhen's performance?"

Naruto shook his head.

Of course he recognized the ability of Komamura's left formation.

Whether it is team management or personal ability, he is quite excellent.

I just didn't think of it just now

The captain actually regarded his application as a review of whether the Komamura Left Front had the qualifications to be a captain.

Is this the realm of captain?

Learned something more.

Naruto relayed the news to Komamura Zuozhen.

He was happy about it.

The Ninth Division is a good home for him. He made his first friend there, "Tōsen Kaname" who is now the acting deputy captain of the Ninth Division.

Seven years later.

The candidate for the captain of the second division has finally been announced.

He is a member of the "Hong family", a lower-level noble affiliated with the Shifengin family.

The position of captain of the twelfth division was also filled by "Niryuri", the former third seat and deputy director of the Technology Development Bureau.

to this person

Naruto didn't like it very much.

Urahara Kisuke spoke highly of him, praising him as a genius who was "second only in intelligence to himself".


There was an extremely cold aura about this man.

The way he looked at himself was no different from the way he looked at the research materials placed on the table.

Not just to myself.

He treats everyone else equally except "Urahara Kisuke", with the same "study and trial" eyes.

It can only be said that it is no wonder that he was arrested and imprisoned in the "Maggot's Nest" - a prison that held all dangerous individuals who were judged to have the ability to "potentially threaten the Seireitei".

Kuchiki Byakuya serves as the third member of Division 6 - the captain is his grandfather and the vice-captain is his father.

And a genius as famous as him.

Ichimaru Gin has been promoted to the deputy captain of the fifth division.

It is said that both of them have begun to learn "Swastika" in preparation for becoming "captains" in the future.

The "Captain's Hollow" incident was almost "completely forgotten" at this time. As the man who was chasing criminals Urahara Kisuke and Shifouin Yoruichi, Naruto was naturally the most qualified person to investigate the truth of this matter, but the Central Four Room 16 does not support it.

Every time Naruto wanted to look through files and conduct investigations, he would always receive orders from them, forcing him to stop.

He also continued to observe Aizen Soyousuke.


There is nothing strange about this person.

Sosuke Aizen is still the gentle and good man. He treats his team members well and works diligently on the team. Even as the captain, he has not forgotten the agreement he made with Dean Haoka. Every year when new students enter, he will be there in person to give speeches and congratulations to the new students. .

In comparison.

Ichimaru Gin, the deputy captain of the fifth division and one of Naruto's friends, looks more like the mastermind behind the scenes.

The twelfth year in Soul Society has passed.

Cherry blossoms are flying.

Naruto woke up and opened his eyes.

He was no longer in the seventh division team building and returned to the hotel.

Xianglin sleeps on the bed.

Alarmed by his movements, he turned around in a daze and looked at the blond boy who was practicing Blade Zen: "What's wrong, Naruto."

Naruto shook his head: "It's nothing, I just ended my training."

Xianglin mumbled and responded in a daze.

Naruto formed a seal and created a shadow clone: ​​"I'll go out for a while and I'll be back soon."

"As long as the shadow clone is here, he will protect you."

The shadow clone waved happily and said hello.

Naruto left instantly.

He wants to go back to Konoha.

Of course, it’s not that I have any memories of that village.

I just remember the genin named "Rock Lee". At that time, his return ability was not enough. After training with Captain Unohana in Soul Society for another twelve years, his return ability has improved greatly. There should be no problem now. .


Naruto did not cover his whereabouts and barged in openly.

Go straight to the hospital.

The ANBU was trembling.

The jinchūriki left and came back, what was he doing?

They couldn't see this as a good thing.

after all

When the Jinchuuriki left during the day, he killed two people with his own hands and nailed them to the gate of Konoha.

This is a strong offensive signal.

Someone was watching, but they couldn't keep up with Naruto's speed.

The information was passed to the Hokage Building.

It soon fell into the hands of Jiraiya and Kakashi.

At the entrance of Konoha Hospital.

Two figures fell quickly.

"Are you sure that Naruto's target is here?" Jiraiya raised his head and looked at the ANBU that landed on the roof.

The ANBU hasn't answered yet.

There was a flash of golden light.

Naruto instantly stepped in front of them.

"Naruto." Kakashi whispered his name.

"Why is Naruto back again?" Jiraiya forced a smile and said hello in as relaxed and cheerful a tone as possible, "Have you changed your mind?"

Naruto shook his head: "I just thought there is one thing I haven't done yet, so I'll come back and take care of it."

Kakashi looked serious.

Jiraiya looked back at the hospital in doubt.

Naruto seems to have nothing to do with the hospital?

"I have some ideas about Rock Lee's injuries. Let's see if I can heal him." Naruto said softly, without keeping anyone in suspense.

Kakashi was startled.

The hand that he slowly raised without making a sound suddenly fell down.

It was to save Gai's students.

He thought

It turned out that it was not the bad situation he was worried about.

Naruto is not an enemy.

Jiraiya's face also relaxed a little: "You still miss your friends."

"In fact, Naruto, you can't bear to leave Konoha, right?"

"Koharu and Yan both promised me that they would..."

Naruto shook his head and smiled softly.

There is darkness in Soul Society, but at least there is the sun of Captain Yamamoto.

Where is the sun of Konoha?

He turned his head and raised his hand.

Chakra surged, and a golden chain whipped out from the palm, piercing a shadow, rolled up a person, pulled back, and threw him heavily to the ground.

It was a Konoha ninja wearing a mask and a vest.

Jiraiya and Kakashi looked over, their pupils dilated.

Although this person looked almost exactly like the Anbu.

But, you can tell them apart at a glance.

This ninja wearing a mask that was not an animal standard. It was the "root".

It was the power of that man.

"If you really promise, then prove your sincerity." Naruto stepped on the man who was still struggling, and the chakra surged, pressing him to move.

He bent over and stretched out his hand, and took off his mask.

He opened his mouth and pulled out his tongue.

On the tongue, the sealing spell composed of two "yao" was clearly visible.

"Hand this person over, let me deal with it?"

Naruto raised his head and looked at the two of them.

It was obvious.

The "this person" in Naruto's mouth did not refer to the ninja whose tongue he pulled.

The one who sent this Root ninja here.

The one who used this sealing technique.

The one who sent out the unidentified ninjas during the day to hunt down and kill Naruto.

Jiraiya opened his mouth but said nothing.

Kakashi held his breath.

"If you can't do it, don't say these high-sounding words like "promises." Naruto threw the man away and walked between the two.

"If you don't have the determination to become the sun."

"Don't deceive others into believing that you are the sun."

Thanks to Gu Wenxian and the book friend with the last number 6307 for the reward~~~

It will be on the shelves on the 8th! ! !

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