Naruto just wants to be a god of death

Chapter 63 What are you testing? (Please read and vote for me)

Chapter 63 What are you testing (please pursue reading~please vote~)

The rocks were a little slippery due to wind and rain.

But for a ninja, it's not that hard to walk.

Xianglin jumped down.

He raised his hands high, as if trying to catch the sea breeze, but what was left was only the wet moisture that filled his palms.

She turned around, wanting to say something to Naruto.

But before he could speak, a golden light flashed before his eyes.

Naruto stepped in front of her in an instant, his expression serious.

He turned his head and looked to the left, yelling: "That guy over there, come out!"

The fingers followed and the chakra was mobilized.

"Breaking Path No. 4, Bai Lei."

The white light flashed, struck in the blink of an eye, and exploded.

Xianglin shrank behind Naruto and looked in the direction.

In a humid environment, there is not much smoke and dust, and only some sand and gravel fly away.

The field of view is also very wide. It is a gravel beach with no obstructions.

I didn't see anything resembling a "human" or a "puppet".

"There seems to be no one over there." She whispered.

Naruto frowned.

As far as I could see, there was indeed no one.

In his perception, there was no chakra aura in that place.

Kidou only hit the ground.


At that moment, he clearly sensed a malicious intent.

Like a thorn on the back, it definitely comes from human malice.

There will be no problem with your own perception.

So... that should be a guy who hides himself to the extreme.

If it wasn't for the malicious intent, I wouldn't be able to catch his aura.

As soon as I left Konoha, I was approached by such a guy.

Who could it be?

That Uchiha?

Or someone else who is targeting "Kyuubi" or himself.

Just like the guys who are here at this moment, they are hidden, but in their own eyes, their chakra aura is very visible.

Deep underground.

The man whose head was wrapped in a giant pitcher plant and whose body was half black and half white was frightened.

"It was really dangerous, I almost got hit." A frivolous voice sounded, it was the white part that was talking, "He found us!"


The black half said in a serious tone: "It's really sharp."

He is very confident in his "lurking" method. He has hidden himself from people who are more powerful than Naruto.

And more than one, more than once!

But this guy

"You have to be more careful in the future." The white half whispered, "But the good news is that we at least found his traces."

"Tell Zhu Henan that the Nine-Tailed Jinchuuriki is going to the Country of Whirlpool."

The "Zhu" and "Nan" in his mouth refer to "Uchiha Itachi" and "Dried Persimmon Kisame".

members of the same organization.

The black part stopped talking.

He was underground, disappearing.

"What's wrong?" Xianglin tugged on his sleeves.

Naruto shook his head and turned his head towards the reef: "The three people over there don't need to hide their heads and tail. Come out."

Xianglin followed and looked again.

The waves hit the rocks with a loud and vigorous "swish".

Is there anyone over there?

Naruto raised his hand without saying it a second time.

The white lightning is still flashing, shattering the rocks, passing through holes, and breaking through the waves.

Three figures swished around and had to be exposed.

They are all ninjas wearing khaki vests and masks.

"Anbu from Iwagakure Village?" Xiang Rin stared at the mark of two mountains linked together in the center of their foreheads, and immediately recognized their identities.

"Don't be nervous." The ANBU standing in the center said. He raised his hands and spread them in front of his chest. "We have no ill intentions."

Naruto looked at them.

"We are under the orders of Tsuchikage Onoki-sama." Seeing that Naruto had no intention of continuing the attack, he continued tentatively, "I would like to extend an invitation to the hero who killed Orochimaru, the S-class rebel ninja, that is, you, Uzumaki-sama. "

"If you are unhappy in a place like Konoha."

"Why not consider changing to another village?"

He spoke carefully, trying to make his tone and voice sound as sincere as possible.

Naruto smiled softly.

The three ANBU breathed a sigh of relief.

But the next second.

"What are you testing?" A voice sounded in his ear.

The field of vision suddenly became empty, except for a red-haired girl.

The blond boy was no longer where he was.

Instead, he appeared next to him, with his hands even on his mask.

He tried to pull away.


A huge pressure hit him, making him tremble, his body became petrified and stiff, and his chakra froze.

The connection between brain and body is severed.

Naruto took off his mask.

Revealing his face that was roughened by wind and rain, dark black and yellow, and full of characteristics of the Kingdom of Earth.

This made him even more frightened.

I can't move, what kind of technique is this?


Or the shadow binding technique of the Nara clan?

But whether it’s illusion or the secret technique of the Nara clan, can it be done to this extent?

While controlling others in this way, your own actions will not be affected in any way.

Naruto let go and let the mask free fall.

"I hate this."

The mask fell to the ground and was absorbed by the beach, making no sound.

Are these people trying to recruit themselves?

Not really.

Although Naruto's experience and experience are not as good as other captains, he can't hide this little thought.

"Recruitment" is just a cover.

They are testing me

Are you "leaving the village to practice" or going against Konoha.

The answer is the latter.

But do I need to answer for them?

I will not fall to Konoha, nor can I fall to other villages.

Naruto turned around and walked slowly towards Karin, waving his hand: "Let's go, let's go back."

The red-haired girl nodded and followed.

The two of them walked lightly, leaving only shallow marks on the beach.

But in the feelings of the three people.

The momentum erupting from the blond boy became heavier and heavier.

Until he completely disappeared from sight.

The burden on their bodies finally disappeared.

They were finally able to let the almost destroyed and collapsed mental will be fed back to their bodies.

The three Anbu collapsed and lay on the beach.

"What's up with that brat?" The man on the left took off his mask, gasped, and sweat poured down his forehead. "What's up with that spirit!"

"The news about killing Orochimaru is true, not a smoke bomb released by Konoha to interfere." Although the other man did not take off his mask, his tone was trembling with fear, "He can definitely do it!"

"Even if he doesn't use the power of the tailed beast, he can definitely do it."

He stretched out his hand tremblingly and touched his neck.

There was no gap, no bleeding, and it was intact.


He had been worried since just now whether he would be dead, but the brat's knife was too fast, so his body didn't feel it.

The man in the middle didn't speak, staring at the sky in a daze.

He was the one who was under the greatest pressure.

"The Jinchūriki didn't seem to express his opinion of Konoha." The man on the left turned his mind a little and thought about this mission.

The man in the middle immediately responded and tilted his head: "What are you thinking about?"

"That was a warning just now. If we go to find him again, we will definitely die!"

"We have confirmed his strength."

"That's enough to report to the village."

The man on the left shook his head. He didn't want to see the blond boy again: "No, of course not!"

"I just wonder why he didn't express his opinion."

"It's just a sentence."

The man on the far right whispered: "Does the strong need to tell the weak his thoughts?"

"He doesn't like our behavior."

"How can it satisfy our goal?"

"Luckily, the captain didn't choose to take action."

"It's good that we didn't die."

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