Naruto just wants to be a god of death

Chapter 83 We are friends (Second update! Please give me a monthly ticket!)

Inner world, underground sewer.

As soon as Naruto came in.

He was hit by the violent and angry chakra of the Nine-Tails, which he had not felt for a long time.

It was through the red fence door, with its hair flying, grinning at a tall, blonde ninja figure at the door.

That person noticed the arrival of the owner of this inner world.

Turning his head, with a bright and gentle smile on his face, he greeted: "Naruto."

Naruto looked at him, his eyes from bottom to top.

Look at the half-sleeved white robe with a red background on his body, and five Chinese characters neatly written on the back.

Look at his face that is almost exactly the same as the one on the Hokage Rock.

"The Fourth Hokage." Naruto and the Nine-Tails, one light and one heavy, one gentle and one angry, shouted his title together.

The Nine-Tails was angry!

It did not deny that Minato was a good guy, but it was also this guy who sealed it again and split it into two.

"Why are you here." Naruto said.

He tried his best to force himself to calm down.

Before coming in, he thought of many possibilities, but he never thought that this chakra belonged to his father.

"When I set the seal, I left a chakra. Once the eighth tail is released, I will appear in your consciousness." Namikaze Minato spoke, his voice was as gentle as his appearance and temperament, "This was originally a safety valve to prevent you from losing control and running wild."

"But now it seems"

"Naruto, you are much better than I expected."

"It's great to meet you in this scene."

Naruto swallowed his saliva.

He strode forward.

Namikaze Minato opened his arms and smiled brightly.

But what he welcomed was not a hug from his son.

It was a punch!

It was a precise punch that was honed in the "White Fighting Course" and in the repeated fights with Yoruichi.

Let him suffer the greatest pain, but not to the point of breaking this chakra.

Minato's facial features were distorted, and he stumbled and fell to the ground.

The Nine-Tails sneered, and the resentment dissipated a little.

"It really hurts." Minato held his stomach, reminiscing about this long-lost familiar feeling, grinning, "In this respect, you really look like your mother."

"Why did you seal the Nine-Tails in your son's body?" Naruto clenched his fists, "Although it's fine now, but before..."

"Thanks to you, I suffered a lot!"

Namikaze Minato turned his head and sighed, "I only brought sad memories to my son's childhood."

"I really don't deserve to apologize to you as a father."

Naruto also turned his head away and raised his head high.

"But listen to my reasons." Namikaze Minato continued softly, "The reason why I sealed half of the Nine-Tails' chakra in you."

"On the one hand, this was the limit of what I could do at the time."

"On the other hand"

"It was the night when Kushina gave birth, a powerful ninja broke in and released the Nine-Tails."

Naruto interrupted him: "I have learned about this from the Nine-Tails, and Teacher Jiraiya guessed that the man might be Uchiha Madara."

Namikaze Minato was silent, frowned, and shook his head: "I didn't find out his specific identity, and I don't know which Uchiha he would be."

"But he is from the "Akatsuki Organization", a man wearing a spiral mask."

"He is very powerful and has a strong hatred for Konoha."

"When I fought with him, he almost predicted all my actions."

"I was worried that he would take action in the future, so I left the Nine-Tails in your body."

Naruto said softly: "Akatsuki Organization?"

The organization that had fought with him before, I thought they were just simply longing for the "tailed beast", but I didn't expect that they had such a connection with him.

Namikaze Minato stood up from the ground.

"I have left Konoha and will no longer be a ninja." Naruto raised his head and met his father's eyes.

"I saw it all." Namikaze Minato smiled slightly, "This is something that surprised me."


He raised his hand and placed it on Naruto's head, and the smile on his face bloomed and became brighter: "No matter what choice you make, you are my son."

"Not trapped in hatred."

"Being able to escape from the ninja system."

"This is a very good choice."

"Just be firm in your heart and stride forward."

Namikaze Minato paused, thinking about something, and continued: "The chakra is getting weaker and weaker."

"Naruto, I don't have much time left, so get down to business quickly."

"Let Jiraiya-sensei take out the key."

He looked back at the Nine-Tails.

"You are really amazing. Even your mother and Kushina haven't done it."

"You get along so well with the Nine-Tails."

The Nine-Tails bared its teeth and curled its lips: "This kid is still a child. I can't bully a child."

Hamikaze smiled at it.

The Nine-Tails turned its head away, not wanting to look at this person.

Naruto left the conscious world and opened his eyes.

In the real world.

Jiraiya's face became heavier. He stared at the streamers of the red sword in Naruto's hand: "There has been no movement for so long. Did something unexpected happen?"

Although there were not many reminders.

But it was not difficult for him to see that the number of streamers on the handle of Naruto's red sword was a symbol of "tailed beast transformation".

From the six-tail transformation to the seven-tail and eight-tail transformation, it only takes a moment.

But now it stays on the "eight-tail transformation" for too long.

Nearly ten minutes have passed, and there is no change.

"Little Jiraiya, don't worry so much." Sage Fukasaku shook his head and comforted her, but her voice was very nervous. "Little Naruto's sealing technique is very high, even if it is out of control."

No words were spoken.

In the center of the sealing technique, Naruto suddenly opened his eyes.

A glance, followed by momentum.

This time, not only Gamatada retreated, but even Sage Fukasaku and Shima subconsciously shrank behind Jiraiya's head.

However, looking at his clear eyes, he should not be out of control.

"Teacher Jiraiya, the key." Naruto said.

Jiraiya said: "Is it okay?"

He asked this, but his hands were already forming seals without stopping.

Chakra surged.

He opened his mouth wide, and an orange and blue toad jumped out of his mouth, dragging his lower body and a long and narrow scroll, and fluttered out quickly.

"Jiraiya, you called me out" It said with some dissatisfaction, but the voice stopped abruptly, and it suddenly turned its head and stared at the back in horror.

The golden six-armed Naruto broke into the field of vision.

"What's going on?" It swallowed back what it wanted to say and asked again.

Jiraiya said in a serious voice: "The situation is a bit complicated, and it will be difficult to explain it to you for a while."

"But now open the scroll and give the key to Naruto."

The scroll toad looked up and down: "Is this kid Naruto?"

"But that is the key to seal the power of the Nine-Tails."

Jiraiya said firmly: "Naruto is ready."

"He has now transformed into the Eight-Tails, but he has not lost his mind."

The scroll toad was even more surprised. It stared at Naruto and muttered: "Since you said so."

It moved its body and turned around, but after a few steps, it staggered back again.

"Kid! You restrain your strength, I can't get through!"

The words shouted were a little aggrieved.

What is this kind of substantial spirit?

The air around Naruto seemed to condense. The further he walked, the greater the resistance, and the stiffer his body became.

It couldn't get through at all.

Naruto nodded and held his breath: "Come on."

The scroll toad passed smoothly this time, opened its body, and revealed a dense and complex spell.

"Put your hand on it." It stretched out its hand and pointed to the upper right corner of the scroll, "You can receive the key."

It was a square-shaped spell.

"But you have to think about it." When Naruto stretched out his hand, the scroll toad couldn't help but remind him, "Unlocking the Four Symbols Seal means completely releasing the Nine-Tails."

"I'm ready." Naruto's actions did not stop because of its words.

He raised his right hand, and the chakra surged through the fingertips of his five fingers.

He solemnly printed it in the frame, leaving a mark.

The ink on the paper twisted and turned into a rushing river, flowing along the fingertips and onto the arm.

Naruto closed his eyes.

Once again entered the inner world.

"Got the key?" Namikaze Minato looked up.

During the time when Naruto was out, he and the Nine-Tails were communicating.

The atmosphere between the man and the fox was quite harmonious.

But before Naruto left, Kyuubi was still full of resentment towards Minato Namikaze, but now his mood has stabilized, and it has only been a few minutes.

Naruto nodded.

"Then come on." Minato Namikaze stood up and made way, "Kushina and I will support your choice."

Naruto raised his right hand.

He pulled down his sleeves, and the Four Symbols Seal was on his palm, and the spell spread to the end of his forearm.

He raised his foot and stepped on the void, like climbing a long step.

Behind the red fence door, Kyuubi sat up, straightened his upper body, and looked expectantly.

Step by step.

He walked to the "seal" talisman paper that was as tall as a person, and reached out to take it off.

The "lock" on the fence door was revealed.

It was a spiral Four Symbols Seal.

Naruto put his hand on his stomach and then turned it.


The lock on the door turned with it, from the inside to the outside, like closing a fan, slowly opening, and finally only a hole was left.

The Nine-Tailed Fox stood up, put his hands on the door, and pushed hard.


The door frame flew to both sides.

The Nine-Tailed Fox could not wait to rush out, raised his claws, and stabbed Naruto.

Minato Namikaze narrowed his eyes and gathered the last bit of the chakra power.

Naruto did not dodge or evade, nor did he resist.

The Nine-Tailed Fox did not aim to attack, and its claws fell on his head and patted it lightly. It grinned: "You kid, you are really courageous."

"Aren't you afraid that I am pretending to deceive your trust, taking the opportunity to escape and eat you?"

Naruto smiled brightly, raised his hand, clenched it into a fist, and collided with the Nine-Tailed Fox's claws: "We are friends, aren't we?"

The Nine-Tailed Fox grinned.

Naruto lowered his head and looked at Minato Namikaze: "Dad, how am I?"

"My son, great!" Minato Namikaze gave him a thumbs up, his tone sincere.

But the next moment, his expression did not change. Feeling the condition of his body, he changed the subject: "Let me tell you something in this last moment."

"Something about my technique."

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