Naruto just wants to be a god of death

Chapter 87: Concrete and Inner Heart (Second Update!!)

Kuchiki Ginling pulled out his sword.

“The first solution is to gain the recognition of inner strength.”

"Swastika is about truly controlling your inner power."

His eyes scanned the four people in front of him, and his tone was calm: "Each knife has a different character."

"But the initial steps are the same."

"That is to make the Zanpakuto become a symbol and then subdue it."

"I already understand Byakuya's situation."

"How far have you three achieved?"

Ichimaru Gin raised his hand and asked with a smile: "Excuse me, what does embodiment mean? Does it mean seeing the true appearance of the Zanpakuto in the inner world?"

Naruto was also a little confused.

Kuchiki Ginling shook his head: "Of course not."

"Embodiment means that when talking to the Zanpakuto spirit, we don't need to enter the inner world."

"But summon the sword soul to our world."

Naruto was stunned.

Summon the sword into the real world?

"Is this really possible?" Ichimaru Gin raised his sword.

Kuchiki Ginling continued softly: "Of course."

He looked at Naruto and then at Ichimaru Gin.

These two geniuses seem to be from "Rukongai".

As for the deputy captain of Division 9, Tosen Kaname, I have never heard of him before. He is most likely from "Rukongai".

He thought for a while and then said: "There are some things you may not have heard of."

"Do you know the difference between 'spiritual power' and 'reiatsu'?"

Naruto, like several others, shook his head.

The terms "reiwei" and "reiatsu" are not unfamiliar. The latter is more common. The former is only mentioned by others when entering school and serving as captain. But what is the difference between them? In Zhenyang Reijutsu There is no clear explanation in the college textbooks.

"Reiatsu is the most commonly used name nowadays." Kuchiki Ginrei explained to them, "It measures the strength of a person's spiritual power."

"And Lingwei measures the density of spiritual beings."

"The reason why we set third-level spiritual power as the standard for captains."

"It is precisely because the density of spiritual particles of the third-level spiritual power breaks through a critical point and reaches the level of qualitative change."

Naruto mused.

He once learned about the "three states of objects" from Urahara Kisuke.

Listening to Kuchiki Ginrei's explanation this time, I can draw parallels.

Therefore, the reason why the "spiritual power" is tested for admission is because only with a "twenty-level" spiritual density can you become a god of death.

In this case, can it be understood in this way?

The spiritual power possessed by people beyond the 20th level is in a state similar to "gas". Within the 20th level, the spiritual power is in a "liquid state", and above the third level, it is in a "solid state"?

"So don't doubt yourselves. You all have this ability." Kuchiki Ginling continued gently, "But be mentally prepared. Even if you are all geniuses, it will take a long time."

"Byakuya has been studying with me for half a year, but he hasn't even crossed the threshold yet."

Kuchiki Byakuya lowered his head.

Kuchiki Ginrei continues to introduce the "concrete" method.

It sounds very simple, that is, using your own "spirit" to "shape" the Zanpakutō in the real world. This sounds very similar to Urahara Kisuke and Nirvana.

But the more Naruto listened, the tighter his brows furrowed.

He originally thought that the "Swastika" of the Zanpakuto was a further examination of his heart.

You can take this opportunity to practice "Swastika" while performing the final step of the technique left by your father - defeating the dark power in yourself and Kyuubi's heart.

But I didn't expect that the ultimate liberation of the Zanpakuto would be related to "reality".

His relationship with the Kyuubi is different from the normal relationship between a "God of Death" and a "Zanpakutō".

Although a "four-image seal" has been unlocked.

But there is also a "Four Elephant Seal", which is locked on his body, imprisoning the Kyuubi and himself.

"Everyone can use the team building of the Sixth Division as they please." Kuchiki Ginrei smiled, "That's pretty much what I said, let's start now."

"Blade Zen" is an ability that the Shinigami must practice continuously.

This is also the first step in "Swastika".

Naruto entered his inner world: "Kyuubi, did you hear it?"

"Of course." Kyuubi said in a hopeful tone, "Does this mean that I can get out this way?"

Naruto shook his head: "I don't know, but you can give it a try."

Kyuubi is no longer so reserved: "I will try my best to cooperate with you."

One by one they try.

But "consolidation" is indeed as Kuchiki Ginrei said, it is very difficult. Even if the power of the Nine-Tails can successfully leave the body, there is always a layer of obstacles that prevent it from solidifying in reality.

Naruto couldn't tell.

Is this a failure of "reification" or an interference from the "four-image seal".

The progress of several others was not smooth either.

There was no sign of "materialization" at all.

Until nightfall.

Kuchiki Ginling reminded them to stop and rest. There is no point in "rushing" in the practice of Swastika. Rushing for success will only slow down the progress.

Naruto treated himself to a treat and found an izakaya in the Seireitei.

Several people are about the same age, and there is no barrier between them when talking.

Tosen Kaname looks like an adult, but he is only more than "a hundred years" older than Naruto, and the age difference between Byakuya and Gin is not that big.

After they were full of wine and food, several people went back to their respective teams.

Naruto sat on the roof of the team building, looking up at the moon.

He was thinking about "materialization".

I'm also thinking about "Tōsen Kaname".

"The deputy captain of Tōsen joined the Gotei 13 much earlier than me." Naruto said to Kyuubi.

His first impression of Tosen Kaname wasn't bad.

How can a person who can be friends with a big dog have any bad intentions?

In the chat at the izakaya, although Tousen was more taciturn than Byakuya, his occasional speeches sounded upright and reliable.

It's just that he is a bit too special.

Kyuubi nodded: "His talent is a little worse than you three brats."

"I'm not talking about talent." Naruto shook his head, "Do you still remember our initial speculation?"

Kyuubi was stunned for a moment, then recalled: "Are you referring to your guess about the ability of the invisible enemy? The illusion he used requires both eyes to see."

Dong Xian wants to have "impaired vision" and he cannot see.

Naruto nodded, "Yes, but if that's the case."

"Isn't Vice Captain Dongxian the one who can perfectly restrain that enemy?"

Kyuubi was very interested: "Are you going to take him with you to find that person?"

"He joined the Gotei 13 much earlier than I did." Naruto repeated what he just said, "I even noticed him."

"The invisible enemy will only care about these blind people more than us."

"Would he not notice?"

That invisible enemy is an extremely bold guy.

In order to "blur" this kind of thing, he even dared to attack several captains and vice-captains.

Naruto doesn't think so

If that person knew that there was someone who could not be affected by his ability, he would be so calm and calm and not take action to solve it.

Unless there are two possibilities.

Either that ability doesn't need to be seen to take effect.


He has solved the problem.

"He is from the Ninth Division." Kyuubi also thought of something and added, "Now he is the vice-captain. His status in the Ninth Division should not be low before."

It also remembers it clearly.

The first person to have an accident that day was "Liuchuchenxi" and his ninth team.

"I'll let Basemon prepare the information." Naruto stood up and jumped down.

Less than three hours.

The file was placed on the desk. It was the mission record of the Ninth Division during that period.

Naruto flipped through the search, and after reading the mission record of that day, his pupils couldn't help but widen.

Twelve years ago, Tosen Kaname was still the fifth member of Division 9. He did follow Rukuchukenxi and was stationed at the place where the souls disappeared in Rukongai.

And that night.

The Ninth Division suffered heavy losses, with nearly thirty members dead, including a large number of officers such as "Three Seats" and "Four Seats".

And only three people survived.

Captain "Liuche Quanxi" and deputy captain "Jiunabai" escaped.

Only "Dou Xian Yao" remains in the ninth division.

This, of course, caught the attention of Kyōraku Shunsui, who was in charge of investigating the matter at the time.

But after the interrogation, he was not suspected at all.

Dongxian wanted to state that that night, he was sent out by the captain to patrol. When he came back, the ground was covered with the bodies of members of the ninth division, and the captain and deputy captain were missing.

As for the rest, he didn't encounter anything.

The Eighth Division collected traces and confirmed that his statement was correct.

Because of this, he was acquitted and quickly released. He also served as the deputy captain of the ninth division - after all, he was the only senior chief officer left.

"So many people died, but he was the only one alive." Kyuubi muttered, "The suspicion is high."

Finish reading this file.

Naruto now had two guesses.

One is that the "invisible enemy" is "Tōsen Kao" himself. It seems reasonable for a person who is "blind" to use his Zanpakutō abilities to target those who are "sound in both eyes".

Or it's the same as the original idea.

The invisible enemy has recruited "Dongxian Want" and turned "problem" into "help".

The ninth division team building.

Aizen Sosuke led Gin through, but without exception, even the team members who passed by them failed to notice their presence.

The vice-captain's dormitory.

The door was pushed open.

Dong Xian wants to get up.

Feeling the breath released by the person who pushed the door open, he immediately greeted: "Sir Aizen."

"Yes, I just got news." Aizen smiled, "The mission files of Division 9 during that time were transferred away by Naruto-kun."

Dong Xian was stunned.

"He seems to have noticed you." Aizen walked to the wall, propped up the window that had not been opened for a long time, and stared up at the moon.

"Even if it appears due to reflection, it is still light."

"Although it's not powerful enough, it's enough to get a glimpse of something that's been hidden."

(There are two more chapters tonight! I was delayed by some things at home this afternoon)

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