Chapter 259 Dirty soil Tobirama wants to resurrect and do research! Six Ways Madara is so pitiful!

In the end Orochimaru said helplessly: “Actually, I thought of Master Second Generation’s thinking, but I rejected it and felt too slow.

Clone Dr. Naruto to mass-produce the six gods, and will encounter the problem of embryos being difficult to form, of course I have thought about it.

But I thought it could be solved with Dr. Naruto’s technique, but I didn’t expect it to be solved yet.

In addition, I really can’t think of any way to produce six gods with energy, and I can’t clone the next Ōtsutsuki Urashiki and Liudao Naruto.”

Seeing Orochimaru gave up thinking, Naruto smiled and said: “I think you all misunderstood a little. I said that cloning six gods, embryos are difficult to form, and this is indeed the case.

But this is only for other scientists.

The formation of the clone of the six gods is essentially equivalent to the formation of the Sage of Six Paths body.

In order for the embryo to be successfully cultivated and formed, it is necessary to continuously inject the power of high-level fairy eyes to feed back during the entire process.

For example, if you want to clone First Hokage, you need at least Rinnegan’s pupil power, which is continuously injected to maintain the stability of First Generation cloned embryos.

To clone the pure blood Ōtsutsuki family of Ōtsutsuki Urashiki, it is necessary to inject the pupil power of two Sage of Six Paths eyes at the same time to maintain the stability of the Sage of Six Paths body embryo.

And the only person who meets this condition is currently the only one who has both Rinnegan and Tenseigan turned on.

Others, even if the person who started Rinnegan and the person who started Tenseigan cooperated, it failed due to coordination and other reasons.

As for cloning me, to be honest, I am a scientist after all, of course I have tried.

It’s a pity that even if I used both Sage of Six Paths eyesight at the same time, it failed.

My physique has surpassed the average Sage of Six Paths body, and none of my clones can be formed.

I think that cloning of the nine-goed jade Rinnegan Kaguya, who has a physique higher than the general pure-blooded Ōtsutsuki clan, will not succeed.

Later, because of the maturity of the mass production of six gods, I rejected the study of cloning me.”

Hearing that Naruto had actually tried to clone himself, Hashirama once again felt the horror of the scientist.

Not only the younger brother who developed the forbidden technique, not only the Orochimaru who could become a woman but also wanted to clone himself, even Dr. Naruto, who seemed the most reliable, had craziness in his bones.(Read more @

But Orochimaru and Tobirama are full of enthusiasm, as if they have met a friend, as if they have met the leader of Scientology.

It’s not easy! Tobirama sighs.

When I studied forbidden techniques in the past, my eldest brother said to me that Impure World Reincarnation Technique resurrected the dead, which is against the rules of life and death. If I said multiple Shadow Clone Techniques, it would bring self-attack, mutual-attack and other things that people would not understand. But now, you see, the most powerful Dr. Naruto, didn’t he also researched crazy, otherwise, how could he have researched so many powerful results! It is not easy! Orochimaru sighed.

In the past, I studied a broken column transplantation technology in Konoha, and I had to sneak in, and I didn’t dare to let Third Generation know.

I don’t have any money, I have to bow my head to Danzo…Old Yinbi and ask him for sponsorship.

But now, on Dr. Naruto’s side, the subject has many parallel worlds of White Zetsu, such as

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Science Ninja World, Fifth Generation Sako World 100,000 White Zetsu, are still useless, even the White Zetsu who participated in the Fourth World War in this world, many of them are regarded as points by the students of the four colleges, sealed, and reserved for future experiments. .

Moreover, Dr. Naruto has a team of top scientists in many parallel worlds, and has the right to connect and even control many parallel worlds.

Whether it is intellectual resources or funds, there is no shortage. Dr. Naruto’s Academy of Sciences is the mecca for scientists! “Please let me join Dr. Naruto’s Academy of Sciences!”

Dirty soil Tobirama and Orochimaru said in the same way.


When Orochimaru heard what Second Generation said, he couldn’t help but stunned, “Master Second Generation, you are like this, you should not be able to join the Academy of Sciences.

As the developer of Impure World Reincarnation Technique, you should know.

The existence and recovery of the body of Impure World Reincarnation is to overdraw the potential of the container body.When the potential of the container is exhausted, the body of Impure World Reincarnation will collapse sooner or later, and you must return to the Pure Land of Bliss.

In addition to this, once you have existed as a filthy body for a long time, your soul will also be irreversibly damaged.”

“Of course I know this,”

Tobirama glared at Orochimaru, but you forced him a lot.

Then he looked at Naruto eagerly, rubbing his fingers, with a very embarrassed look, “But I think that with Dr. Naruto’s current technology, such as the Izanagi Technique and the mass-produced Three Tomoe Sharingan, like Madara, it will be resurrected. Personally, it should still be possible.

So you get the idea.

I can guarantee that I will definitely explode the liver research and contribute my remaining value!”


Hearing what his brother said, Hashirama was shocked, “Tobirama, you actually want Dr. Naruto to resurrect you. How can you say such shameless words! Dr. Naruto brought reinforcements to help our world win the four wars and avoid the whole The destruction of the world by Madara is already interesting enough.

Why are you so embarrassed to make such an excessive request! I didn’t expect you to be such a brother!”


Orochimaru stopped talking.

He wanted to say that the four wars have not been won yet, but Yu Guang glanced at Chun, because Chakra was insufficient, but Gundam: Six Madara, who was at a disadvantage in the battle, looked at the distance as if three door gods were guarding this side. It is said that I will test how many feet can kick Madara to death in the future. The strength is better than those six 66. The real Senju Gundam: a stronger Eight Gate class member, and then I look at the one who is cleverly floating next to Naruto. A pair of Tenseigan’s girl Hinata who has opened a big move to cut the moon, and Dr. Naruto who has double Sage of Six Paths eyes and a high-level Sage of Six Paths body next to Hinata, Orochimaru finally understands that, in fact, as long as Dr. Naruto thinks about it, this The fourth Ninja World War could be over long ago.

A moment’s matter.

The reason why the four wars continue to this day is entirely because Dr. Naruto used Madara Six as a tool man, testing the performance of the latest technology products in his laboratory.

Somehow, Orochimaru suddenly felt that Uchiha Madara is so pitiful.

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