Chapter 265 Three issues for making Ten Tails-level Chakra project

Dirt Third Generation frowned and thought.

Of course he knows the hero tree of Takigakura Village.

It is said that a kind of holy water is produced every 100 years, and Takigakura Village named it Hero Water.

The water of heroes has a dual character.

On the one hand, drinking the water of the hero can increase Chakra tenfold, but on the other hand, at the price of a large amount of Chakra, the water of the hero will swallow the life of the user. Therefore, the water of the hero has long been sealed by Takino Village. Got up.

Unexpectedly, the tree of heroes that can produce the water of heroes was actually a root of the tree of gods.

Seeing everyone’s faces in doubt and shock, Naruto continued to explain: “As a root of the sacred tree that was cut down by someone from the Sage of Six Paths brothers, the tree of heroes in Takigakura has grown for thousands of years and finally grew up. A big tree tens of meters high.

But the tree of heroes has lost most of the abilities of the tree of gods.

Its only special ability is to condense and dilute the essence of vitality, that is, the water of life, the water of heroes.

I arranged a research team to transform the tree of heroes. By grafting slices of Gedo Statue, and then using the tail beast Chakra, fairy Chakra, fairy eye pupil power and other powers to catalyze, the result was finally made that can absorb natural energy conversion. It is Chakra’s trumpet sacred tree.

To be precise, the tree of heroes in Takigura Village is not a small tree of sacred trees.After being grafted and transformed by fragments of the Gedo Statue in my laboratory, the tree of heroes can be regarded as a qualified small tree of tools.

But this is just an example.

My goal is to mass produce small sacred trees that can absorb natural energy, even solar energy and other energy sources.

At present, this area of ​​research needs the participation of scientific research forces.

At this time, joining the Academy of Sciences and studying the several fields I just listed can be said to be the easiest to earn contribution points.

However, this channel has relatively high requirements for personnel qualifications.

Of you, only Orochimaru and Senju Tobirama are eligible to participate.”

If this is not what Naruto said, other people are afraid that they will complain: Then you are talking here for a long time, saying a fart! Orochimaru’s eyes brightened when he heard it.

This kind of valuable subject is too attractive to him.

He really wanted to go to the Academy of Sciences now, slice the Gedo Statue, which is the gene fragment of the sacred tree that lost Chakra, and start researching.

But he also knows that students in the science ninja class are now playing Madara six times.

After finishing the fight, the three 3rd students in the Eight Gate class will continue to play six Madara and perform other tests.

So he had to hold back his inner anxiety and asked: “Dr. Naruto, can you briefly say, is your current research progress in the Chakra field?”

Seeing that Orochimaru is so academically motivated and keen on research, Naruto will naturally not refuse to answer his questions.

“Currently, my Ten Tails-level Chakra project is mainly divided into three 3 topics.

The first is the artificial small sacred tree.

The successful transformation of the Hero Tree proves that the Little God Tree can be manufactured.(Read more @

But the key is to find the gene fragment in the god tree gene that controls the absorption of natural energy into Chakra.

Therefore, the research team led by Dr. Ochiji, artificially made Tenseigan’s microscopic capabilities through experimental instruments, performed genetic-scale operations, extracted various gene fragments of Gedo Statue, and transplanted them to the seeds of various ordinary trees, and used Wood Style Chakra to ripen them. , Test the various parameters of the grown tree to observe the function of each segment of the gene.

In order to find the core gene fragments that the sacred tree can absorb energy.

After countless failures, Dr. Orochi Ji finally found this gene fragment.


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The current difficulty lies in the transplantation of the seeds of the core gene fragments of the sacred tree.It is necessary to pay a great price to mature the tree.At present, it is not possible to mass-produce the small sacred tree.

However, the initial success of Dr. Orochiji’s research has enabled the second artificial tail beast subject to be launched.

The Bo Ren Chuan Shi Master Orochimaru is responsible for this topic.

Master Orochimaru transplanted the core gene fragments of the sacred tree to absorb energy into animals to try to create artificial tail beasts that can absorb natural energy and convert them into Chakra.”

“So the artificial tail beast used by Neji and the others succeeded.”

Senju Tobirama suddenly felt that this research is not that difficult! The main thing is to stand on the shoulders of the giant Dr. Oshahime.

“Of course it failed!”

Naruto shook his head.

After that, on the basis of the gene fragments of Gedo Statue absorbing energy and animals, we added tail beast cells, Xianshu Chakra Catalysis, and Xianshu Pharmacy 4.

0 and other variables, and finally created a synthetic beast that can absorb natural energy and transform it into Chakra.”

“Synthetic Beast”

Orochimaru was taken aback, and then asked, “Isn’t the synthetic beast considered an artificial tail beast?”

Naruto did not answer, but inspected everyone again.

“What do you think is the difference between the tail beast and the animal that has mastered the absorption of natural energy and transformed it into Chakra?”

“It’s wisdom!”

Senju Tobirama, who has made great achievements in the field of soul research, rushed to reply.

“How to say”

Naruto asked back, but the color of approval in his eyes was not…concealed.

Senju Tobirama met, proudly puffed out his chest.

“Although animals have a certain degree of intelligence, they are nothing more than low-level animals compared to humans.

, And the tail beast possesses wisdom that is no less than that of human beings.This is the difference.

Only the tail beast with wisdom can cooperate with humans and give full play to the power of the tail beast Chakra.

Thinking of this, I have to sigh, Sage of Six Paths’ yin and yang escape technique is too powerful.

Actually, the tail beasts who were originally Chakra can have no less wisdom than humans.

Hey, wait! Don’t you know Naruto, have you already mastered the yin escape technique? So there is not much intelligent synthetic beast to upgrade to intelligent artificial tail beast”

“Do not,”

Naruto shook his head.

“Although I have mastered the yin and yang escape technique, I did not use it in the research on artificial tail beasts.

After all, I now master the Yin-Yang escape technique, and in the scientific age, it is important to achieve mass production.

I don’t have time to stay in the laboratory, and I spend all my time in the production of artificial tail beasts using Yin and Yang Escape technique.

From synthetic beasts to artificial tail beasts, Rinnegan’s human realm made in the laboratory is mainly used to enhance the spiritual ability.”

“It turned out to be like this.”

Now Orochimaru has understood that Rinnegan’s human realm involves the soul and the abilities of the spiritual domain, and soon understood.

At this time, he couldn’t help but sigh, Orochimaru in other worlds looks amazing.

This puts him under great pressure! “What about the third topic?”

Senju Tobirama couldn’t help asking.

Naruto looked at the golden body Naruto.

The golden body Naruto looked dumbfounded and looked at me. Then Naruto continued: “The third task is to try to use the Gedo Statue gene to evolve the tail beast into a sacred tree.”

Everyone: “!!!”

Feilu reminds you: Three things to read,

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