The deepest part of the underground of the Anbu headquarters.

The three-tailed man Zhuli was lying on the iron door, and across the small window on the iron door, he looked at the inmate in the opposite direction: the four-tailed man Zhuli Laozi.

Lao Zi was sitting cross-legged on the wooden bed and chanting scriptures, with a peaceful demeanor, like a monk who had attained the Tao.

"Old Zi, stop reading, talk to me."

The three-tailed person Zhuli is called Chang Saburo. He was originally a ninja from the Anbu Village of Kiriyin Village, but unfortunately, he was caught by Orochimaru and became a new three-tailed person Zhuli.

Because it was not long after he became Renzhuli, there was no one to teach him, and he was afraid of tailed beasts, so Chang Saburo didn't know how to communicate with Sanwei at all.

And Sano Isata was also in a bad mood because of the loss of his base friend Gotachi Yakura, and Nagisa Saburo didn't take the initiative, so it was too lazy to speak, and simply stayed in the sealed world and slept soundly.

Therefore, in this cold and quiet underground prison, the only person who can have a normal conversation with Chang Saburo is the four-tailed man Zhuli Laozi.

"Old purple, old purple, old purple..." Chang Saburo rambled like a urging.

Lao Zi's serene demeanor gradually collapsed, Chang Saburo's voice was like a demonic sound, and his brain would crack open because of the noise.

"Chang Saburo, calm down for me!"

Lao Zi opened his eyes and looked helplessly at Chang Saburo's pale face through the small iron door and window, and said, "Don't disturb my practice."


Don't lie to me, our tailed beasts and chakras have all been sealed, what a shit.

Chang Saburo slandered in his heart, but he didn't dare to show the slightest on his face, and said, "Old Zi, where are we now? How long are they going to imprison us? What is their purpose? Will we be imprisoned forever? To death? We..."

Old Zi has blue veins on his forehead and lively beating. Although he has been comprehending the Dharma for many years, he was also violent before he became a Buddha.

"Shut up the old man!!"

Lao Zi said angrily, "You are also a three-tailed man, did you not find anything when you were arrested?"

Chang Saburo shook his head: "So, I passed out before I became Ren Zhuli, and I seemed to wake up a few times in the middle, but... In short, when I was completely awake, it became like this!"

Looking at Chang Saburo's righteous appearance, Lao Zi looked disgusted and didn't want to talk to such an idiot at all, so he closed his eyes and continued to chant.

Chang Saburo took a look, yes, you can read me too: "Lao Zi, Lao Zi, Lao Zi..."

Lao Zi's face, covered with blush and beard, was faintly twisted.

At this moment, a heavy machine sound suddenly came from the quiet corridor.

"It's not time to eat yet."

Chang Saburo's heart sank, "Old Zi, are they going to attack us?!"

Lao Zi opened his eyes, and his eyes gradually became serious.

Chang Saburo didn't know, but he knew that here, it was Konoha!

Is Namikaze Minato to attack me?

In the alert room, the iron gate of the secret prison was opened with a clatter, and two ninjas wearing white hooded trench coats and masks walked in, holding in their hands...


That is……

Lao Zi's expression froze for a moment: Chamber pot? bedpan? cement?

"Use these when it's convenient in the future, and someone will clean it up every twelve hours."

One ninja put these things next to the bed, and another Anbu walked over to the toilet and started making cement to block the toilet.

"What does this mean?" Lao Zi got up, he glanced at the iron gate, and Nag Saburo, who was on the opposite side, was also looking here.

"Everything we do is for the safety of both of you."

Anbu Moto said emotionally, "The rest, don't ask, don't tell me if you ask."

Lao Zi instantly felt a strong malice. He watched Konoha Anbu's fierce operation with a sullen face, and then the toilet was blocked by cement.

Old Zi's eyes flickered: Konoha was worried that I would escape from the toilet's sewer?

Isn't this insulting? !

Busy and half-paid, Konoha Anbu completed the work at hand, closed the iron gate of the secret prison and left.

Lao Zi and Chang Saburo stared at each other through the small windows of the two iron gates.

Unfortunately, Lao Zi felt a little peeing, so he subconsciously came to the toilet. When he saw the hard cement of the longan in the toilet, he walked to the bed with a blank expression and picked up a chamber pot.

He frowned slightly, and turned his head as if he had felt it. Through the small iron door and window, that Chang Saburo was still looking at this place eagerly!

Old Zi's face flushed red, and he groaned and walked to the corner to pee.

While urinating, Lao Zi suddenly felt another burst of sadness, almost unable to control her tears.

After all, I am also a four-tailed person, so why is this, why is this...

When Lao Zi couldn't help himself, several Anbu ninjas hurried over in the office of the captain of the dark army on the upper floor, holding a large stack of documents in their hands, and said, "Captain, all the patient information you want is here."

Ying glanced at the documents, there were a lot of them, after all, there were 80 people... No, so far, the number of sick people has exceeded 100, so Ying can't read it in a short time.

So he ordered: "Find out the commonalities of these patients, I want the results before this afternoon!"


Several Anbu ninjas nodded in response, and after leaving the office, they hurriedly found teammates and frantically reviewed information.

Time passed, and after a few hours, the results came out.

"team leader!"

An Anbu ninja hurriedly knocked on the door and said, "We have found the commonality of these patients!"

"Speak!" Eagle said solemnly.

"These patients all attended ninja schools, but they did not become ninjas in the end." Anbu ninja reported loudly.

"Ninja School?"

The eagle showed a pondering color, and then asked, "What else?"


Anbu Ninja hesitated, "We found that the lives of these patients are... bad."

"What do you mean?" Eagle looked at him puzzled.

"It's, it's..."

The Anbu ninja also had an elementary school education, and he couldn't find the right words for a while. After a long time, he said, "They are not happy, they often encounter setbacks in life, and then blame others."

In modern terms, it is full of negative energy!

Eagle nodded and said, "Continue to look for it, and notify me immediately if you find anything else."

"Yes!" Anbu Ninja turned and stepped back.

The common result soon came to Minato Namikaze. Minato Namikaze immediately sent someone to the ninja school to make a list of those who failed to graduate successfully, and then sent Anbu to look for these people, focusing on "bad life and unsatisfactory life".

at the same time.

On the edge of a dense forest outside Konoha Village, Shishui, whose body was wrapped by Bai Jue's clone, slowly emerged from the ground.

"It's here." Bai Jue opened his body, spit out the water, and then slowly sank into the ground, ready to leave.

"and many more!"

Looking at the familiar gate not far away, Zhishui hurriedly stopped Bai Jue's clone, frowned and asked, "Bai Jue, where do you want to go?"

"It has nothing to do with you." Bai Jue clone hummed.

"You betrayed Xiao because of me, and I have the responsibility to protect you." Zhi Shui said righteously.

Bai Jue's clone rolled his eyes hard: "Then I really thank you!"

"Come to Konoha." Zhishui smiled shyly.

"Hmph, even if I betray Xiao, it doesn't mean that I have to join Konoha!" Bai Jue's clone arrogantly refused.

Shishui smiled and said, "I didn't force you to join Konoha, I just hope you can stay in Konoha as a tourist for a while."

When Bai Jue cloned himself, he suddenly felt much better: "Since you are so kind, then I will reluctantly stay in Konoha for a few days."

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