Luffy took back the hands holding the rhinoceros horn, then stretched his right hand far behind him, muttering:"Rubber~~~~~~pistol!"

Luffy punched the rhinoceros on the head.



The huge body of the rhinoceros fell by the Nanga River, and the ground trembled.

Uchiha Takeru, who came after him, only saw a straw hat boy standing on a hill. Next to the rhinoceros.

He looked at the rhinoceros on the ground and said in surprise:"You killed it?"

Uchiha Take then thought that the giant-horned rhinoceros was probably exhausted after running so far. This was a good time to take action.

Seeing that he didn't have a ninja forehead protector on his forehead, as an ordinary person, he could do this. Very powerful too

"This giant-horned rhinoceros is a rare species. Its horns can be sold for a lot of money."

Luffy was not interested in rhino horns and said casually:

"Yeah? If you want it, I can give it to you. I'm hungry and just want to eat meat.

Uchiha Take's eyes lit up when he heard this:"Another advantage of the giant-horned rhinoceros is that its meat is delicious. You are so discerning.""

"Ah, great!"Luffy almost drooled when he heard the words"delicious meat". Luffy got a dagger from somewhere and cut open the rhinoceros's belly with one clean cut.

He grabbed the long wooden stick prepared on the side, The rhinoceros was impaled in one go.

The huge rhinoceros was like a toy in his hand. This light-weighted state immediately restrained Uchiha Bamboo. Reach into the river, shake it vigorously, stir up splashes of water, and then place the rhinoceros whole on the bonfire.

"Wait, wait a minute."When Uchiha Take saw this, he suddenly interrupted Luffy's actions.

"Are you just going to eat giant-horned rhinos?"Uchiha Takeru looked incredulous.

"yes."Luffy replied naturally.

"Ouch, what a waste. Uchiha Take said distressedly,"You can't do this." Oops, you really have no cooking skills at all.

Luffy's eyes lit up and he asked,"Are you good at cooking?""

"What is this word? Please call me Master Chef."Uchiha Take said quite proudly.

He usually made delicious food by himself, and became the only fat ninja in the Uchiha clan.

Seeing that the ingredients that could have been made into delicious food were"wasted" like this, There was a kind of pain in my heart like burning a harp and cooking a crane.

During the two years when Luffy and Rayleigh were training, they killed wild beasts and cooked barbecue every day on the uninhabited island.

Luffy immediately put a rhino in his hand. The wooden stick was handed over and he shouted:

"Here you go, celebrity chef!"

"Hey, hey."

Uchiha Takeshita took the wooden stick and with a bang, the huge rhinoceros fell directly to the ground.

This man is so strong.......Seeing how easily Luffy could hold it, Uchiha Take thought that the whole rhino didn't weigh much, but when he tried it with his own hands, he realized that he couldn't lift it at all, and he couldn't help but be secretly surprised.

"Forget it, just leave it on the ground and deal with it."He took Luffy's dagger and started peeling off the skin.

"oh oh."Luffy's eyes were full of stars, and he nodded in agreement.

Uchiha Zhu cut off the meat of the giant rhinoceros piece by piece and placed it on the grass just like a butcher cutting an ox.

"Bamboo, what are you doing like this?"

Sasuke caught up and saw that Uchiha Take was skinning and cutting the meat of a rhinoceros.

Luffy looked like a greedy cat, sitting next to him and watching Uchiha Take handle the rhinoceros, as if he had returned to the Sunshine and watched Sanji cooking in the kitchen. Time.

How long has this been missed? How did it develop like this?

"I'm making a barbecue."

Uchiha Takeru lowered his head and answered, his hands kept busy.

He cut the cut meat into pieces and threaded them one by one with wooden sticks. He also took out a small jar from his pocket, which contained salt and other seasonings.

He skillfully Spread the seasoning evenly on the meat skewers and stick them one by one by the campfire.

"What I want to ask is, why do you make barbecue?"

"Why is there such a thing as salt in your ninja fanny pack?"Sasuke had a dark look on his face.

The ninja's belt bags are full of kunai, detonating charms and other ninja tools. What kind of ninja would carry salt and seasonings in his belt bag?

No wonder Take, this guy, always ranks last in the ninjutsu competitions within the clan. 1.

This is not focusing on training at all.

Luffy started to drool as he smelled the smell of meat.

"Celebrity chef! Will you join my pirate team and be my first partner?"Luffy extended an invitation to Uchiha Take with his eyes shining.

Luffy suddenly felt that he still needed to find a few partners, especially chefs and musicians.

Otherwise, there would be a lot less fun on the adventure.

When he first went to sea, the first person he looked for was the powerful Zoro.

Now that he is strong enough, he no longer needs to consider the combat capabilities of his partners.

The name of the team is still"Straw Hat Pirates", and Luffy doesn't want to give the team a new name..

As for why the pirates didn't go to sea, Luffy never thought about these things.

After all, they were wandering in the desert during their adventure in Alabasta, and they were still called the"Straw Hat Pirates.""

"Pirates? What it is?"Uchiha Take obviously did not keep up with Luffy's rhythm.

Luffy ate the meat and said proudly:"If you agree, you can become the partner of the Pirate King and become the first crew member of the Straw Hat Pirates in this world."

"One Piece? never heard of that. Luffy was stunned for a moment, then smiled and said,"I'll hear about it later." Because my name will ring throughout the world.

Uchiha Takeichi stretched out his hand and said,"Stop it!" You should give up on this idea. I can't swim, so I definitely won't become a pirate.

Luffy said happily:"Great!" I can't swim either!

Uchiha Take looked at Luffy's straw hat and complained:"You want to establish a combat team, right?" Take this���The wording can be arbitrary."

Luffy touched his chin with his hand and said stubbornly:"Really? However, I decided to call the Straw Hat Pirates!"

"up to you. But I won't join this team of idiots."Uchiha Take distributed the grilled meat skewers to Luffy and Sasuke, saying with disgust.

"Yo, Sasuke, you're here too!"Luffy's eyes followed the skewers, and then he realized that Sasuke was standing next to him.

Oh, how big are you!

How much does this guy love to eat? I've been standing there for so long without seeing him?

He can indeed eat 32 bowls of ramen. Man.

Sasuke thought a lot, but he still replied politely:"Hello."

"Bamboo is not a chef! His dream is to be an intelligence expert."Sasuke thought of Luffy's question about his dream yesterday, and opened his mouth to explain to Uchiha Take.

"Mmm~ It smells so good!!"Luffy ate the whole skewer of meat in one bite and praised it.

"Celebrity chefs and intelligence experts? That’s great!! I made a decision! You join my pirate team!!"

"Don't make decisions on your own, asshole! I clearly rejected you just now."Uchiha Take refused again.

"Hahaha, think about it again. Whatever happens to you, I will protect you."Luffy took off three skewers of meat in one go.

"Do I, a ninja of the Uchiha clan, still need your protection?"Uchiha Takeru snorted, not to be outdone and ate three meat skewers in one bite.

Seeing this, Luffy reached out and picked up four skewers and ate them in one go.

"Are the Uchiha clan invincible?"

Uchiha Take immediately picked up five skewers and stuffed them into his mouth!

"Hmm~~Well, of course~"......

"Enough is enough, you two! Is there a winner or loser in this kind of thing?"Sasuke stopped their"wasteful" behavior

"Of course!"The two said in unison.

The two of them seemed to be competing, after eating a lot of meat.

Of course, Uchiha Take couldn't compare to Luffy, and he was very unconvinced and lost.

He actually lost in the eating competition.

"Hahaha."Luffy laughed happily

"Let's have a party!"Luffy stood up with a handful of meat skewers in each hand and suggested with excitement.

"open......banquet? Why?" Sasuke asked

"Hmm~~ Do you still need a reason to hold a party?"Luffy took a big mouthful of skewers and waved the meat skewers in his hand, saying vaguely.

"bring it on! Let's have a party!"

Luffy stood up, walked to the bonfire, and shouted to the two of them.

"When I was adventuring on Sky Island, I learned a kind of dance that must be performed at a banquet. It was very fun. Come together!!"

Sasuke and Uchiha Take looked at each other, and both saw the eagerness and desire in each other's eyes.

They were both infected by Luffy's cheerfulness and enthusiasm.

Ninjas need purpose and reason to do things.

Because what they learn every day is tolerance Technique, assassination, mission, discipline. He has almost no personality, just living to make himself a sharp knife.

So when Luffy asked Sasuke about his dream,

Uchiha Zhu held hands with Luffy. The bonfire was twisting and dancing wildly

"���, Sasuke! Come together."

Sasuke sat by the campfire, looking at it with a bit of envy, but there was still no end.

I want to be a powerful ninja like my brother, and I have to control my emotions. I can't let my guard down completely like this.......Sasuke secretly thought in his heart......

Office of roots.

Danzo sat on a chair and closed his eyes to relax.

Mountain wind came in

"grown ups! There is a situation on the Hokage's side."

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