Why did Nagato tell Jiraiya all this?

He simply wanted to tell Jiraiya:

Konan is pregnant,

Teacher Jiraiya, who has always been respected by us like a father, do you want to hug your grandson (daughter) whom you have never met in the future?

If you want, then join us!

In the future, let us work together to maintain the peace of this world...blah blah blah...

In short, Nagato has said a lot, but the answer given by Jiraiya is still not so satisfactory...

"I'm sorry, Nagato, I'm a ninja of Konoha, and it's impossible for me to join other organizations."

"Of course I want to hug my grandsons and granddaughters~ But this is not a reason for me to betray Konoha..."


"You don't need to say more, Nagato,

Although the third generation old man did some things that were too much, he is my teacher after all...

As a disciple, I can't betray him, let alone Konoha..."

This is the nth time that Jiraiya shook his head and rejected Nagato's recruitment.

Unlike before, Jiraiya did not wait for Nagato to finish before interrupting him.

"I understand the ideology of your Akatsuki organization...

To be honest, I do not support what you want to do, nor will I stop you.

But if you want me to join you...please forgive me that Jiraiya cannot do it.

I also understand your concerns.

Don't worry, I will never leak your information."

Naruto: 눈_눈...

I didn't expect that after Nagato pulled Jiraiya to persuade him for two hours...that's the result? !

Although Jiraiya is a rare hero in the ninja world, he keeps his word.

He said that he would not leak the information related to Akatsuki, and he will definitely do it.


According to the tasks given by the system...

If Jiraiya has not joined Akatsuki by the time the time comes...

What's the difference between this and leaking the information? !

Thinking of this, Naruto immediately jumped out and shouted at Jiraiya.

"Jiraiya, why do you insist on not joining our Akatsuki organization?!"


Jiraiya said with a carefree smile.

"I have answered this question many times - because I am a ninja of Konoha."


"Hehe~ A Konoha ninja who hasn't returned to Konoha Village for so many years?!"

Naruto looked at Jiraiya with disdain.

Please, Jiraiya, you always find such a far-fetched excuse.

"Ahem~ I didn't return to the village because I was chasing Orochimaru..."

Jiraiya coughed awkwardly and defended himself in a low voice.

"Coincidentally, Orochimaru is also a member of our Akatsuki organization.

How about I send him a message and ask him to come back immediately, and then you can take Orochimaru back to Konoha together?!"

Jiraiya: Σ(っ °Д °;)っ? ! !

"No, no, although my mission is to capture Orochimaru, but...

I can't beat him... Yes! I really can't beat him.

So even if you call Orochimaru over, I can't take him away..."

"Don't worry, I promise that Orochimaru won't do anything and will go back to Konoha with you obediently."

Jiraiya: ⊙_⊙...

"... Forget it, I'm afraid of hurting the relationship between him and me..."

Naruto: 눈_눈...

[If you want to pretend, just pretend!

I'll see how long you can pretend...]

Naruto decided to get straight to the point and directly show Jiraiya a big (mouth) move (escape).

"Don't pretend, Jiraiya, capturing Orochimaru is just an excuse for you not wanting to go back to Konoha.

... We saw it a long time ago!"

Jiraiya: ("▔□▔)!!!

"Is it so obvious? ! ”

Jiraiya sought answers from everyone in the Akatsuki organization, and everyone nodded in agreement.

Jiraiya: (°ー°〃)...

"So tell me, what is the real reason why you don't want to return to Konoha?"

Naruto grinned, staring at Jiraiya with his eyes.

"Alas... since you have seen through me, I won't pretend anymore.

In fact, the real reason why I don't want to return to Konoha is... the Third Hokage wants to make me the Fifth Hokage!

Being a Hokage is too tiring and not suitable for me, so I hide outside and try not to meet the old man...

When Konoha selects a new Hokage, I will naturally go back. "

Naruto: 눈_눈...

Everyone in Akatsuki: 눈_눈...

It may be true that Sarutobi Hiruzen wants to nominate Jiraiya as the fifth Hokage;

It is true that Jiraiya does not want to be Hokage;

But he ran away from Konoha for so many years just for this reason...Is Jiraiya just talking nonsense?!"...Why, you don't believe me?"

"What do you think?!"

"I didn't expect that I couldn't deceive you like this, so I'll tell you the truth. I actually did this to...

Find the love of my life, Tsunade, one of the three ninjas who left Konoha earlier than me, in the ninja world, so I've been wandering outside Konoha Village..."

Naruto: (ー ー゛)...

"Well, just go to White Zetsu and call the owner of the largest gambling house in the Hidden Rain Village."

Soon, White Zetsu came back with the trembling casino owner.

"Hello, everyone!"

"Don't be nervous, boss. We just want to ask you something."

Naruto smiled and helped the gambling owner up.

"Do you know where the 'legendary fat sheep' is now?"

"Yes, the 'legendary fat sheep' is currently in the gambling street of the Land of Hot Springs, and is expected to go to the Land of Waves in three days..."

As the strongest "money-spending girl" in the eyes of the gambling house owners, Tsunade's whereabouts are monitored in real time by special people in their industry, and it is no secret...

Naruto: →_→...

Akatsuki Organization: →_→...

Jiraiya: (꒪⌓꒪)...

"That's it?! Don't tell me that you, Jiraiya, have been asking for so many years and still don't know~"

"Hey~ Then I'll be frank, I actually..."

Jiraiya was about to make up another excuse when he was interrupted by Naruto.

"Actually, you are just scared."

Jiraiya: (ー_ー)!!

Jiraiya's facial expression suddenly froze, and after a long time he laughed awkwardly a few times.


What am I afraid of?

I am Jiraiya, one of the three ninjas of Konoha, and my teacher is the third Hokage Sarutobi Hiruzen...

What do I have to be afraid of in Konoha?


What else can scare me..."

Naruto looked at Jiraiya quietly, who was asking and answering his own questions, and said calmly.

"You are just scared."

"Naruto, don't joke~

I am Jiraiya, a ninja of Konoha, a disciple of the Hokage..."

"Don't shake your hands."

Jiraiya: (||๐_๐)...

"How could my hands... Okay, you are right, they are shaking...

Okay, I admit that I, Jiraiya, am really afraid of returning to Konoha!

But as to why I am afraid of returning to Konoha...

Naruto, I bet you can never guess."

Jiraiya was depressed and admitted that he was afraid;

But then he felt a little unconvinced, so he deliberately provoked Naruto.

"Don't be so absolute~"

Naruto grinned: ( ˉ͈̀꒳ˉ͈́ )✧

Show time~

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