Konoha Village, Root Base.

"Danzo, you called me here so anxiously... Is there something wrong with those experimental subjects?"

Hiruzen Sarutobi's fingers kept tapping on the table, his face was as gloomy as water, and no one could guess what he was thinking.

"Those experimental subjects are fine. Although nearly 60% died, the rest have been successfully stabilized.

It's just..."

Danzo Shimura looked at Hiruzen Sarutobi, and he was a little hesitant to speak.

Since his injury healed, Hiruzen Sarutobi seemed to have completely torn off his previous disguise, and the whole person became more gloomy.

So gloomy that even Danzo Shimura was a little scared...

"... Danzo, you and I have worked together for so many years, just say whatever you want to say."

Hiruzen Sarutobi glanced at Danzo Shimura, and his fingers tapping on the table did not stop at all.

"Then I'll be frank. Although the sheep you asked me to catch survived, it consumes more nutrient solution every day than the other test subjects combined...

The cost of cultivating it is too high. I suggest giving up."

The sheep that Shimura Danzo was talking about was naturally my lazy brother - Lazy Sheep.

Since being locked up in the incubator, my lazy brother has shown an extraordinary appetite.

If other test subjects consume a can of nutrient solution in ten days, then Lazy Sheep consumes ten cans a day.

To be honest, even if Shimura Danzo is a wealthy family, he can't stand Lazy Sheep, a foodie!

"Oh... can the body of that sheep withstand so much energy?"

Sarutobi Hiruzen was not surprised but happy. The more nutrient solution the test subject consumes, the higher the potential of the test subject after cultivation.

The reason why Sarutobi Hiruzen noticed Lazy Sheep was actually because he always hung out with the Akimichi clan.

Ever since that incident happened some time ago, Sarutobi Hiruzen, the Hokage, has been quite dissatisfied with the Akimichi clan and always wanted to take revenge.

But if he wanted to take revenge on the Akimichi clan openly...

Firstly, the forces under him and Shimura Danzo are almost destroyed, and they will definitely not be able to win in a head-on confrontation;

Secondly, all the affairs of Konoha, big or small, can only be barely maintained by relying on these family ninjas, and Sarutobi Hiruzen does not dare to tear his face with them.

Revenge openly will definitely not work... Then he will do it secretly!

So Sarutobi Hiruzen sent some people to closely monitor every member of the Akimichi clan, trying to catch their handle.

As a result, the Akimichi clan did not catch any handle, but the lazy sheep who suddenly appeared in Konoha and mingled with the Akimichi clan every day entered Sarutobi Hiruzen's sight.

Regarding Lazy Sheep, the information presented to Sarutobi Hiruzen by his subordinates described it as follows:

[A sheep that can speak human language, whose appetite can surpass the head of the Akimichi clan, Akimichi Choza... and whose strength is close to zero. ]

However, when Sarutobi Hiruzen saw this information, it became:

[A perfect experimental subject with high intelligence (can speak human language), strong physique (good at eating), and easy to control (didn't see the hidden strength of my lazy brother). ]

Sarutobi Hiruzen was moved.

Of course, he did not deny that there was a desire to take revenge on the Akimichi clan, but more importantly, in Sarutobi Hiruzen's eyes, Lazy Sheep was indeed a good material for serving as an experimental subject.

So Sarutobi Hiruzen immediately made a decision, went to consult with Shimura Danzo, and sent a few people to find an opportunity to capture Lazy Sheep.

In choosing Lazy Sheep as the experimental subject, Sarutobi Hiruzen never doubted his own vision. He had long expected that Lazy Sheep would bring him a surprise.

But Sarutobi Hiruzen never expected that the surprise would be so big!

The nutrient solution consumed every day is more than that consumed by other experimental subjects combined...

[Such a terrifying energy absorption efficiency, what kind of terrifying body can support such a large amount of energy injection? !

Such a terrifying body, I am afraid that only the first generation Hokage Senju Hashirama has such a terrifying body...

No, it is possible that even Hashirama's body cannot compare!

If I can really successfully cultivate that sheep and use it for me...]

Sarutobi Hiruzen has already begun to imagine his future self killing all directions with the help of Lazy Sheep and completely wearing the crown of "the strongest Hokage of all time".

"Ahem~ Hiruzen? Hiruzen?!"

Shimura Danzo was a little unsure of what was wrong with Sarutobi Hiruzen.

Why was he just discussing business with him, but now he had a silly smile on his face?

No matter how Shimura Danzo called out, he couldn't wake Sarutobi Hiruzen from his daydream.

"Sarutobi Hiruzen, are you listening to me carefully?!"

"Ah? Oh... I'm listening, Danzo... go on."

"Hmph! I've calculated that the sheepThe daily consumption of nutrient solution is too alarming.

If we continue to cultivate... before this batch of experimental subjects are completed, our coffins will be used up!

So I suggest that we give up this sheep and focus on cultivating other surviving experimental subjects instead. "

Shimura Danzo said with a stinky face. He finished what he wanted to say.


Sarutobi Hiruzen flatly rejected Shimura Danzo's suggestion. He finally saw the hope of his re-emergence. How could he give up after Shimura Danzo's words?

"That sheep should not only not be abandoned, but should be cultivated and cultivated more vigorously!

Danzo, believe me, only this sheep... is the hope for our brothers to turn things around~"

"Humph! You say it lightly... You will pay for the materials consumed by this sheep every day? ! "


Sarutobi Hiruzen slapped the table heavily and said with gritted teeth.

"Okay, I'll pay!"

Shimura Danzo: →_→...

"Hehe, it seems that our Hokage has a lot of private goods hidden behind the scenes..."

"Same here, I don't believe that you, Shimura Danzo, didn't leave some capital for yourself..."

The two old foxes looked at each other and laughed at the same time, but the expressions on their faces at this moment always gave people a feeling of smiling on the surface but not on the body.

The gunpowder smell that was permeated in the room before also dissipated into nothingness with the two people's smile.


"Okay, since the Hokage said so, let this sheep live in the incubator for a while.

But the daily expenses... Hiruzen, I hope you can send the supplies I need in time. "

"Don't worry, as a Hokage, I will naturally not lie to you.

By the way, Tenzo (Yamato) will return to the village tomorrow, and I will ask him to come to your place to cooperate with the experiment. "

Sarutobi Hiruzen and Shimura Danzo discussed for a long time before they reached an agreement.

Seeing that the problem of Lazy Sheep was solved, Sarutobi Hiruzen didn't want to stay any longer, and immediately stood up and was about to leave.

But just as he stepped out of the door, Shimura Danzo's voice suddenly came from behind.

"Huruzen, I suddenly have a premonition...

You who insist on training that sheep... will definitely regret it in the future..."

"Hehe~ This is not something you, a Hokage assistant, should worry about.

Danzo, don't forget... I am the Hokage..."

Sarutobi Hiruzen left, leaving Shimura Danzo sitting on the chair alone...

[I always feel like something is missing...]

Shimura Danzo stood up and walked to the door...


The door was shut heavily by Shimura Danzo.

Shimura Danzo: ┑( ̄Д  ̄)┍ ...

[This is perfect~]

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