"Report to Agent Naruto, the target person has appeared and is currently fifty miles away from the Hidden Rain Village."

"Understood, everything will proceed as planned."



Under Naruto's mobilization (persuasion) (saying), the aspiring young people of the Hidden Rain Village had to gather at the entrance of the village early in the morning, waiting for the arrival of Fenghua Xiaoxue.

Now they finally waited, Naruto gave an order and led all the personnel to run wildly, just like a group of mad dogs running away.

Under Naruto's leadership, it took less than twenty minutes for everyone to run to the road thirty miles away from the Hidden Rain Village;

And they pulled up several red banners at a very fast speed.

"Welcome the Queen of the Snow Country to the Hidden Rain Village for a friendly visit!"

"Model Village, Beautiful Hidden Rain, I've been waiting for you for a long time!"

"The people are simple and honest, and there are many handsome men. There is always one suitable for you! 》


The words are so big that you can see them clearly even if you stand hundreds of meters away.

"Naruto, although Xiaoxue is my only daughter in this world, and it's her first time to come to the Hidden Rain Village...

But...what should I say?

You don't have to make such a big scene to welcome her, right?!"

To be honest, Naruto's show of mobilizing the entire Hidden Rain Village was too big, and even Whitebeard couldn't stand it.

Just because he mentioned to Naruto that his only daughter was coming to the Hidden Rain Village, Naruto did this...

Whitebeard was touched, but also a little scared.

In fact...Whitebeard was a little self-indulgent.

"Actually...Dad, I made such a big scene not just because Fenghua Xiaoxue is your daughter, but also my sister..."

Whitebeard: (ー_ー)!!

"What else could it be?"

"...This matter is a bit complicated, Dad, you'd better not ask."

【Why else? Of course, it's to protect my rights as a man! 】

Naruto: (*꒦ິ⌓꒦ີ)...


"Here we come!

Brothers, shout our slogan!"

Seeing the Snow Country team appear from afar, Naruto seemed more excited than his father Whitebeard.

Naruto waved his hand, and the people behind him immediately stood in two rows along the road, holding the red flags high in their hands and swaying in the wind while shouting loudly.

"Welcome, welcome, warm welcome!"

"Welcome, welcome, warm welcome!"

"Welcome, welcome, warm welcome!"


The sound shook the world, and the Snow Country team, which had just shown its head, did not dare to move forward.

"Master Xiaoxue, there seems to be some abnormal situation ahead... Do you want to come out and take a look?"

The accompanying guard leader knocked on the window of the carriage that Fenghuaxueyue was riding in.

It just so happened that Fenghua Xiaoxue herself was also very curious about what the messy noise coming from outside the carriage was about, so she walked out of the carriage to check it out.

But just a glance, Fenghua Xiaoxue was stunned by the scene in the distance.

Red flags were waving, colorful flags were fluttering, there were crowds of people, and gongs and drums were loud.

Fenghua Xiaoxue: Õ_Õ...

Can anyone tell her what is going on?

"Master Xiaoxue, the team in front should be sent by the Hidden Rain Village to welcome us. I seem to have seen your father, Master Edward Newgate, among them."

The leader of the guards respectfully explained the situation to Fenghua Xiaoxue.

As a native of the Snow Country, the leader of the guards witnessed with his own eyes how the Whitebeard father broke through the entire Snow Country with his own strength and chopped the usurper Fenghua Nutao into minced meat.

The godlike and devilish figure of the Whitebearded old man had long been deeply engraved in the memory of the guard leader;

Even though he was far away, he could still see the Whitebearded old man in the crowd at a glance.

"Hey~ Old man?!"

Fenghua Xiaoxue also noticed the figure of the Whitebearded old man that stood out from the crowd, and immediately shouted in surprise.

Then Fenghua Xiaoxue turned to look at the guard leader and said in an incredible tone.

"You said so many people came to welcome me?!

...Are the villagers of the Hidden Rain Village always so enthusiastic?!"

The guard leader was silent, and it took a long time before he heard his answer.

"Master Xiaoxue, this is my first time in the Hidden Rain Village, so...

Sorry, I don't know the answer to this question."

Fenghua Xiaoxue: Õ_Õ...

"Master Xiaoxue, you have seen the situation.

Excuse me...should we meet them now?

Everything is waiting for your instructions, Master Xiaoxue."

"...Keep going forward.

Although there are indeed more people on the opposite side,But dad is also here...

It should be fine...right?"

Fenghua Xiaoxue turned back to the carriage, and the team continued to move forward.


Soon after, the two teams finally stood face to face.

The next moment, the leader of the guards stepped out of the crowd, holding his breath and shouting:

"The Snow Country's daimyo Fenghua Xiaoxue, with the Snow Country's Royal Guard, is visiting the Hidden Rain Village~"

The villagers of the Hidden Rain Village, who were still shouting "Welcome, welcome, warm welcome", suddenly became quiet, and the scene suddenly became silent.

But soon...

Bang! Bang! Bang...

The salutes made by Xiaodi exploded in an instant, and countless ribbons flew all over the sky and fluttered in the wind.

After the ribbons fell, the whole road became colorful and beautiful.

At the same time, a gorgeous red carpet was also laid under Fenghua Xiaoxue's carriage along the road by the villagers.

Guard leader: (ーー゛)? ! !

"Please respectfully ask the Queen of the Snow Country, Fuuka Koyuki, to get off the bus!"

Although they felt ashamed, the villagers of the Hidden Rain Village finally shouted this sentence loudly with their eyes closed under the encouragement (intimidation) of Naruto.

Team of the Snow Country: (:.;゚益;゚;益;゚;益;゚;.)? ! !

Fuuka Koyuki: ꒰꒪꒫꒪⌯꒱? ! ! What should I do if I suddenly don't want to get off the bus?

Whitebeard Daddy: ==(●⁰ꈊ⁰● |||)...


Unable to refuse the kindness, Fenghua Xiaoxue finally got off the carriage and showed up in front of everyone.

But she had just gotten off the carriage and had just stepped on the red carpet, and the next moment...

Pa! Pa! Pa! Pa...

Naruto took the lead in clapping, and the applause was so loud that the entire Snow Country team felt a little shocked...

Well, they had tinnitus.

Petals of various colors fell on Fenghua Xiaoxue from all directions, sticking to her hair, dress... drawing a perfect circle under her feet.

"Ready~ sing!"

"Tomorrow I'm going to marry you~ Tomorrow I'm going to marry..."

"Take your kidney!!!"

Naruto fired a Rasengan and slapped the leading singer, Nijiru, away.

"You sang wrong, bastard!!!... Gaara, you come. "

Then Naruto looked at the second lead singer, Gaara, with a threatening look in his eyes.

Gaara: =(꒪ᗜ꒪ ‧̣̥̇)...

"...Because we are a family, a loving family~"

Fenghua Xiaoxue: ꒰꒪꒫꒪⌯꒱...

Fenghua Xiaoxue felt that she had made a hasty decision to come to the Hidden Rain Village to visit her father...

She seemed to have made this decision a little too hasty.

[What should I do if I suddenly want to turn around and go back to the Snow Country? Wuwuwu‧⁺◟( ᵒ̴̶̥́ ·̫ ᵒ̴̶̣̥̀ )...]

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