Oh~ At the critical moment, Kimimaro arrived.

He came, he came, he came with murderous intent;

He came, he came, he came with a bone blade in his hand!

After confirming which bastard Uzumaki Naruto was, Kimimaro immediately pulled out two bone blades from his shoulder blades and walked towards Naruto step by step with a fierce momentum.

"What the hell?! Kimimaro, what are you going to do?!"

"Dad, don't worry about it!"

Naruto: (((o(*゚▽゚*)o)))? ! !

[This look, this posture... I'm going to get into trouble! ]

Everyone present: (⊙o⊙)~Eat melons, eat melons...

Taking advantage of Naruto's daze, Fenghua Xiaoxue seized the opportunity to break free from Naruto's clutches and trotted into the arms of the white-bearded father.

"You are my 'dear' elder brother, Uzumaki Naruto?"

"Ha, ha ha... it's me.

Kimimaro, brother... brother..."

Kimimaro: (▼皿▼#)!!!

"Die, bastard!"

Kimimaro raised his knife and stabbed at Naruto.

"What the hell?!"

Naruto: ◝₍ᴑ̑ДO͝₎◞!!!

Naruto rolled over and successfully dodged, then quickly stood up and ran away;

Kimimaro saw this and quickly caught up, chasing after Naruto.

"Calm down, brother!

If there is any problem, we can discuss it privately. If I, Uzumaki Naruto, did anything wrong, I can apologize to you.

This is the first time we have met. There is no need to use knives directly!"

Kimimaro did not want to say a word. He threw the bone blade in his hand at Naruto as a flying knife, and pulled out two new ones from his shoulder blade.

Draw the knife and throw!

Draw the knife and throw!

Draw the knife and throw!


The two brothers ran for two miles. Naruto's clothes were torn by the bone blades thrown by Kimimaro, and turned into rags.

"Huff, huh, huh... Kimimaro, please... stop chasing me, okay?!"

"Okay, I won't chase you if you stop."

Kimimaro rarely responded to Naruto, but the flying knife in his hand never stopped for a moment.


Stop so you can stab me... Am I stupid?!

By the way, what did I do to you?

You want to do this to me?!"

"Stop and let me stab you with 108 transparent holes first, then I'll tell you... how did you offend me."

The fact is... even if Naruto really stopped and let Kimimaro stab him 108 times, Kimimaro probably wouldn't tell him afterwards.

As for how Naruto offended him...

Kimimaro himself didn't know how to answer;

Besides, with his cold personality, he didn't bother to explain such a stupid question.

"Damn it! If you throw a knife at me again, I'll fight back~"

"Come on, bastard!"

It would have been better if Naruto didn't say this. As soon as he said this, Kimimaro immediately activated the curse seal state, and the speed of chasing Naruto increased in an instant.

[What the hell... what kind of hatred is this? ! 】

Naruto: (*꒦ິ⌓꒦ີ)...


"Corpse Vein*Wire Flower Dance!"

Naruto was not careful and was entangled by the bone whip that Kimimaro suddenly swung.

【(꒪⌓꒪) ... Damn it~】

The next moment, the bone whip quickly pulled Naruto back;

At the other end of the bone whip, Kimimaro's eyes were cold and he was sharpening his knife...

"Die, bastard!"

Kimimaro put away the bone blade, aimed his iron fist at Naruto's face, ready to blast at any time.

【Fuck... Are you going to slap me in the face in front of so many people... No! 】

Naruto, who was still being pulled by the bone whip and flying in the air, turned around and saw this situation. He was anxious.

In a hurry, Naruto didn't care about so much.

Meatballs... Roll them up! ! !

"Take my kidney!!!"

A genuine Rasengan was thrown at Kimimaro's iron fist.


Kimimaro was shocked and was suddenly knocked away.

"Hahaha~ I know your brother is so powerful... Nima?!"

It was obvious that Naruto was too happy too early. He forgot that Kimimaro's bone whip was still wrapped around his waist.

At this moment, the two of them were like grasshoppers on a rope.

Since Kimimaro had already flown, Naruto, who was tied to him, would naturally not be spared...


[What a powerful ninjutsu. If I hadn't wrapped my arm with bone armor in time... I'm afraid this hand would be useless now...]

Kimimaro, who fell back to the ground from mid-air, was not in much trouble, but he was secretly impressed by the power of the Rasengan.

Suddenly, Kimimaro seemed to sense something. He looked up and met the Rasengan who was still spiraling in the sky. His face was full of anger.Naruto's face was filled with the word "horror".

[What's flying in the sky...

Uzumaki...Naruto? ! ]

Kimaro: (ー ー゛)...

"Kimaro~get out of the way!"

Naruto: ◝₍ᴑ̑ДO͝₎◞! ! !

Duang! ! !

As expected, the two of them collided in the next moment.

Kimimaro, who had no time to react, couldn't help but hug the flying Naruto, and fell heavily to the ground with him.

And as luck would have it, the lips of the two of them who fell to the ground just happened to touch each other...

Kimaro: ⊙_⊙...

Naruto: ⊙_⊙...

[Damn it, I've been on guard against the second pillar since I traveled through time, but I didn't expect another Kimimaro to come...

So the curse of the name Uzumaki Naruto is that the first kiss must be given to a man, right? !

Uwuwuwu… My first kiss, I wanted to save it for Hinata-chan (⌇ຶД⌇ຶ)…】

Naruto: Fuck! (╯‵□′)╯︵┻━┻!!!


Naruto, who was in a state of collapse, was kicked away by Kimimaro, who was even more collapsed.

Well~ Kimimaro should remember to untie his bone whip first this time.

Kimimaro slowly got up and wiped his mouth seemingly calmly, but in fact, he was in his heart…

[Forget it, I won’t stab you with the 108 knives… Just chop it into minced meat!]

“Uzumaki Naruto, I must kill you today!”

Earth Curse Seal* State 2, activate!

Naruto: (눈益눈) ! ! !

"Come on! Who is afraid of who?!

I'm going to fight you today!"

Naruto was furious.

Think about what Kimimaro did after he came to the Hidden Rain Village~

First, he chased him without saying anything, and chased Naruto two miles away;

The flying knife behind him whizzed past Naruto's hair, frightening him.

Then he took away the things that Naruto had been guarding all the time and wanted to leave for the future. My wife's first kiss.

What's even more outrageous is...

[Hama~ You took my first kiss away from me and I didn't even ask you for money... You're going to kill me in return? !

This is really too much!

Do you really think that I, Uzumaki Naruto, don't have a temper? ! ! ]

Boom! ! !

Double Kaio-ken, activate! ! !

"Kimimaro, if I, Uzumaki Naruto, don't beat you up today... I'll call you big brother from now on!!!"

Kimimaro: (▼皿▼#)!!!

Naruto: ☄ฺ(◣д◢) ☄!!!

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