"Scorpion has been wandering for half his life, and has never tasted the taste of love...

Now I am in love with your beloved daughter, and I am willing to spend my life with you...

If you don't abandon me, please allow Scorpion to call you - father-in-law!"

When Fenghua Xiaoxue brought Scorpion to him, and heard Scorpion kneeling on the ground and shouting "father-in-law"...

Whitebeard dad was completely confused.

The first thing he did after he regained consciousness was to rudely pull open Scorpion's pants to check if that thing was still there...

[Damn it's not there! ]

Whitebeard dad suddenly felt that the weather was good today, and it was an auspicious day, suitable for chopping a little red hair with Kurokumo...

If Fenghua Xiaoxue hadn't threatened to die, and Naruto, who was watching the show, patted his chest and promised to find a way to help Scorpion recover his normal body as soon as possible...

Scorpion would probably be torn into a worm by Whitebeard dad on the spot.

In short, the final result was that the two of them were settled, and they only had to wait until Scorpion recovered to get married on a certain day.

A few days later, Scorpion finally waited for his parents to return from the Sand Village;

When Scorpion brought Fenghua Xiaoxue to them, the old couple were so happy.

The old couple really didn't expect that with their eldest son's current conditions... they could actually abduct such a beautiful daughter-in-law.

A few days later, the people of the Snow Country, led by Fenghua Xiaoxue, embarked on the return journey. Scorpion and his parents left the Rain Village with them.

Well~ It seems that Scorpion is determined to be the son-in-law of the Snow Country.


When Scorpion left, almost everyone in the Akatsuki organization secretly sent him blessings, except...

"Wuwuwu... Brother Scorpion, why are you leaving?!

Have you forgotten our dreams and the art you pursue?!"

That's right, except Xiaodi.

Xiaodi always felt that Scorpion's departure was a betrayal, the biggest betrayal of the pure revolutionary friendship between the two of them!

Xiaodi has always been upset about this, and often locked herself in the laboratory, crying her heart out.

No matter how much Kurotsuchi tried to persuade her, she couldn't stop.

Xiaodi just cried, cried her heart out, cried her life out!

Until one day, Kurotsuchi was really irritated by the ghost appearance of her dear brother Deidara, so...




Xiaodi, who was beaten by Kurotsuchi with a frying pan for an afternoon, stopped crying and howling.


"You are so good, Kimimaro, you saw me but didn't say hello to me... Do you want to fight, bastard?!"

Kimimaro: (꒪⌓꒪)? ! !

"No, I didn't..."

"Stop talking nonsense, watch me!

Give me a duck neck!"

Kimimaro: (*꒦ິ⌓꒦ີ)...

This one-sided bullying ended only when Uchiha Mikoto arrived and dragged the second pillar of fate away by the back of his neck.

"Fifth brother, I have a bandage here... Here, for you."

"Thank you~ Gaara."

After spending some time together, Kimimaro finally figured it out...

Among the brothers:

The eldest brother Uzumaki Naruto is a salted fish. Although he occasionally works hard for a while for some unknown reason (system: me~), he is still a complete salted fish in the end;

Well... although he is a salted fish, he is a mythical salted fish that he can never beat.

The second brother, Uchiha Sasuke, is a real fool. He is not happy with everyone and wants to fight with everyone he sees.

Although he seems to be very fierce, there are only a few people in the entire Akatsuki organization that can beat the second pillar... Unfortunately, he is one of them.

It is difficult to evaluate the third brother, Lazy Sheep, because he has not seen the real person yet, but the white-bearded father and the good big brother Naruto both said that he is the one who should not be provoked among the brothers;

Combined with the feat of Lazy Sheep chasing the third generation Hokage Sarutobi Hiruzen, Kimimaro feels that if Lazy Sheep hits him casually... his good third brother will have to kneel on the ground and beg him not to die.

Little Six Gaara is the most gentle among the brothers, and he will definitely be a super warm man in the future;

But... although Gaara is the younger brother, Kimimaro still can't beat him!

So far, the worst and weakest among the brothers is him, the fifth brother.

Abbreviation: Little Five (trash)... (*꒦ິ⌓꒦ີ)...

Besides, Whitebeard Daddy... He has always followed a laissez-faire policy.

"Gulala Lala Lala~

Fight... What kind of fight?!

It's just a joke between brothers... It's nothing unusual."

Well, this is what Whitebeard Daddy said.

To put it simply, as long asI can save my breath... No matter how the brothers fight, the white-bearded father will not intervene.

[Alas... The situation is difficult, Kimimaro, you have to hurry up and continue to improve~]

The bandaged little brother Kimimaro stood up swiftly and ran away, and soon disappeared.

Kimimaro felt that he needed to wait for his good brother again...




"Two cakes!"



Pah! ! !

"Self-draw, Thirteen Yao!

Hahaha... Give me money!"

Kushina, who won the game, put one foot on the chair and laughed extremely arrogantly.

Uchiha Mikoto, Kurotsuchi and Kakudo all sighed at the same time and had to take out a handful of banknotes from their wallets and give them to Kushina.

Naruto: 눈_눈...

Naruto now regrets bringing mahjong into this world, because his mother Kushina was immediately fascinated by this thing, and whenever she had nothing to do, she would drag her three mahjong friends to play mahjong.

However, one of the three mahjong friends she found was Kakuzu...

Naruto knew that Kakuzu always received real silver bills when he won, and handed over fake silver bills printed by himself when he lost;

No matter how you calculate it, his mother is losing...

[Alas... As long as my mother is happy~]

In fact, Naruto didn't know that Kakuzu regretted it more than him.

Originally, he wanted to make some money to spend, but unexpectedly, these three women had ridiculously good luck;

After playing mahjong for so many days, he never won once, and the money was piled into his coat~

Kakuzu also wanted to quit playing, but it was too late...

Mahjong... addictive!

Kakuzu: Pain and happiness~(ʘ̥∧ʘ̥)...

Time passed day by day,

No major events happened, everything seemed so plain and beautiful.


Bang! ! !

The door of Naruto's office was kicked open.

Naruto looked up and saw that it was Nagato who had not appeared in front of everyone for a long time. He was holding the pale-faced Konan in his arms.

Naruto: ⊙_⊙? ! !

"Naruto, your sister Konan seems to be about to give birth. What should I do?!

You must help me!"

Naruto: (((o(*゚▽゚*)o)))? ! !

[Sister Konan is about to give birth? !

Oh, yes!

That's right... it's these few days.

Good news, great news!


"Sister Konan is about to give birth, send her to the hospital!

Why did you send her here, idiot?!"

Nagato: ( ̄- ̄)...

Naruto: Fuck! (╯‵□′)╯︵┻━┻!!!

Another solid wood desk heroically sacrificed at its workplace...

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