Why did Nizhuzi fall to this point?

Because after Nizhuzi came to the Sheep Village, he did set his sights on Karin as Nagato thought.

Knowing the original plot, he found Lazy Sheep as soon as he arrived at the Sheep Village and asked him about Karin;

After confirming Karin's current location, Nizhuzi avoided everyone and went straight to Karin and her daughter's home.

Unfortunately, even though Nizhuzi had a thousand calculations, he still couldn't beat Kushina's pair of sharp eyes;

His sneaky figure was discovered by Kushina.

[Where is Sasuke, the brat, going? ]

Out of curiosity, Kushina also left the main group and quietly followed Nizhuzi.

Then Kushina saw with her own eyes that Nibiruko sneaked into the home of Karin and her daughter, and then...

Karin's mother: "Who are you? Why did you break into our house?! Karin, come behind your mother."

Nibiruko: "Well, I came... Forget it, I won't explain, get out of my way, I have something urgent to do with your daughter..."

Karin: "Mom! Bad guy, why did you push my mother?!

Aiya~ Let me go, let me go!"

Nibiruko: "Don't move~ Just bite me obediently..."

Little Karin was frightened by Nibiruko's naked eyes, and the memory of how the Kusagakure ninjas treated her mother and daughter began to emerge from her mind again...

Karin burst into tears in an instant, her petite body trembled uncontrollably, and her eyes were full of despair.

"Don't... Please, don't do this to me..."

Kushina: (▼皿▼#)! ! !

Kushina, who was hiding outside the house, couldn't stand it anymore. She rushed in with a frying pan and said to Nizhuzi's head:

Duang! Duang! Duang!


Feeling the pain, Nizhuzi immediately let go of Karin, then he turned around with his hands on his head and glared at Kushina fiercely.

"Old woman, why are you ruining my good things?! Don't think I won't beat you just because you are Naruto's mother~"

Kushina: ☄ฺ(◣д◢) ☄! ! !

"Vajra Lock!"

A golden chain emerged from the ground in an instant and quickly wrapped around Nizhuzi's feet.

Duang! ! !

Slap him out and pull him back.

Duang! ! !

Slap him out again and pull him back again.


Nizhuzi finally enjoyed the same treatment as Tsuchiko.

Just when Kushina was having a great time playing with the Nibashi, a rather uncertain voice suddenly came from behind her.


Kushina turned around and saw the face of the person who spoke clearly...(´◊ω◊`)! ! !


Uzumaki Ayako, Karin's mother, was Kushina's best friend in the Land of Whirlpools when she was a child;

From a blood relationship point of view, Uzumaki Ayako is also Kushina's cousin.

Meeting an old friend in a foreign land, and a cousin with a blood relationship with her... Kushina couldn't help but be happy.

But in the midst of happiness...

"Ayako, the little girl behind you is..."

"She is my daughter Karin.

Karin, call Kushina auntie."

"Ku... Shina... Auntie is good... sniff~"

Little Karin sniffed and stumbled as she greeted Kushina. Her pitiful appearance made Kushina feel distressed.

Thinking of the culprit who caused Karin to cry, she is here now...

Kushina turned around suddenly, and her vicious eyes met the eyes of the smug Nijiru who was about to attack her.

Kushina: (▼皿▼#)!!!

Nijiru: (||๐_๐)...


"How dare you, little bastard, attack my niece?!"


"How dare you say I am old?!"


"You still want to sneak attack me now, right?!!"

The flying idiot: (*꒦ິ⌓꒦ີ)...


After a while...

Duang! ! !

"Hahahaha~ Old woman, why did you hit me so lightly this time?

... Did you not eat?!"

Relying on his full resistance attribute, the idiot who successfully tired Kushina started to show off again.


Kushina's *blood-red pepper state is activated, and the second battle begins again!

Duang! ! !

Duang! ! !

Duang! ! !


Kushina didn't hold back this time, and she beat the idiot so hard that he cried for his parents in a few hits.

"Wow wow wow~ Stop hitting me, it hurts so much!"

"Is it wrong?"


The idiotPillar's inner thoughts:

[I, Uchiha Sasuke, am a man who is determined to overturn the sky...

How could I be wrong in my life? !

If one day, everyone in the world says that I am wrong, then it must be this world that is wrong!

Humph! ]

Second Pillar: Uchiha Tsundere.jpg

Kushina: (눈益눈) ... Continue!

Duang! ! !


After a while.

"I was wrong."

Under the pressure of Kushina, Second Pillar, who was kneeling on the ground, finally admitted his mistake.

But although Erzhuzi admitted his mistake, it was not because he had realized his mistake, but...

[This woman is really in so much pain~

I really don't know how the last one survived in the hands of such a scary old woman, wuwuwu (*꒦ິ⌓꒦ີ)...]

"Tell me, what do you want to do to my cute little niece?!"

The rare advantage of Erzhuzi is that he dares to act and take responsibility.

Adhering to the fine style of "as long as you dare to ask, I dare to say", Erzhuzi told his plan truthfully.

Kushina was very happy to hear this, and rewarded Erzhuzi with his favorite pan set meal on the spot.

"It seems that the people of my Uzumaki clan were born to be medicine bottles for you, right?!

My little niece is so cute, how could you bear to do that?!

Nagato also has the blood of my Uzumaki clan, why don't you dare to bite him?!"


Don't mention it, Nibashi really thought about biting Nagato...

It's just that the information in Nibashi's mind told him that the special physiques like Karin and her daughter are rare in the entire Uzumaki clan.

What is certain is that Nagato and Kushina don't have them.

If not, I'm afraid Nibashi would have sneaked into Nagato and Konan's room on a dark and windy night and bit Nagato alive...

Duang! ! !

"I'm talking to you, and you dare to be distracted?!

... It seems that I have to teach you a lesson on behalf of Mikoto today!"

"Sister Kushina, you see, he is still a child, and Karin didn't suffer any substantial harm... How about just let it go?!"

"No! I have to teach this brat a lesson today!

Ayako, I just saw a pile of corn cobs in your yard, go and report them all.

Doesn't this brat like to bite people?!

I'll let you bite enough today!"

Erzhuzi: (*꒦ິ⌓꒦ີ)...


Time goes back to the present.

"Keep going, you can't go to bed until you finish eating this pile of corn cobs today, do you know?!"

Erzhuzi: (ಥ﹏ಥ)...

Duang! ! !

"I'm asking you if you know?!"

"... I know!"

Hiroshi: (ʘ̥∧ʘ̥)...

I don't know how long it took.

"Wuwuwu... I'm done, I'm finally done!"

Hiroshi jumped up excitedly after finishing all the dried corn cobs.

At this moment, Hiroshi's mouth had been worn out by the dried corn cobs.

When he opened his mouth, Kushina and Karin could smell the bloody smell from a distance.

Seeing this, the youngest Karin felt very sorry and immediately prepared to step forward to check Hiroshi's injuries.

As a result, Karin just took a step forward, and Hiroshi on the opposite side couldn't help but scream.

"Wow~ Don't come over here!"

"What?! Why... why?"

"I, Uchiha Sasuke, am allergic to red-haired monsters now..."

Karin and her mother: ꒰꒪꒫꒪⌯꒱? ! !

Kushina: (▼皿▼#)! ! !

Duang! ! !

"Ah~ I promised you that I wouldn't hit you after I finished biting you... You old woman, you don't keep your word, be careful or I'll fight you to the death... Ah!!!"

Nizhuzi: (╥╯^╰╥)...

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