
The bag of steamed buns came so strangely that Sarutobi Hiruzen and Shimura Danzo did not dare to pick it up rashly. Instead, they looked in the direction it flew from and questioned.

"It's me."

Jiraiya walked out of the shadows slowly, with a complicated look on his face.

"Old man, long time no see."


Seeing that the person coming was Jiraiya, Sarutobi Hiruzen and Shimura Danzo were relieved instantly.

In their hearts, anyone in Konoha could betray the village, except Jiraiya;

Among the "Three Ninjas", Jiraiya was the one who paid the most attention to feelings and ties.

Sarutobi Hiruzen did not believe that he would harm his teacher, and Shimura Danzo did not believe it either.


"Don't come over here, what can you use to prove that you are Jiraiya?!"

Shimura Danzo shouted to stop Jiraiya's steps, and the only remaining Mangekyo on his body suddenly opened.

"...Jiraiya, prove your identity to me."

Sarutobi Hiruzen also thought of this, and said to Jiraiya while suppressing his desire for food.

Obviously, the two old guys were afraid of being deceived...

Jiraiya: (ー_ー)!!

[Question: How can I prove that I am me?

Online, very urgent. 】

Jiraiya thought for a while and said with a little hesitation.

"...The first time I peeped into a female bathhouse was when you took me there, old man."

Sarutobi Hiruzen: (ー_ー)!!

Shimura Danzo: →_→...

"Once you and I went to a female bathhouse to peepe, and we were caught by the master's wife.

Old man, you were punished to kneel on a durian for a whole night, and then you decided to invent a ninjutsu that would not be discovered when peeping, which is the telescope technique."

"The crystal ball that you use to perform the telescope technique is usually hidden in the interlayer of the third drawer of your desk..."

Sarutobi Hiruzen: ("▔□▔)!

"Stop! You don't need to say anything more, I believe you are my good disciple Jiraiya! "

Sarutobi Hiruzen quickly stopped Jiraiya who wanted to continue talking.

If Jiraiya continued to talk like this, he, Sarutobi Hiruzen, the Hokage, might not even be able to protect Kuchako.

After confirming Jiraiya's identity, the two of them no longer hesitated, and immediately picked up the toasted buns on the ground, divided them, and ate them with relish.

Ignoring Shimura Danzo who was eating in an ugly manner, looking at Sarutobi Hiruzen who was also wolfing down... Jiraiya's expression became more complicated.

As a disciple, when has Jiraiya ever seen Sarutobi Hiruzen look as embarrassed as today?!

"Eat slowly, old man, don't worry, no one will snatch it from you... By the way, is this toasted bun really that fragrant?"


Sarutobi Hiruzen slapped his chest hard, and only answered Jiraiya's question after he slid down a large piece of toasted bun stuck in his throat.

"Fragrant! It smells so good! I have never tasted such delicious steamed buns. "

"Oh, really?"

Jiraiya nodded slowly.

"Since you said so, old man... it seems that Orochimaru's craftsmanship is really good."

[What?! These buns are made by Orochimaru?!]

Sarutobi Hiruzen: ("▔□▔)! ! !

Shimura Danzo: (꒪⌓꒪) ! ! !

The next second, the two old guys immediately spit out the steamed buns in their mouths before they could swallow them, and then desperately scratched their throats, which made Jiraiya frown.

"Don't worry, it's not poisonous... I saw Orochimaru make it myself, and I sent it to you right out of the oven.

Originally, Tsunade also made it, but her cooking skills... old man, you know, I didn't dare to take the food she made."

Sarutobi Hiruzen: ⊙_⊙...

Shimura Danzo: ⊙_⊙...

Wait a minute~

Jiraiya's words contain a lot of information, and they need to spend some time to digest it.

Jiraiya's words clearly revealed a meaning - Konoha's "pornography, gambling and drugs" reunited again after many years.

Then the question is...

It is known that Orochimaru is now a core member of the Akatsuki organization, so what are the characteristics of Jiraiya and Tsunade who can get together with him and calmly make steamed buns for their own teacher? !

"...Jiraiya, do you know that Orochimaru has now joined an organization called 'Akatsuki', and this Akatsuki organization is a hostile force in our Konoha?"

Holding on that one in ten thousand chance, Sarutobi Hiruzen still asked his beloved disciple.

"I know."

Jiraiya admitted it frankly.

Sarutobi Hiruzen: (ー_ー)...

"...What about you now?"

"Oh, I forgot to tell you..."


One-second costume change technique, activated!

Jiraiya instantly put on the Akatsuki organization's uniform.The unique black robe with red clouds worn by members.

"I am also a member of Akatsuki now."

Sarutobi Hiruzen: (꒪⌓꒪) ...

Shimura Danzo: (꒪⌓꒪) ...

"So, Tsunade is also..."

Sarutobi Hiruzen felt a sense of bitterness for no reason. It turns out that the feeling of being abandoned by everyone is so annoying.

"Oh, Tsunade didn't join Akatsuki..."

After hearing this, Sarutobi Hiruzen felt a little warmer in his heart, but Jiraiya's next words made his heart cold again.

"But Tsunade's current identity is Lazy Sheep's bodyguard.

Well... it's still the kind of close bodyguard, bastard Lazy Sheep!"

Speaking of this, Jiraiya's emotions became visibly excited;

On the issue of my lazy brother being a bastard, Jiraiya rarely agreed with Sarutobi Hiruzen.

Sarutobi Hiruzen: 눈_눈...

Shimura Danzo: 눈_눈...

What's the difference between this and joining Akatsuki? !

After all, Sarutobi Hiruzen still couldn't escape the fate of being deserted by his friends and relatives;

Shimura Danzo looked at his old friend with a little pity, then silently picked up the toasted bun he had just thrown away and continued to eat.

Shimura Danzo had foreseen that the two would have a big battle soon...

This might be the last battle between him and Sarutobi Hiruzen in this life.


"Alas... Jiraiya, Danzo and I should have never escaped your sight, right?"

Sarutobi Hiruzen sighed dejectedly and spoke in a bleak voice.

After that, he also picked up the toasted bun on the ground and continued to eat it like Shimura Danzo.

"That's right, this forest was created by Lazy Sheep using Wood Release, and it will move with your movements.

From the beginning to the end, you and Shimura Danzo have been circling outside the Sheep Village and have never left."

Jiraiya confirmed Sarutobi Hiruzen's guess, and looked at him with more pity.

"Impossible! Absolutely impossible!

I clearly smelled the unique loess smell of the Land of Earth. How do you explain this?!"

Faced with this cruel truth, Shimura Danzo said he couldn't accept it. This was clearly an insult to his professionalism as a ninja.

"Kurotsuchi, the granddaughter of the two great scales Ohnoki, and his disciple Deidara are both core members of the Akatsuki organization.

With them, it is not difficult to simulate some environmental information of the Land of Earth."

Jirai glanced at Shimura Danzo in annoyance.

After walking for so long, I didn't find that the smell of loess in the forest has not changed...

I'm afraid that Shimura Danzo's ninja level and the position of assistant to the Hokage were bought with money? !

Sarutobi Hiruzen: →_→……

Shimura Danzo: (꒪⌓꒪) ……

"What is this?!

You Akatsuki bastards, are you making fun of me and Hiruzen?!"

"Enough, Danzo, let me have a few more words with my disciple.

After all, we two brothers should not have much time left."


Shimura Danzo stopped talking, and Sarutobi Hiruzen was finally able to continue the unfinished conversation with Jiraiya.

But at this moment, Sarutobi Hiruzen didn't know what to say.

The two looked at each other and were silent for a long time.

In the end, it was Jiraiya, the disciple, who spoke first.

"It was the three of us who proposed to the organization to create this forest for you to rest for a while;

By the way, let us cook a meal for you, old man, to fulfill the friendship between master and apprentice...

Old man, this is the last thing we can do for you."

"Hahaha~ So this bag of baked buns is the farewell meal you three prepared for me, your teacher?!"

Thinking of what he will face next, Sarutobi Hiruzen has obviously become much more open-minded.

At this moment, he seemed to have become the Sarutobi Hiruzen of the past, the excellent ninja who has not been corrupted by power.


Jirai did not answer, and Sarutobi Hiruzen did not expect Jirai to give an answer to this question;

Everything was just a small mockery of Sarutobi Hiruzen to himself.

"By the way, where are Orochimaru and Tsunade? Why don't they come to see me off for the last time?"

"Tsunade is accompanying Rope Tree and can't get away. As for Orochimaru... he probably just doesn't want to see you in such a mess right now."

"I didn't expect that in addition to the Uchiha clan, even Rope Tree was resurrected by you...

I understand."

After chewing the last piece of the toasted bun quickly and swallowing it into his stomach, Sarutobi Hiruzen patted his stomach with satisfaction.

"I'm full, I'm full~

Go away Jiraiya, I want to do this for the last time of my life."I'm preparing for the war..."

"Old man..."

"Stop talking nonsense and go!

And... don't forget to collect my body~

If possible, bring my and Danzo's bodies back to Konoha for burial, please."

After that, Sarutobi Hiruzen closed his eyes and stopped talking.


Jiraiya sighed and walked back into the shadows silently.

"By the way, Jiraiya, Orochimaru made steamed buns for me;

Although you didn't bring the food made by Tsunade, she at least made it for me as a teacher...

What about you? What did you make for me? !"

Jiraiya didn't look back, but his answer was clearly conveyed to Sarutobi Hiruzen's ears.

"Old man, you know me. I don't like to cook since I was a child...

So I bought a restaurant, and Tsunade and Orochimaru both cooked for you in the restaurant I bought.

By the way, to commemorate you, I plan to change the name of the restaurant to - Three Monkeys. "

Sarutobi Hiruzen: (눈益눈) !!!

"Get lost! Traitor, you are the monkey, your whole family is monkeys!!!"



The wind chime hanging outside the door rang, and Tsunade knew that Jiraiya was back.

Except Jiraiya, no one would push the door in at this time.

"Well, didn't you go to accompany Rope Tree... Where is he?"

"That kid went to find Lazy Sheep."

Tsunade said unhappily.

"Since meeting the hateful Lazy Sheep, Rope Tree's mind is full of his newly recognized elder brother, and he has long forgotten me, his biological sister...

Wow~ Evil Lazy Sheep, I will never forgive you! ”


Tsunade raised a pot of sake and drank it all in one gulp.

Jiraiya: 눈_눈……

“Tsunade, you are drunk.”

“Get lost, I am not drunk!

Why do you, a little idiot who gets drunk after a few drinks, control me? !”

Jiraiya looked at the empty bottles rolling all over the floor, and then looked at Tsunade who was sitting on the chair but couldn’t sit still…

Jiraiya: 눈_눈……

Well, Jiraiya had nothing to say to Tsunade.

“Orochimaru, how much did Tsunade drink? !”

Jiraiya turned his head and shouted in another direction, successfully calling out Orochimaru who was cleaning the battlefield in the kitchen.

“She didn’t drink much either, but Jiraiya… I should go to restock tomorrow, the sake in your store is gone. ”

Jiraiya: (ー_ー)!!

He remembered that he had just paid for this restaurant today, and the sake in the warehouse was still full when he bought it.

So... Tsunade drank up all the sake in the warehouse, right?!

"Damn Orochimaru, I told you to watch over Tsunade before I left... You're watching her like this? !"

Jiraiya looked at Orochimaru angrily, then turned his head to look at Tsunade who was sitting on the chair and leaning from side to side...

Jiraiya was so distressed.

"One punch, I broke six ribs."

Orochimaru pointed to the wall on one side with an expressionless face. There was a deep human-shaped groove on the wall, which almost penetrated the entire wall.

Then Orochimaru pointed to a snake skin on the ground and continued to speak calmly.

"Two punches, comminuted fractures all over my body, forcing me to shed my skin to survive. ”

Jiraiya: (((o(*゚▽゚*)o)))? !!

“Although I really want to stop Tsunade from drinking… but I’m not a masochist like you, Jiraiya. Sorry.”

“… It’s okay, I understand… You’ve worked hard, brother.”

Jiraiya couldn’t help swallowing his saliva, and then he didn’t dare to look at Tsunade again.

He was afraid that the drunk Tsunade would notice him and then pin him to the ground and beat him.

“… Did the old man say anything to you?”

“Well, he told me to remember to collect his and Danzo’s bodies, and then bring them back to Konoha for burial.”

“That’s all?”

“… That’s all.”

“Well, even at this point, the old man still doesn’t want to honestly face the sins he once committed… Don’t you even want to say an apology? "

"... He has actually come to his senses, I can see that."

Jiraiya stared at Orochimaru's cold eyes very seriously, and said word by word.

"... Who knows? Anyway, I still think the old man owes an apology.

To you, to me, to Tsunade... to everyone he has hurt. "

Jiraiya was silent.

Orochimaru's words were right, and he couldn't refute them.

"Jiraiya, do you know?

I once thought that one day in the future, I would personally end the old man's life.The life of the leader;

Before everything he did is discovered, let him die as a ninja and preserve his last bit of dignity...

Oh no, it's not that I thought about it, I'm sure I did it in the future, and it was successful.

It's just... there are too many people in the Akatsuki organization who have grudges against the old man and Shimura Danzo, and his life and death are no longer something we can control and intervene in.

The only thing we can do now is to buy him some rest time so that he can fill his stomach and be full of energy to welcome the last battle of his life.

Although this ending is a little different from what I imagined, the old man still died gloriously as a ninja and a Hokage, didn't he?

We have done what we should do, so you shouldn't be sad for the old man anymore...

Do you understand, Jiraiya?"

Orochimaru looked at Jiraiya with red eyes and said earnestly.

"Get out, which eye of yours saw that I was sad for the old man? ! "

Before he finished speaking, Jiraiya was already crying.

Orochimaru: (ー ー゛)...

"What are you looking at? ! I have a brick in my eye, okay? !"

Behind the two of them, Tsunade, who had fallen asleep on the table at some point, was murmured unconsciously.

"Old man, I will never forgive you... I will never forgive you in this life, do you hear me? !

So in the next life... remember to come to me, I will be your teacher..."

Even if Sarutobi Hiruzen had many faults, when he was about to die, how could Jiraiya and Tsunade, as his disciples, not feel sad for him?

As for Orochimaru...

Orochimaru might also be sad, but as a "cold man", he had never let anyone see his vulnerable side.

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