"Scorpion, you're going too far!

You said you wouldn't hurt Kurotsuchi, why did you bring her here too?!"

As soon as Deidara woke up, he saw Kurotsuchi crying beside him.

He was furious at the time and started to scold his good brother Scorpion.

Brothers and you are connected by heart, you are playing tricks on your brother, right? !

In Deidara's heart,

At this moment, he is like a lost boy who accidentally entered an underground criminal gang, and his life is ruined.

But you can ruin him, but you can't ruin Kurotsuchi...

No! Absolutely not!

Deidara hugged Kurotsuchi and looked around furtively.

[One, two... five people,

Except for that little yellow-haired man (Naruto), they all seem to be masters, a bit difficult to deal with...]

Deidara carefully calculated in his heart whether he could protect Kurotsuchi with his current strength surrounded by everyone.

[Fuck! If I'm pushed to the limit, I'll just do a C0* self-destruction (art is Patrick)!

Even if I die, I can't let Kurotsuchi fall into their hands! 】

Deidara thought viciously, not noticing that a bead thrown by Naruto was hitting his head.

Bang! ! !

"Fuck! You dare to sneak attack?!"

Deidara grabbed the bead that bounced off his head and was about to throw it back at Naruto, but in an instant he felt a current passing through his body, with countless images pouring into his mind.

"Huh? What?!... Damn it!"

While Deidara was still not back to his senses, Scorpion pulled him to a corner and briefly explained to him the current situation of the Akatsuki organization.

After the explanation, Scorpion asked a thoughtful question.

"Do you understand?"

Deidara did not answer, but asked with a sullen face.

"Uchiha Sasuke is here now, right?"

"Yes... what are you going to do?"

Scorpion was stunned for a moment, but still answered honestly.


Deidara sneered after getting a positive answer.

"What? I'm going to kill him!

Not only did he kill me, but he also looked down on my art!"

With that, Deidara was ready to rush out of the conference room to fight the seven-year-old Second Pillar.

Scorpion was so scared that he quickly blocked Deidara's way with his tail.

"Xiao Di, calm down, Xiao Di!

Uchiha Sasuke is still a child now, there's no need to bother with him.

Besides, his brother Uchiha Itachi is also here, you can't beat him, Xiao Di!"

Question: What is the most hurtful word in the world?

Answer: To be honest.

Deidara broke down on the spot, and found a quiet corner to squat down and draw circles alone.

It's okay that you can't beat your brother now,

In a few years, your brother won't be able to beat his younger brother anymore...

You two Uchiha brothers are really...really bullying people!

Alas~ Life is not easy, Xiao Di sighed!


When Deidara, who had adjusted his mood, followed Sasori back to the crowd,

he found that Naruto was actually introducing the benefits of Akatsuki members to Kurotsuchi.

Although the organization doesn't have five insurances and one housing fund, four days on and three days off, year-end bonuses, national statutory holidays, etc., and you have to work overtime frequently;

But the salary is high, and the expenses of holding the wedding are all borne by the organization, and you will be given a big red envelope, and you can apply for marriage leave and maternity leave at any time;

If the man doesn't want to, the organization can also provide free door-to-door delivery service...

The little girl's big eyes flickered when she heard it, and she wanted to express her desire to join Akatsuki on the spot.

Deidara: 눈_눈...

As one of the core members of Akatsuki, Deidara can tell her responsibly that what Naruto said is all lies!

Since joining Akatsuki in his previous life, Deidara has never received even a penny from the organization.

Because the guy who manages the accounts in the organization is called Kakuzu, and the girl who manages the money is called Konan...


"Ahem~Okay, let's talk business."

Naruto cleared his throat and continued.

"Deidara, what are your plans for the future?"

"Me? Of course I will continue to study my art of explosion."

[By the way, find an opportunity for Uchiha Sasuke to experience my art firsthand! 】

Deidara added secretly.

Hearing Deidara's answer, Naruto nodded.

It was expected that he would give such an answer.

"Very good, your goal is very clear.

But Xiaodi... I have to remind you, if you still focus on studying your art and ignore other aspects...

Your art will eventually fail."

Deidara: 눈_눈... Xiaodi?

DeidaraPointing at himself and then at Naruto, the meaning is self-evident.

In terms of age, he is 12 years old this year, Naruto is 7 years old;

In terms of height, he is at least two heads taller than Naruto;

In terms of career, before joining the Akatsuki organization, he was a disciple of the Tsuchikage, a strong candidate for the next generation of Tsuchikage; Naruto is a demon fox that everyone in Konoha Village hates...

No matter from which aspect, Naruto's "Xiao Di" seems too presumptuous.

Forget it, it's just a title... Deidara doesn't care

But he dared to say that his art is doomed to fail? !

Deidara took out a ball of clay and put it in his hands, squeezing it flat and rounding it, and said to Naruto with a fake smile.

"Naruto boy, you have one minute to take back what you just said.

Otherwise, when the time is up, I will let you feel what the art of explosion is...

There are 48 seconds, 47, 46..."

[Deidara: Little boy, do you want to test whether my equivalent is sufficient? ! 】

"Well, Xiaodi, don't be anxious~

How about this, let's discuss a question first-what is art?"

Naruto was not panicked at all, still smiling and speaking slowly.

"Art is explosion!"

Before he finished speaking, Deidara gave the answer without thinking.

After hearing this expected answer,

Naruto shook his head,

Obviously he did not agree with this answer.

"In my opinion, only what can be recognized by most people can be called art.

If a person does something by himself but cannot get recognition from others, then most of the things he makes can be called - weird.

Just like your explosion, Xiaodi,

Although you are playing very well now,

No one is willing to accept it, and no one is willing to spend time to appreciate it.

When you die one day,

People will not say that the great artist Mr. Deidara has passed away;

They will only say that the madman who played with bombs finally died, and died well, this heretic should have died long ago..."

The clay in his hand slipped to the ground, but Deidara didn't notice it at all.

[Fuck (´°Δ°`)! ! !

What he said makes sense, what if I am convinced? ! ]

Feeling that he was sure of victory, Naruto showed a mysterious smile.

"I have something that can make your explosion a real art, do you want to see it?"

Deidara nodded frantically.

"Please look!"

Naruto put his hand in his trouser pocket, took out a book from the system space and held it high in front of Deidara.

Deidara: "...The first collector's edition of Intimate Paradise?...(ー ー゛)???..."

"Ahem~ You got the wrong one, it's this one!"

Naruto casually threw away the work of Jiraiya, a great writer, and took out a giant book brick that was ten meters square and seven or eight meters thick from his trouser pocket.

Bang! ! !

The giant book fell to the ground and rolled up a cloud of dust, almost filling up most of the conference room.

Everyone: 눈_눈...

Just ask how you can fit such a big book in your small trouser pocket?

So now the cheater really doesn't want to act anymore!

"It's this one, please see - "Blue Star Thermal Weapons Illustrations"!"

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