"Kill these people, and I guarantee that you and your daughter can leave Konoha safely;

Or...you can take them and leave right now.

Don't worry, no one will stop you.

But afterwards...you should soon receive the head of Temari that I sent to you when you return to Sand Village."

It seemed as if God was playing a big joke on Luosha.

The last second, he was still secretly swearing in his heart that he would save his daughter's life at any cost.

Unexpectedly, the next moment, the opportunity to save Temari's life was laid out in front of him;

But the price was to let Luosha, the fourth generation Kazekage, betray the faith he had adhered to for most of his life.

"...Do you know who you are talking to?"

Luosha's face changed several times, and his dry lips moved several times before he numbly uttered such a sentence.

"I know, the Fourth Kazekage of Sand Village~

Anyway, I have given you the chance to get Temari back, and it's up to you to choose.

I hope you can make a decision quickly, after all, you don't have much time to think."

There is really not much time left for Luosha to make a decision, because the Sand Village ninjas led by Laosha will arrive here soon.

When facing his former subordinates, Luosha has to make a choice between these two options.

Kazekage? Subordinates? Sand Village? !

Or... give up everything he once had and leave Konoha with Temari, and then suffer the endless pursuit of the Sand Village for which he has devoted most of his life...

Everything depends on what Luosha chooses.


At the same time, outside the field.

The powerful chakra fluctuations that erupt from everywhere all the time, and the various super-powerful ninjutsu flying all over the sky make Konoha Village at this moment seem to have traveled through a tragic battlefield somewhere.

Anyone who doesn't know the truth would think that the Sand Village Ninjas who broke into the village were fighting fiercely with the Konoha Ninjas.

However, the truth is...

The Sand Village Ninjas walked swaggeringly on the streets of Konoha. No Konoha Ninjas stopped them. Instead, they smiled and lined the streets to welcome their arrival.

Whenever a Sand Village Ninja passed by, the Konoha Ninjas would symbolically raise their hands and release a powerful Ninjutsu to the sky;

And the Sand Village Ninjas would also return the favor and immediately release a Ninjutsu that was not much less powerful.

Konoha Ninja: ๑乛◡乛๑~ Are you here, brother?

Sand Village Ninja: ∩_∩~ Ang~ I'm here!

The scene was so harmonious that it was simply weird.

However, as long as I think about the fact that the reason why the two sides can get along so well and cooperate so tacitly is to work together to put on a good show for the Fourth Kazekage Rasa...

Well, it's even more weird to think about it this way.

Under the friendly guidance of the Konoha ninja, it didn't take long for Lao Sha to lead the ninjas of the Sand Village to the venue of the Chunin Selection Examination.

Gaara came out of the venue early and waited quietly for their arrival.



It's Gaara, we really haven't seen each other for... a long time."

Lao Sha opened his mouth and spit out a large cloud of smoke, looking at Gaara standing in front of him... Lao Sha seemed very entangled.

To be honest, Lao Sha still cares about Gaara as a disciple.

Although Lao Sha was not willing to accept Gaara as a disciple;

But in the short time they got along later, Lao Sha and Gaara still had an inexplicable bond.

The master and his apprentice haven't seen each other for many years, and now he wants to mess with his apprentice's father as soon as he meets...

At this moment, Lao Sha felt as embarrassed as if he took his newly-supported mistress out to the movies, but was caught by his original wife.

Embarrassed, even Lao Sha himself didn't know what to say next.

"Huh~ Gaara, I..."

"Teacher, my brother asked me to wait for you here and tell you that everything is going according to plan."

"Then, Luo Sha..."

"Just keep your breath, teacher, just go ahead and do it."

Lao Sha: (ー ー゛)...

Lao Sha vaguely remembered that he seemed to want to comfort his apprentice just now.

But now it seems that Gaara doesn't need this kind of thing at all, what should I do? !


This silly apprentice...sometimes he is really sensible and makes people feel distressed.

"Big brother said that we won't take action later.

Looking at the entire Konoha, there are no more than three people who can defeat the teacher. Teacher, you can show your skills and show your bravery in front of everyone."

"Huh... I understand."

Lao Sha exhaled a puff of smoke,He casually threw away the cigar that was burned to the end, then took a deep breath and strode into the venue with the ninjas of Sand Village with his head held high.

The stage has been set up, and now it is time for him, the next Kazekage of Sand Village, Crocodile, to perform!

Everything that has happened so far has developed in an orderly manner according to the script that Naruto had written long ago.

In fact, no matter what choice Rosa made in the end, it could not change the final result.

If Rasa chooses to give up Temari and lead the ninjas of Sand Village to withdraw, then Naruto, the shameless one, will immediately bring everyone to forcefully suppress him, and then Old Sand will stage a bloody battle to lead the ninjas of Sand Village to fight out of Konoha and return to Sand Village;

If Rasa chooses to kill the ninjas of Sand Village in order to rescue Temari, then Old Sand can stand on the victim's position to denounce Rasa, and then defeat him with thunderous means,

After returning to Sand Village, the fourth generation Kazekage Rasa openly betrayed the village, and the hero Crocodile who personally defeated the traitor and brought all the ninjas of Sand Village back safely successfully took office as the fifth generation Kazekage...

Everything is so natural.

It can be said that from the moment Rasa stepped into Konoha, he was destined to not be able to return to Sand Village, nor could he serve as the Kazekage of Sand Village again.

It's a pity that the person involved, Rasa, still doesn't know about these things.


Furiously beat Kankuro, pulled Rosa off his horse, and pushed Old Sand to the top...

It can be said that Naruto had calculated everything, but he didn't calculate one thing.

That was the opponent that Old Sand chose for him.

As mentioned before, Naruto believed that there were no more than three people in Konoha who could defeat Old Sand.

Two of these three people were the Fifth Hokage and Naruto's father-in-law, Hyuga Hiashi, and Hyuga Neji, who was severely strengthened by Naruto.

These two people knew Naruto's plan more or less, and they would not really kill him even if they were to fight against Old Sand.

But the only person Old Sand couldn't beat was... This guy really didn't know anything about Naruto's plan, and he could really kill Old Sand!

So when Naruto saw Old Sand coming in and killing that guy...

Naruto panicked, and he had to wonder if Old Sand had lived enough in the ninja world.

But before he could say anything to stop it, he heard...

"Desert Sword!"

"Grandma Li, knock on the door, open it!!!"

"Day Tiger!"


Under the watchful eyes of the crowd, the future Fifth Kazekage Crocodile exploded in mid-air!

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