At Ohnoki's command, all the ninjas of the Hidden Rock Village, who had been prepared for war, came out in full force.

The current battle situation is:

Each of the masters of the Akatsuki organization is fighting a group of Hidden Rock Ninjas, except for Whitebeard and Deidara.

Whitebeard is fighting fiercely with Ohnoki, and the area where the two sides are fighting is too noisy and no one dares to approach;

Deidara is being chased and beaten by Huangtu (Kurotsuchi's father), who took over from his father.

Because Kurotsuchi was watching and Huangtu was good to him, Deidara still didn't fight back and could only run around Huangtu on the battlefield.

Because the two were too fast, others couldn't catch up.

For a while, outside the Hidden Rock Village,

all kinds of ninjutsu were flying all over the sky;

Kunai, shuriken, detonating talismans and the like were thrown everywhere as if they were free.

The only two kids who were the most idle in the entire battlefield were Kurotsuchi and Naruto.

One couldn't beat anyone, and the other didn't dare to beat anyone.

"Brother Deidara, Dad!

Stop, stop now!

Stop, I beg you to stop!"

Relying on the fact that no one dared to hit her, the little loli Kurotsuchi chased Deidara and Kurotsuchi all over the battlefield, shouting anxiously.

[You can't kill anyone like this~]

Naruto silently added a sentence for Kurotsuchi in his heart.

Wouldn't this little girl naively think that Deidara and Kurotsuchi would stop obediently if she just shouted a few words?

Little did she know that her behavior was actually adding fuel to the fire. Didn't you see that Kurotsuchi's rough face was getting darker and more shiny?

The fact was indeed as Naruto thought. Not only did the two not stop, but (Kurobuti chased Deidara) they fought more and more fiercely.

Time jumps to before the two sides are about to go to war:

As soon as Huang Tu walked out of the village, the old man Ohnoki floating in the sky pointed at Deidara and said:

"He gave your daughter to that guy, you can handle it yourself!"

Then he rushed to fight with the old man with a dark face.

Huang Tu was furious when he heard the bad news!

He looked at Deidara as if he wanted to chop him up and eat him, and his eyes were full of murderous light!

[Fuck, I worked hard to raise the cabbage for eight years, and you, a yellow-haired pig, didn't even grow the flower buds and pushed it away? ! ]

Huang Tu: Fuck! (╯‵□′)╯︵┻━┻!!!

The more he thought about it, the angrier he got...

No, I have to fuck him!

So Huang Tu didn't care about anyone else and rushed forward to catch Deidara and fuck him, which kicked off the melee between the two sides.

Now that he heard Kurotsuchi pleading for Deidara, the little bastard, Huang Tu's anger burned even more!

[Fuck! Today I'm not going to fuck you, I'm going to kill you, you bastard!]

Looking at the entire Iwagakure Village, Huang Tu is one of those who is relatively calm in dealing with people.

But now he has completely turned into a berserker.

If it weren't for Deidara, Dara flew fast enough,

At least he would be skinned alive!

"Stop it, everyone!"

Oonoki, who was fighting with Whitebeard, took a look at the battlefield below and immediately broke out in a cold sweat.

[The helpers brought by this little bastard Deidara are quite powerful! ]

Pein Six Paths, Konan, Sasori, Uchiha Itachi...

There are only nine people in total,

but they can suppress all the ninjas in the entire Iwagakure Village.

Fortunately, everyone in the Akatsuki organization still kept their sense of proportion, which is why the ninjas of the Iwagakure Village have not been killed so far.

But although the Akatsuki The members of the organization did not kill, and the overall situation was still one-sided.

The ninja troops of the Hidden Rock Village were in danger!

Seeing this, Ohnoki immediately withdrew from the battlefield and shouted to stop the fight between the two sides.

Both sides were very respectful, and they stopped fighting and returned to their respective camps at the same time as the old man spoke.

Well... except for Huangtu who was still chasing Deidara, and Deidara who was chased by Huangtu.

Everyone tacitly chose to forget these two...


Ohnoki floated in the air, his face constantly changing.

As the shadow of a village,

he can Allow yourself to be willful occasionally;

But you can never tolerate that most of the ninjas in the village died because of one of your orders...

This consequence is too serious, he can't bear it, and the Hidden Earth Village...can't bear it even more.

If handing over Deidara and Kurotsuchi can save the village's combat power...

As the Tsuchikage, he should agree to Nagato's conditions without hesitation.


As a grandfather...he is unwilling!

Choose granddaughter? Or choose the village?

Onoki closed his eyes and fell into a painful choice.

I don't know how long it took.After that, Ohnoki opened his eyes, and his resolute look showed that he had made a choice.

"I order all the ninjas of Iwagakure Village... to withdraw from the battlefield!"

All the ninjas of Tsuchikage Village were stunned when they heard this order.

"Lord Tsuchikage..."



After all the ninjas of Tsuchikage Village returned to the village safely, Ohnoki looked at the old man with white beard and said in a deep voice.

"You and I are fighting.

If you win, you take your people away;

If you lose, you leave my village immediately!"

Yes, this is the solution Ohnoki came up with after thinking about it.

As a Tsuchikage, he can't let the ninjas in the village die in vain when he knows he can't beat the opponent;

But as a grandfather, he can't just hand over his granddaughter...

Then let's have a gamble!

Whoever wins... has the final say!

Ohnoki looked at Whitebeard quietly, waiting for his answer.

"Okay, very fair."

Whitebeard smiled, carrying Murakumo Kirei and walked out of the Akatsuki team.

The 6.6-meter-tall Whitebeard stood opposite the 1.3-meter-tall Ohnoki.

The huge height difference made Ohnoki completely shrouded in the shadow of Whitebeard.

But the two people with a huge height difference were equally powerful at this moment.

Ohnoki flew into the air until he was at the same level as Whitebeard.

His vicissitudes of life eyes instantly ignited a raging fighting spirit.

"Come on!"

Whitebeard raised Murakumo Kirei, and the fighting spirit in his eyes could no longer be suppressed.



Boom! Boom! Boom!

The white power of the Tremor-Tremor Fruit and the transparent beam of Dust Release once again reflected each other in the sky outside the Hidden Rock Village.

Ohnoki's Dust Release can decompose almost all tangible substances in the world, including chakra;

But the power of the Tremor-Tremor Fruit controlled by Whitebeard is neither chakra, but just an invisible and pure energy to the extreme...

Old man Ohnoki's Dust Release cannot decompose it.

Look at Whitebeard again. The power of the Tremor-Tremor Fruit he controls can shatter even space, but it cannot shatter the Dust Release performed by Ohnoki.

Naruto analyzed that

This may be because the energy of vibration needs air as a medium to spread out,

and the Dust Release performed by Ohnoki should be able to decompose the air within the coverage area;

So after the power of the Tremor-Tremor Fruit of Whitebeard comes into contact with the Dust Release, because there is no air to transmit energy, it cannot burst out the terrifying vibration power as usual.


"Nagato, do you think Whitebeard can beat Ohnoki?"

Outside the field, Konan, who was watching the game, asked Nagato with concern.

Nagato frowned and pondered for a long time before answering.

"It's hard to say. The difference in strength between Whitebeard and Ohnoki is not obvious.

Until the end, even I can't tell who will win."

Naruto, who was also standing in the spectator team, curled his lips in disdain when he heard this.

Damn! Dad will definitely win this battle, right? !

Although the difference in strength is the main factor in measuring who will win a battle...


You people in the Naruto world probably don't know,

"My son is in trouble" can bring such a terrible buff bonus to Whitebeard!

This is a terminally ill old body, hit by a filial son sword in the chest, and half of his head was smashed...

The strongest man in the world who can pin Red Dog and Blackbeard to the ground and beat him - Edward Newgate!

Just Ohnoki... Do him!



This was the first time that Whitebeard laughed out loud since he learned that Nizhuzi and Lanyangyang were missing.

As soon as the familiar devilish laughter sounded, everyone’s nervous hearts for Whitebeard fell to the ground quietly.

“The third generation Tsuchikage, the two-day scale*Oonoki, you are really strong, much stronger than the third generation Hokage of Konoha, Sarutobi Hiruzen!”

“Humph! You are also very strong as a giant, worthy of my praise.

Giant, tell me your name.”

“My name is Edward*Newgate.”

“Edward*Newgate…Okay, I remember, you are really a good opponent.”

“You are too flattering. If it were any other time, I might not be able to defeat you.

But…you shouldn’t touch my son!”

Hearing this, Grandpa Ohnoki thought that the “son” in Whitebeard’s mouth referred to Deidara.

He immediately despised Deidara in his heart.

[As soon as I left the village, I recognizedDad, you little bastard is really spineless! Bah~]

"Be careful, I'm going to use my strongest move!"

"Come on, am I afraid of you?!"

"Vacuum Shock!"

The next moment, Whitebeard's whole body radiated a brilliant white light. Although the sword energy slashed by Kusugawa was nearly half of that before, the color of the sword energy was bright white.

"Dust Release*Original Realm Peeling Technique!"

That being said, Ohnoki knew that Whitebeard's strongest move was not so easy to deal with, and immediately used the most powerful Dust Release he could release so far.

But when the two moves collided, something magical happened!

The power of the Tremor-Tremor Fruit that Whitebeard used did not cancel out the Dust Release as before,

but directly cut through the transparent beam of Dust Release and flew straight towards Grandpa Ohnoki.

That's right, the energy transmission of vibration requires air as a medium;

But the sword energy that Whitebeard father swung this time gave up using vibration to transmit energy to produce terrifying power;

He locked all the power of the Tremor Tremor Fruit in the sword energy he slashed, and broke through the old man Ohnoki's Dust Release with only the vibration itself!

Old man Ohnoki was horrified and used Dust Release*Original Realm Stripping Technique dozens of times in a row.

Although he failed to offset Whitebeard father's sword energy, he also weakened the power of the sword energy and changed its flight trajectory.

"Not good!"

After doing all this, Old man Ohnoki just breathed a sigh of relief, but then he couldn't help but shrink his pupils, and immediately chased after the sword energy that had deviated from its trajectory!

If he didn't make a mistake, the landing point of this sword energy was in the center of Iwagakure Village!

"Dust Release*Original Realm Stripping Technique*Cube!"


Finally, Mr. Ohnoki stopped him before the sword energy fell into the Hidden Rock Village.

Instantly, the sky was filled with white light.

When the white light faded, Mr. Ohnoki, covered in blood, stood proudly in the air.

"I lost this battle.

But... I definitely did not lose to you, Edward Newgate!"

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