Naruto skillfully picked up the naked Uzumaki Ichigo and put him in the bathtub, then...

"Take the kidneys!"


Then he turned it over.

"Take the kidneys!"

"Gululululu...Wow! Wow!"

Well, very good, we're done.

Naruto took the kid out of the water and dried him, then put him in a brand new diaper and stuffed a pacifier into his mouth to stop him from crying.

Hinata Hanabi, who was standing by, followed suit and stripped Namikaze Menma naked in a few seconds, then shouted in a childish voice.

"Come back to heaven."


It was obvious that the little girl had not practiced turning back well, and the bathtub was overturned on the spot.

Namikaze Menma, who was thrown out and drenched in bath water, looked confused.

The poor child even forgot to cry, and just stared blankly at the culprit who threw him to the cold floor.

I don't know how long it took...


"Shut up! Otherwise, I'll beat you up~"

Hinata Hanabi covered Namikaze Menma's mouth with one hand, and clenched the five fingers of the other hand into a small white fist, which was clearly placed in front of Namikaze Menma.

Namikaze Menma: ⊙_⊙...

Hinata Hanabi: ⊙ω⊙~

Namikaze Menma stopped crying.

At this age when he couldn't even control his urine, he controlled his emotions very well, obviously he had suffered a lot from Hinata Hanabi's poisonous hands.

"Alas~ This is life~"

After helping all the naughty children take a bath, Naruto slumped in the chair leisurely, and couldn't help but sigh.

Although the life of raising children is very hard, compared with everything he encountered in the past few days... Naruto feels that he is very happy at this moment, right? !

Ever since Might Guy came to the Hidden Rain Village, Naruto was always beaten up by me, Emperor Kai, every now and then. After the beating, I, Emperor Kai, would complain that he was "so weak"...

Then came 100,000 push-ups, 50 laps of running around the Hidden Rain Village while standing upside down, 50 laps of frog jumps, and 100,000 sit-ups...

I, Emperor Kai, said it was to help Naruto exercise.

Poor Naruto tried to resist several times, but was suppressed by me, Emperor Kai, with absolute strength every time.

Naruto: ꒦ິ^꒦ິ~

Of course, Naruto can still endure some physical pain, but the only thing he can't stand is.

Ever since I, Emperor Kai, came to this village, there has been a "five-meter restricted area" between little Hinata and Naruto -

Whenever Naruto gets within five meters of Hinata, he will be kicked away by someone... I won't say who kicked Naruto away.

Finally, after enduring the oppression of Emperor Kai again and again, Naruto exploded.

"How can you, a grown man, bully a child like me?!

Why don't you dare to fight with my father?!"

The Fourth Hokage who is suspected to be his biological father: (ー_ー)!!

Emperor Kai, who has no place to vent his energy: (⊙o⊙)! !

"Oh, Lord Minato, it's Lord Minato alive!

I didn't expect that I could see your heroic figure again, Lord Minato~"

"Ahhhh... As expected, this is Qing! Chun! Hey!"

"Lord Minato, please allow me to challenge you!"

From that day on, Naruto was finally able to escape from the clutches of my Emperor Kai, but it was hard for my father, Minato Namikaze, to use the Flying Thunder God Technique to scare Emperor Kai away every morning when he opened his eyes...

The only pity is that Naruto still couldn't get within five meters of Hinata, because my Emperor Kai would run to carry Hinata on his back every day before being stalked...

Thinking of this, Naruto's mood began to fall again, and his resentment towards a future father-in-law who was not a human being became more serious.

"Alas... When will this miserable day end~"

Naruto looked through the window at a green watermelon peel chasing the yellow flash with sparks and lightning all the way to the distance, and quietly watched the small figure on his back to comfort his miserable heart.

[My heart is so bitter, nothing in this world can make my heart feel more bitter... Alas...]

That's what Naruto thought before the messenger broke in, but after he broke in...

"Oh no, Naruto-sama, Hidan-sama is back!"

Naruto: 눈_눈...

First of all, Hidan is back, so there's no need to specially inform the leader.

Secondly, Hidan's return is obviously a good thing, why did the messenger shout "Oh no"? !

Naruto couldn't help but worry about the IQ of his subordinates.

Perhaps the main reason why the Akatsuki organization failed in the original work was not only that the core members were a group of problematic people, but also that this group of people who didn't do things well.The fault of the reliable subordinates?

But Naruto soon stopped thinking so, because after being dragged to the entrance of the village by his subordinates, what appeared in front of Naruto was a long queue of convoys that stretched out for who knows how far, and the muscular burly men guarding both sides of the convoy.

Naruto: (((o(*゚▽゚*)o)))? ! !

[Shock! How can there be so many people? !

Look at the aggressive look of these people... Are they here to attack the Hidden Rain Village?

And didn't they say that Hidan was back? ! But why didn't I see him? ]

At this moment, many thoughts emerged in Naruto's mind.

Before he could sort out his thoughts, he saw the burly man in the lead leading everyone outside the village to kneel on one knee and shout loudly.

"Meet the Godfather!" ×n

"According to the order of the leader of the Great Evil God Cult, the cultist, the Great Name of the Lightning Country, Leo, has brought all the nobles of our Lightning Country to seek refuge. Please take them in, Godfather!"

"Please take them in, Godfather!" ×n

Naruto: (꒪⌓꒪) ...

Naruto's first reaction after hearing their shouts was to decide whether to take them in or not later. What did the guy who just led the group say his name was? !


What the hell? ! Are the names of the Great Names of your Lightning Country so hard? !

Excuse me, Leo, do you have a younger brother named Ultra Hunter... Ah~ Alas~ His name is Astra? !

Then the second thought that followed was:

[This is a big deal!

Feidan actually brought all the nobles of the Lightning Country back to me!

Wait, if all the nobles of the Land of Lightning were really kidnapped to the Hidden Rain Village by Hidun, then...

What about the Hidden Cloud Village? !

Damn it~

Will that guy Ai lead all the reckless men of the Hidden Cloud Village to kill me? ! 】

Naruto shook his head and discarded all the extra thoughts.

There are still a lot of people kneeling outside the village, looking at him eagerly. I have to solve their problems first, right?

"Get up."

"Thank you, Godfather!" ×n

"Where is that guy Hidun? Let him come out and explain to me what's going on!"

After Naruto finished speaking, a group of big men looked at each other and no one dared to speak.

In the end, it was the Land of Lightning Daimyo Leo who stood up with gritted teeth and spoke to Naruto hesitantly.

"Godfather, the leader may not be able to explain it to you for the time being, because... you should see it for yourself."

Leo made up his mind and directly pulled open the curtain of the carriage behind him, and then Naruto saw the lower body of Hidan... who was sitting inside the carriage.

Apart from this, there was nothing else.

Naruto: (๑ʘ̅ д ʘ̅๑)!!!

How... how many meanings? !

Half... half Hidan? !

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